
Calling In Inner Love - Healing the “Not Good Enough” Wound Teleseminar with Lorraine Cohen

The Recording and Workbook is available through Tuesday, April 26, midnight EST



heart love3If you realized how beautiful you are, you would fall at your own feet. Taking responsibility for your beliefs and judgments gives you the power to change them — Byron Katie

One of the greatest wounds humanity suffers is a lack of self-worth.

Believing on ANY level of consciousness that you are unlovable, unworthy, flawed and defective in any way; that you are less than…. affects every area of your life - financial, health, relationships, happiness, love and connection with the Divine.

We are being called to wake-up and release the lies that have kept the world entrapped in the illusions of fear and pain NOW.

You are being guided, nudged, kicked …to remember that you are a perfect reflection of the Divine. And in that truth, how could you possibly be defective in ANY way or have come into this life ill-prepared to live abundant, joyful and meaningful lives?

Here lies one the deepest internal conflicts between ego mind and soul AND a magnificent opportunity for freedom through love - your True Divine Nature!

In this 90 minute call recording you will learn:

1. 7 common patterns of low self-worth you will reframe to raise your self-esteem.

2. Why holding on to victim consciousness is so compelling and how to become your own champion.

3. The REALationship between self-love and abundance.

4. Essential keys to heal the wounds that keep you from loving yourself.

5. Three energy shifts you must make and sustain to re-story your life to create heaven on earth.

You will also experience a healing meditation created on the spot to deepen your self-love and connection to your spirit  with an energy blessing from the Divine

Get the recording and FREE workbook for only $49




(Paypal is recommended for International payments)

Below are comments from people who have worked with me: 

WOW thank you SOOO much for an amazing session! It was so powerful I am still tingly and in a state of JOY and PEACE. with tears in my Eyes I send you THANK YOU and blessings. R.M. Canada

Lorraine is talking about everything I have thought about and wondered about for some years about a few people who’ve come into my life .. oh I love the reassurances and the aha’s of this call .. thank you! A.R. California

I have just finished watching the interview with Lorraine Cohen, so much wisdom in here, love what she says: “claim your Divine right”. During the energy transmission Lorraine sent to us, I felt tingling all through my body and a great peace… Thanks Lorraine! S.W. Australia

Everything inside me went still.. and my breath went deep..and I knew.. that shifted something deep within me.. and I will look at myself so differently.. I am so grateful And your “I am” statements that followed.. brought me deeper and deeper into LOVE.. wonderful , all glowing , cell dancing self LOVE!! S.B. New Zealand

Get the recording and FREE Workbook for only $49




(Paypal is recommended for International payments)

  • Receive the 90 minute call recording
  • Experience a guided healing process to help you create a shift into Love with an energy transmission of Divine Love and Grace to anchor the healing process
  • A workbook chock full of tips and exercises FREE……

* If you have any difficulty registering for this recording, contact us to help you get signed up! *

One more thing.….We cannot THINK ourselves into believing that we are good enough because pain cannot heal pain. There is a lot of information about feeling unworthy and unlovable and not enough experience on how to transform these wounds at a core level. When you change your inner world your outer world changes! When people work with me they experience shifts. 

(If you are sensitive to energy you will feel the Divine, Angels and Company of Heaven on the call to support you!)

One Love,
