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Special Event! Heart-centered Wisdom: 24 Female Visionaries – One Mission

I’ve joined a revolution!  A heart-centered, mission-driven revolution dedicated to sharing feminine WISDOM, LOVE and INSPIRATION and destined to transform lives around the world.

It’s the INSPIRATION REVOLUTION and I’m inviting YOU join me and bring your sacred energy to the collective intent for the Inspiration Revolution!

Now more than ever the world needs waves of love, healing and inspiration and that’s the collective intent behind an exciting event I’m honored to be a part of.

I am one of 24 featured female ‘revolutionaries’ brought together by host, Bestselling Publisher and Inspirational Revolutionary Linda Joy for Season 3 of Inspired Living Secrets: Heart-Centered Wisdom for Thriving in Your Life and Business. (Over 11,000 sacred listeners have joined her previous seasons.)

Check this out:

With a collective of feminine wisdom like this you’re guaranteed to be inspired, empowered and transformed! You’ll be learning from some of the leaders in the fields of personal & spiritual development, positive psychology, self-empowerment, natural health as well as some of today’s up and coming movers and shakers including my friends Christine Kloser, Christy Whitman, Shann VanderLeek, Kristine Carlson, Tess Marshall, Jodi Chapman and more…


Just some of the wisdom being shared…

  • What is the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance and why is it the most important of the Universal Laws
  • How to access the power of your authentic self
  • Learn the various means that you can receive messages from your internal and external guidance
  • Lead your Wealth with Masculine Money Focus AND Female Spiritual Faith
  • Witness how shame and suffering keeps you from caring for your mind, body, and soul.
  • The #1 myth both new and experienced business owners fall into that keep them from receiving the fees they truly deserve
  • Why self-abandonment leads to anxiety, depression, relationship failure and addictive behavior
  • Discover why creativity is so important for the New Paradigm
  • The four essential building blocks that create the foundation for nurturing confidence and self-esteem in your children
  • How to balance your sacred energies to create flow and ease in your life.
  • Participate in a sacred guided journey to encounter your own inner creative genius
  • Learn how to be inventive, authentic, and simply positive about your future, regardless of what’s going on around you.
  • Learn to surround yourself with people who reflect your inner beliefs and values

…and so much more.


Let me tell you, Inspirational Revolutionary & Host Linda Joy is a woman on a mission… a mission to inspire, empower and support you in thriving in every area of your life. You may know Linda as the publisher of Aspire Magazine – the premier inspirational magazine for women or as the publisher of two best-selling books dedicated to inspiring women to live deeper, more authentic lives. All of her multi-media brands are dedicated to spreading a message of wisdom, love and inspiration!  I told you she’s an inspirational revolutionary!

Your registration includes…

1. Access to the all 24 INSPIRING INTERVIEWS & replays
(Can’t make a live call, no worries your registration includes 48 hour replay access.)

2. 24 Transformational BONUS GIFTS from the Featured Speakers

3. An UNPRECEDENTED TREASURE TROVE of GIFTS from our Sacred Sponsors & Media Partners including a brand new fabulous one from me!


I look forward to feeling your sacred energy on the call!

Love and blessings :D


PS – Imagine, a powerful and F*R*E*E opportunity to discover the secrets of thriving in every area of your life from some of today’s leading revolutionaries.

All the details will be emailed to you as soon as you register!


The Courage To Say “No”

“A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Cultural and childhood conditioning powerfully influences what you think, feel and do to “earn” love. Without feeling the freedom to express your authentic heart, you give your power away when you say yes or no out of fear or guilt.

True relationships are not that fragile. They can withstand the truth without suffering the loss of love.

Conflict is a powerfull way to foster a strong relationship with another. In the willingness and ability to resolve the “messiness” and upset with mutual respect, love, and honesty, trust is built.

When you mess up, own it. Tell the truth to yourself and claim your humanness. Make amends to others when appropriate to clean your stuff up. You will feel better inside when you restore inner and personal integrity.

It may require a lot of courage and self-love to say YES to yourself when you are used to living in sacrifice because you have been taught that’s’ what “good people” do. At first saying no may feel uncomfortable. People may not react well and take your no personally.

How others react is part of THEIR journey and your service to their growth. It is not your job to please others and be responsible for their happiness. It’s theirs.

Within my own circle of friends, I am blessed to feel safe and loved to BE me. My friendships are rock solid and we feel the freedom to be real without hesitation. We hold nothing back and when there is any conflict, it is cleared in a matter of minutes without taking things personally.

It has taken time to build deep trust with each other. There can still be moments when I shake inside to say something to them that feels scary and vulnerable.

We value our friendship more than the need to be right or to hide behind past pain. We have all been on a spiritual path and have done enough inner work to show up for each other in love. It’s very liberating!!

When you begin to love and value yourself, you will attract people into your life who love and value themselves and want to be with kindred spirits like you.

I believe we all want to feel free to be who we are and to feel loved in whatever way we show up. Setting boundaries can be done lovingly and firmly. A yes given with joy and love is much richer than one that is given from guilt and fear.

Be willing to create the relationships you yearn for by healing your heart. When you release your past burdens, you will liberate your True Self!

Love and blessings :D



Write A Thank You Letter To God

embrace miracles

Each year I write a Thank You Letter to God dated one year in advance and I share it with my spiritual mastermind group.

We typically write the letters in January, share them in the group, and discuss how close we came to actualizing what we prewrote at the end of the year.

We have found these letters to be powerfull practices to bring our our vision for the year into clarity.

The letter becomes a declaration to the Universe and a guide for desires, decisions, and intentions to manifest though inspired action during the year.

I’ve witnessed many transformations in the letters I have written over the years. Earlier ones have been focused on material gain and too ambitious; more aligned with my head and ego rather than my heart.

When looking more deeply at your desires, I have found that a dream needs to be realistic enough for the ego to believe it is possible and big enough to excitedly stretch you out of your comfort zone to step into your greater potential.

To prepare for writing your letter, take time to create sacred space to be still and quiet. Contemplate what you truly want and why, so what you are  thanking God comes from your heart truth.

Take your time in bringing your words together. No need to rush. Invite your ego, mind, and soul to express. what is deeply desired and feel into those desires so they reflect your heart and not what you think you should want or what others want for you.

Once written, print it out. Read it out loud. slowly, allowing your emotions to reflect your words. Feel gratitude to the Divine for responding to your prayers in ways that enrich your life. Rest in that gratitude, trusting that all you desire, need, and want will come to you in the highest and best way.

Share your letter with trusted friends to hold the vision for you.

Keep the letter visible. You might read it out loud each day to strengthen your decison and intention. Use it as a map to guide your choices and actions throughout the year and be open to flow with  your inner guidance to lead you forward.

Have fun creating it!




Five Spiritual Laws That Strengthen Or Shake Faith and Trust, Part 5

The Law of Intention and Desire

I hope you have been enjoying this 5-part series! Here is the last one.

The Law of Intention and Desire truly goes hand in hand with The Law of Expectation.

The Law of Intention reminds us that when we align with a clear intention and deep passion in mind, body and spirit we set the conditions to powerfully attract what we intend to create.

This Law is based on the fact that there is always an infinite amount of energy and information present to create what ever you desire! And energy always follows intent.

Desirable changes and manifestations depend on conscious ATTENTION and INTENTION.

Focused attention and intention creates a force that magnetizes to you what you most desire. Whatever you give attention to increases energetically.

Attention and deep desire energize The Law of Attraction.

Removing your attention causes the energies to scatter and dissipate.

Getting to your core desire and designing an intention in affirmative language also sets a tone for our energy and decision making.

I shake my head when I hear people express frustration with their life when the they invest a small portion of their time, spiritual practices, heart-centered attitude and actions on attracting what they say they want and spend the bulk of their time in a negative mindset.

For example, you may create an intention to have a make a difference in the world and make money doing what you love.

Everything you think, do and say must align with that intention in order for it to be made manifest in your physical reality to the degree that it is a match – or better yet, surpasses your desire. The core energies of The Law of Intention are clarity and alignment.

You might be creating blocks in what you desire to create because there is conscious and unconscious intention in conflict because of your life experiences!

You might deeply desire to be of help to others and harbor feelings of unforgiveness towards people.

You might desire loving relationships and be struggle with loving yourself.

And what you want as a human being might be very different from the intentions of your soul.

Your soul’s purpose for being here in a physical body is to grow and be a Creator.

As a human being, your intentions might be on success, material possessions, making money rather than aligning with the desires of your soul.

Can you have both?

Of course! 

With the shift of consciousness happening on the planet, what you put your attention and intention on must prioritize your soul’s purpose and intention to be in harmony with the New Golden Age, a time for joy, love, and prosperity.

With an intention for the future, your attention must be in the present, which is conscious awareness that is real and eternal. Choose to lead from your heart in taking inspired action that will manifest your intentions for tomorrow!

What is essential is to detach from the outcome so that you are not struggling against the present moment in the pursuit of manifesting your future!

Your focused intention lays the groundwork for effortless, spontaneous expression of your desires! This is the path of Grace.

For the past year, one of my deepest desires and intention has been to have unshakeable faith and trust with the God of my understanding that everything I want and need will be supplied. With life feeling upside down in so many ways, this desire and intention felt critical for me to follow my passion and purpose. Perhaps you have that same desire?

In response to my prayers, I have created and attracted a very challenging and painful year as well as a powerfully liberating and abundant one in many ways. Has my faith and trust shaken? You bet.

What has emerged from all of the flux in my life combined with deep inner transformation work IS that my faith and trust is stronger within myself AND with my Divine.

Give thought to your current desires and intentions.

What are you giving energy to?

Are you radiating from faith and trust or from desperation and fear?

Are your expectations, intentions and desires in alignment with what you truly wish to attract, consciously and unconsciously? (Inner shadow transformation, forgiveness, beliefs?)

What needs to be healed, shifted, transformed and released to manifest what you desire and intend now, and in your future?

There are dozens of Spiritual Laws at work that govern your life including the Laws of Cause & Effect, Energy, Co-Creation, Abundance, Cultural Conditioning…….You may choose to read about more of these Laws or focus on a few to align more consciously with the Universe.

Faith and trust is being challenged today as our lives change in ways we have never experienced or imagined. Understanding these Laws help to put some questions into perspective and can begin to quiet your mind.

Transition is the psychological reaction to change (anger, fear, confusion, sadness..) and is fueled by the subconscious mind; the part of the brain we cannot easily access to create shifts in the beliefs that affect emotions and actions. During intense periods of change, fears run high. Faith and trust can weaken.

That’s why I created the next Pathways to Awakening, 4-week Journey into Faith & Trust!!  This is the 5th in a series of mini journeys that have helped folks break free of the past and limitations of their mind to become more Conscious Creators in alignment with their soul and Divine destiny. 

I felt a strong Divine nudge to offer this powerfull transformational program  beginning December 6. Choose the day or evening time that is best for you and take advantage of a special tuition that expires Friday, November 30, midnight EST. This program will help you fortify your faith and trust with Divine Power, courage, and excitement to create an exciting 2013. Learn more and sign up here.

PS:  Join me for a special FREE teleseminar called, ”Faith and Trust: Feeling Safe, Living In The Mystery of Change”. Tuesday, November 27, 2pm EST.

Learn more and reserve your seat

Strengthen your faith and trust as you expand into the New Year and open to the blessings of greater prosperity, joy, and love that are coming your way!

Love and blessings :D



Five Spiritual Laws That Strengthen Or Shake Faith and Trust, Part 4


The Law of Expectation

(Adapted excerpt from Aligning With Destiny program with co-leader Anita Pathik Law)

“You are perfectly aligned to get the results you get.”~Dr. Stephen Covey

The Law of Expectation works in harmony with The Law of Attraction.

Energy always follows our thoughts. 

What you believe, assume, anticipate, expect or even dread or fear, consciously and subconsciously, forms the creative energy towards manifestation, and has a direct impact on the experience you create.

Expectation is an energized thought form that is highly creative in nature and may be in competition with what you want (or think you want) to create in your life.

If you believe and expect something negative to happen, you will manifest a negative outcome.

If you believe and expect good things to happen, you will attract positive experiences.

The core energies of The Law of Expectation are anticipation, faith and fear.

We become so attached to seeing things in certain ways—ways  we see ourselves and our life experiences as they relate to our current reality—that  we unconsciously limit a new reality from being experienced in our lives.

The trap is becoming so aligned with that story that it becomes your way of being.  We inadvertently reinforce our “stories” into permanence and become a “victim” in a reality that we have actively helped to create over and over and over.

Your thoughts and beliefs shape your experiences and expectations. 

If your expectation is more aligned with the undesirable, you will continue to create the undesirable.

Let’s say you desire financial prosperity and abundance in your business and life.

If what you expect is not a match to your intention – you will more likely manifest your expectation.

How you view what you attract can positively or negatively influence your faith and trust.

What you really EXPECT is:

  • You will have to work extra hard to market and increase sales, which is something you hate doing, and may feel a lack of competence, or confidence
  • You’ll be working so hard you won’t have time to have a life
  • You will lose your freedom to…
  • You will have to make sacrifices that are undesirable
  • It will only be temporary and soon you will find yourself in the same mess…. again
  • Miracles only happen to other people
  • There will always be an ebb and flow, rather than a steady stream
  • You can’t really make money doing what you love
  • People won’t pay for what you have to offer

Which ones do you relate to?

Which will ultimately win – Desire or Expectation?More often then not, expectation wins. Even if the manifestation of the desire occurs, because the expectation clouds everything you see and experience, odds are you might miss it.

Why? Because it is so different from your picture or expectation of what you wanted or intended.

“You’re always getting a perfect vibrational match to what you predominantly give your attention to. But you’ve got to make the best of it. You’ve got to vibrate slightly different from where you are if you are going to improve where you are. You can’t keep taking score of where your business is or your relationship is, or your body is without continuing to create it as it is. To make improvement, you’ve got to reach for a different thought.” - Abraham-Hicks, Tampa, FL 12/6/03

When focusing on what you wish to create and attract in your life, what expectations do you have?

Working with the Law of Attraction (LOA), remember that your beliefs, thoughts, emotions desires, and attachment to what happens are all connected with your expectations and intentions!

If your desires, intentions and expectations do not match, it’s time to look within and take responsibility for what you are creating as your reality.

Explore your positive and negative expectations with an open heart and curious mind. Suspend any judgments.

If you feel a loss of faith and trust in yourself, others, and The Divine in how your prayers and dreams are manifesting, get honest.

What were your real expectations?

Where does your faith and trust need to be strengthened?

What thought patterns do you need to shift, transform, and release?

Be willing to shine a light on any vibrational inconsistencies between your mind and your soul. By mining down to your expectations, you can see if they are a match to your desires and support them or counter them.

Part 5 is coming in a two days!

Does your faith shake?

Do you find it difficult to stand in full trust that all will be well when gripped by fear?

Does life feel unsafe?

Fear, doubt, confusion as well as excitement, passion, and wonder has made 2012 a wild emotional ride.

Do you long for inner stability and peace to know that, no matter what is happening, you will be ok?

Join me for a special FREE teleseminar called, ”Faith and Trust: Feeling Safe, Living In The Mystery of Change”. Tuesday, November 27, 2pm EST.

Learn more and reserve your seat

Strengthen your faith and trust as you expand into the New Year and open to the blessings of greater prosperity, joy, and love that are coming your way!

And I know there will be Divine guidance creating our experience together on this call! WOW.

May your faith and trust continue to blossom and guide you every day.

Love and blessings :D


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The Keys To Unshakable Faith and Trust

Money worries can make life very difficult and painfull. It’s hard to be fully present and share the best of yourself with the people and things you care about when you feel fear about money.

Perhaps you have a yearning to know that God really will take care of everything you want and need including money so you truly fulfill your soul/life purpose and be happy?

That’s how I felt. I was having a love/hate/fear relationship with God and my life felt more like a struggle than a joy especially with money.

I’ve heard and taught that God is the Source and supply of all our good but my ego fears and negative beliefs about money continued to override my faith and trust.

I allowed money fears and empowered my ego to dictate what I did or didn’t do. I distrusted God to provide what I needed without a guarantee or advance evidence that I would be ok.

It’s comical because that’s what faith and trust is all about - taking those soul-guided intuitive steps in faith that all will be well and unfold for your best and highest good.

My ego mind was controlling my life and “Edging God Out” of my heart and keeping me in fear.  I had to find out whether I could really trust God and trust myself.

The key?

I had to stop saving myself and let balls drop to allow God to help me. I had to let go of controlling situations to allow God to guide me with trust. And I had to allow deeper emotional pain to surface so it could be healed and released.

My worse fears began taking form and guess what happened? Miracles, blessings, and so much Grace when I finally surrendered and followed my heart. My difficulties were Pathways to a blossoming bond with God that has brought deeper faith, trust, and love into my heart that gets stronger every day with very little effort. What I gave up was fear and suffering and the illusions of my mind.

How about you?

Is your fear stronger than your faith and trust?

The spiritual journey is not an easy one. Staying strong and sustaining courage, faith, and trust can be a minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day experience when you are going through lots of change.

Life can feel hard, scary and full or struggle or….experiences can be ones of grace when you are standing on a solid foundation of faith and trust. When you KNOW in your heart that no matter what is happening, the journey is taking you to something you have been wishing for and that your soul deeply desires.

The invitation is to open your heart and mind to recognize the brilliance of the circumstances you have created and attracted, whether they are desired or undesired, to catapult you forward into the manifestation of your deepest dreams.

Strong faith, trust, and courage calm the fears and doubts of the mind. You cannot think or talk yourself into having more trust or faith or courage. That is a mind game.

Have you been trying to do that?

My personal journey birthed the Pathways to Awakening 4-week teleseries that has guided people to reclaim your life and reunite with the Divine and your TRUE nature of WEALTH.

The next Pathways Into Awakening 4-week journey into Faith & Trust begins July 3.

In four sessions you will have opportunities to strengthen your inner foundation and invite more Grace into your life in partnership with the Divine.

Receive invaluable tools, processes, and support to maintain a positive outlook and hopefull heart.

Feel the freedom from money fears, health challenges, business worries, and anything else that weighs on your mind and heart.

Are you yearning to know that you are safe and that you will always be cared for in every way that is not dependent on you having to figure things out and control your experience?

This is your invitation to find out the TRUTH, the real TRUTH that your heart is longing to show you.

In four sessions you will have opportunities to strengthen your inner foundation and invite more Grace into your life in partnership with the Source, your most powerfull and adoring ally.

What make this program unique are the soul guided deepening processes, the Divine presence leading each call, and the brilliance of the group dynamics. Some folks had dramatic shifts in just one session!

“This program was so important to me on so many levels more than any program I have taken part in.” Lisa

We begin on July 3 for a life-changing journey to unshakable faith and trust.

Read what others have to say and reserve your seat now. Learn more

This may be one of the most transformational programs you ever attend in 2012!

 Blessings :D


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7 Keys To Shift Money Fears and Poverty Consciousness Into Prosperity and Peace, PT. 5

Ready for the last key?

Commit to daily self-care and spiritual practices.

Meditation, inspirational reading, walks in nature, stillness, and journaling are some ways to feel connected to that Divine spark within you. Daily practices and rituals that nourish your body, mind and soul connects you to your soul purpose and the collective Oneness.

Cultivating faith, trust, and courage in the face of fear, challenges and uncertainty deepens our faith that we are indeed supported by the Universe.

Taking care of your body is an important element to your inner foundation. When we feel “fed” we can show up for the people, responsibilities and situations that we most care about with our best SELF. When we are depleted, over-extended, hungry, lonely, or angry, life becomes more burdensome.

Negative self-talk, self-sabotage, and fears increase when you are not nurturing yourself.

To check when you might be out of balance or in need of some self-care pronto, here are some common signals: taking things too personally, beating yourself up, irritability, over-reacting, resentment, anger, overwhelm, confusion, distracted, stressed, or tense.

Ask yourself, “What do I need right now? What is my body asking for? What have I been ignoring?“ Then DO IT!

Notice your thoughts and feelings without judging, censoring or trying to get rid of them so you don’t stuff them down inside. Then, make a conscious decision to suspend giving your money concerns any more energy by choosing to place your attention elsewhere.

Make a commitment to stop talking about, thinking about and worrying about money. Start with an hour, a day or a week. You might be happily surprised at how much energy and flow opens when you stand strong in love, faith, trust and courage!

God is the true SOURCE of your supply and the greatest ally in your life!

Make your relationship with God a daily priority. Have ongoing conversations with God and share your heart like you would speak to a loving, and trusted friend who wants your life to be rich and joyfull.

Make God your business partner and your life partner.

Praise God for answered prayers and trust that whatever form they take is to ultimately make your life amazing.

Cultivate an abundance attitude of appreciation.

Every minute, every hour and every day you choose what you will create and manifest, consciously or unconsciously! That is The Law of Attraction.

And most importantly!!!! Commit to doing your inner work to identify, heal, and transform what is unresolved from your past that still has a painful negative charge

Rather than asking the Divine to get rid of things you don’t like or fear, ask instead for the courage and strength to walk through the experience.

Whatever you don’t know how to do or be - God does. Ask to be taught, shown and guided… and be open to the form this learning takes to bring you closer to who you really are as a child of Light.

Get help where you need it and remember to send your prayers to the Universe. Help comes when asked for. You are not meant to travel through this life alone!

And if FEAR is controlling your life, join me for 4-week mini journey into COURAGE beginning May 29. Take advantage of the early tuition through May 22. The program is a game-changer to transcend your money story and life struggles to live a more joyfull, prosperous and soul-guided life. Learn more and reserve your seat!

PS - If you missed the other six keys written over the past week, take a few minutes to read them. They might be exactly what you need to remember right now! :D


7 Keys To Shift Money Fears and Poverty Consciousness Into Prosperity and Peace, PT. 4

Two days ago I shared the third key, “Adopt an attitude of gratitude.” I said even though we are reminded about feeling genuine gratitude and the powerfull impact it has on our heart and outer reality, when we get caught up in fear and negativity, gratitude flies out the window!

I also wrote that gratitude is a powerfull magnet to attract good into your life when your thankfulness is genuine. Heartfelt appreciation radiates love, which is our natural state of being.

Every person and life situation is in service to your individual evolution and the expansion of the planet.

Every desirable or undesirable experience offers a healing and growth opportunity.

Here are three more keys to invite greater prosperity and peace:

Breathe. Breathe, Breathe. 

Worrying about the future, imagining the worse case scenarios, or past upsets repeating can generate a downwards spiral  into pain,  Slow deliberate breathes can discharge fear reactions by bringing you back into the present moment.

Breathing also opens the gateway to reconnect with The Divine/God/Source within.

Practice conscious breathing throughout your day. Make this a habit to stop, be still, and focus on deliberate breathing for several minutes. You might find you feel more focused, present, grounded, connected to your SELF, and peacefull.

Shift your inner and outer language.

Your inner thoughts, self-talk, the words you are thinking and saying to others are either constrictive or expansive. You can feel this in your body because your thoughts, beliefs, and feeling are interconnected.

Do your words and thoughts reflect the abundant reality you wish to create? Pay attention to what you are thinking and what is coming out of your mouth. Are you lapsing back into your lack and scarcity story? 

The Universe in listening!

Be of service to others.

I’ve written about this many times. Give what you most want to receive in your life because it brings you joy rather than for the purpose of getting something back in return. I’m a believer that we are all collectively connected and part of the ONE God/Divine/Creator of All That Is. In giving to others we also receive.

Look for ways to be of help to others in whatever way you can that feel right and true for you. Share your love, your wisdom, your time, your energy, your connections – whatever you feel called to offer another that will enhance their life positively. What goes around…

One more key to go!

Love and blessings,



7 Keys To Shift Money Fears and Poverty Consciousness Into Prosperity and Peace, PT. 3

In the first two keys I talked about the importance of letting go rehasing and telling the lack and scarcity stpry in your mind and in your conversations

I invited you to recognize the many forms of abundance in your life to expand your definition and perspective of wealth.

This next key is probably one you hear about quite often. It is also one that is easy to forget especially when we get caught up in fear-based thinking.

Adopt an attitude of gratitude.

Each morning I begin my day writing seven things I’m gratefull for. Sometimes I even write things in advance of them happening!

Periodically I write 100 things I’m gratefull for which invites me to dig deep to recognize all the big and small blessings that are easy to overlook like having hot water, food in the refrigerator, laughter, a sunny day…I find that after I reach 100 which takes about 15 minutes I can still add more. Try this out for yourself!

Gratitude is a powerfull magnet to attract good into your life when your thankfulness is genuine. Heartfelt appreciation radiates love, which is our natural state of being.

If you have difficulty feeling deep gratitude, as I do sometimes, pick up the book by Rhonda Byrne called, “The Magic”. I just received this book for my birthday and I am excited to deepen my own embodiment of gratitude.

Every person and life situation is in service to your individual evolution and the expansion of the planet.

Every desirable or undesirable experience offers a healing and growth opportunity. You can either flow with Life or fight against it. The choice is up to you.

Focus on all that is right in your world rather than all that is wrong.  Rest into the energies of appreciation so it fills you up and then take a look at your life.

What do you see?

The next keys are coming in two days!

Love and blessings,



Five Spiritual Laws That Strengthen Or Shake Faith and Trust, Part 3

The Law of Attraction

I love synchronicities.  There was no accident that “The Secret” and all the buzz on the Law of Attraction (LOA) came to public view several years ago.

Esther and Jerry Hicks are best known for talking about LOA in their Abraham materials. It got people talking about the Power of Manifestation and their role in the process. Great!

Conversation stimulates awareness which is all part of personal and spiritual growth.

The following LOA formula is taken directly from Dr. Joe Vitale’s bestselling book, “The Attractor Factor”.


1. Know what you don’t want.

2. Select what you do want.

3. Clear all negative or limiting beliefs.

4. Feel what it would be like to have, do or be what you want.

5. Let go as you act on your intuitive impulses, and allow the results to manifest. In other words, to want without needing what you desire, letting go of attachment to any outcome and being absolutely ok with whatever happens. Surrender to receive what is for your best and highest good.

Is it all that simple?


Because there is a critical factor to what you deliberately create and attract. YOU

We live in an energy Universe and you are an energy being.  What you bring your focus to in thought, emotion and behavior is attracted into your life. What you are thinking and feeling is a good indication of what you are in the process of creating. You magnetize towards you that which you bring your focus and energy to because all that flows to you is a match to your vibrational energy.

You may want money but your overriding feeling and subconscious belief is not feeling good enough. You may want a loving relationship but your inner most feeling are ones that reflect feeling unlovable.

In other words your outer world is a manifestation and reflection of your inner thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions.

Folks jumped on the idea of The Law of Attraction as being their answer to ending their life challenges and struggles. They saw using LOA as a magic bullet and easily became disillusioned when the outcome they hoped for did not manifest they way they wanted or happened fassst enough. (Divine Timing, remember?)

It doesn’t work, I must be doing it wrong, it’s just a bunch of hooey…

Step five about letting go of attachment to the outcome hooks folks every time.

Rather than view what they were attracting as a healing and growth opportunity to transform themselves and raise their vibrations, their faith and trust shook with doubts and fears.

Why? We don’t know how to let go and fully surrender without trying to control, manage, or direct what happens to get the outcome we want. And when things don’t pan out as we hoped, we get angry, look for someone or something to blame, give up, feel helpless….

So when I hear people talking about applying the Law of Attraction and expressing frustration with their results, I understand. As one of many, many spiritual laws that govern the Universe aligning with spiritual Laws is not a technique you master in 5 easy steps.

Transformation is a process not a light switch. True transformation is a shift of consciousness and energy vibration that becomes integrated into who we become. Transformation goes beyond changing a thought, feeling, or behavior through practice and intention because we become the change we desire.

If you haven’t done the inner work to clear emotions, attitudes, and behaviors that are manifesting more of what you don’t want, you’ll continue to feel frustrated and have the same results. You can’t side-step doing the inner work.

You might be able to let go of a limiting belief in an instant by making the decision then and there. You might need to do more in-depth work that requires time and effort. The more you can appreciate the process as a journey of evolution rather than an event or technique to master, the easier and more fun it can become!

Love and gratitude are the core magnetizing energies of the Law of Attraction. When blocked, seek opportunities to forgive and move into gratitude and demonstrations of love towards self and others.

One more thing… I believe we are Source energy with the power to manifest our desires, wanted or unwanted and taking LOA literally diminishes the relationship we have with the presence and power of God in the equation.

What is also missing in thinking about LOA is that our soul’s intention for being here is growth and expansion and our human desires and intentions might be a mismatch. That’s why I include the phrases, “For my highest and best good, or this or something greater” when I express and focus on what I want to manifest.

Has your experience with The Law of Attraction caused you to lose faith and trust with your SELF, The Divine, others?

Or have your life experiences served to help you stretch beyond your limitations and comfort zone to become more of the person you are destined to be?

If you have lost faith and trust in the ways your life is unfolding take a look at #3 & #5 again with an open mind and heart!

To dance with this law, you must be willing to embrace all that you create, remembering that everything is in service to your growth and evolution. There are no mistakes, Nothing is wasted.

Trust THAT!

And if you are struggling with money woes, be sure to read this article I wrote on Tithing, a practice many people misunderstand that affects the flow of money and abundance you attract into your life!

Part 4 is coming in a few days!

Missed the previous posts? Click on the links below

Part 1 - The Law of Opposites
Part 2 - The Law of Divine Timing and Divine Order


Enjoy my Thanksgiving with my friends Anakha Coman, Dee Meyer & Nanette Kennedy, Ken Stone, Mary Denaro,& Dan Howard as we talked about gratitude, faith, trust, surrender, forgiveness, love, aligning with this shift of consciousness and shared some special guided meditations!

Access the recording to this transformational call as my gift here. It ran almost two hours and I encourage you to create sacred space to listen. It will be worth your time! Feel free to share it with friends too!

Love and blessings,


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