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  • MP3 “Love Letter From The Divine” healing meditation
  • MP3 “Connecting With Your Soul Self” guided meditation
  • 21 prayer mantras to live your brightest life



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soul connection1Core Essence- Building A Solid Internal Foundation

As events in our world accelerate, and transformation occurs with more speed and gusto, it’s critical to always be working on solidifying your internal foundation.

Just like a building that survives an earthquake due to the extra effort put into making it earthquake proof, this special ten session ecourse program originally called “I Am Revealed,” will guide you in creating a solid inner foundation in harmony with your True Self and Core Essence to create an inner “structure” that is more able to sustain the “earthquakes of life”; to turn trials in triumphs.

Lesson One – Getting Started
This specially designed self-study program will give you rich tools, resources, and experiential opportunities to know your value, claim your Divine POWER, and live your purpose; to support you in consciously and deliberately creating your greatest life experiences on your own terms.

Lesson Two – Essence/Identity
Become more conscious of your true nature and heart as a spiritual being. Raising your self-awareness will help you be more aligned with both your human and spiritual self that invites greater inner peace and harmony in all areas of your life. When you come to know who you really are, the possibilities to create a magnificent life are limitless.

Lesson Three – Conscious Connection w/Source
Cultivate a deeper relationship with your Divinity so that you are living in greater harmony with the flow of the Universe. Having a deeper relationship fosters trust, faith, and courage to face life’s challenges with ease and grace.

Lesson Four – Intuition & Inspiration
Become more aware of how Essence and Source speaks to you through your inspiration and intuition. Recognizing the voices of your wise SELF (Essence) and Source will empower you to be more conscious in making choices and actions that are aligned with your life path.

Lesson Five – Your Observer Self
Become consciously aware of a part of yourself that can view life objectively without become an active participant in your experience. Cultivating this part of yourself is a powerfull way to view your life experiences from an expanded and higher perspective.

Lesson Six – Relentless Affirmations
Learn a powerfull tool that will help you unhook from the stories, dramas, and illusions created by your mind that create feelings of fear, powerlessness, overwhelm…

The ability to view life circumstances from inner truth and strength will enhance your connection with your Essence and The Divine and empower you to navigate through any life challenge from solid knowingness that is rooted in faith and trust.

Lesson Seven– Living Your Values
Uncover the principles that guide your thoughts, feelings, and actions. Values bridge who you are with what you do. They define who you are as a person – what matters most to you. Your core values distinguish YOU and reflect your heart.

Lesson Eight- Living Your Passions
Reveal what excites and enlivens your heart that gives deep value and purpose to your life. The combination of your passions and values is your calling. Knowing what brings you the greatest joy and meaning to your life can show you how you might be a solution for what the world is hungry for!

Lesson Nine – Living From Your Strengths
Uncover your unique strengths, natural talents, knowledge and acquired skills. Living from your strengths, talents, and natural gifts builds confidence and courage to move through the challenges and growing edges in life.

Lesson Ten – What Makes You Fabulous, Lovable, Valuable?
Getting to know yourself more intimately is the beginning of creating a life-long love affair with YOU. You begin magnetizing good into your life because you are feeling happy with yourself, your life, the world, and God. You feel vibrant, vital, and alive no matter what is happening in your life.

Plus receive two powerfull worksheets to help you identify your core values/essence and create breakthroughs to flow with life in harmony with your humanity and your Divinity

