Calling In Inner Love – Healing the “Not Good Enough” Wound Teleseminar, 3 pm EST, Feb. 18, 2016

heart love3One of the greatest wounds humanity suffers is a lack of self-worth.

We are being called to wake-up and release the lies that have kept the world entrapped in the illusions of fear and pain NOW.

You are being guided, nudged, kicked …to remember that you are a perfect reflection of the Divine. And in that truth, how could you possibly be defective in ANY way or have come into this life ill-prepared to live abundant, joyful and meaningful lives?

In this 90 minute call you will learn:

1. 7 common patterns of low self-worth you will reframe to raise your self-esteem.
2. Why holding on to victim consciousness is so compelling and how to become your own champion.
3. The REALationship between self-love and abundance.
4. Essential keys to heal the wounds that keep you from loving yourself.
5. Three energy shifts you must make and sustain to re-story your life to create heaven on earth.

Click HERE to be on the call

February 18, 3 pm EST

You will also experience a healing meditation created on the spot to deepen your self-love and connection to your spirit with an energy blessing from the Divine.

There’s more!!

~ Receive the 90 minute call recording.
~ Experience a guided healing process to help you create a shift into Love with an energy transmission of Divine Love and Grace to anchor the healing process.
~ A workbook chock full of tips and exercises FREE……

PLUS! Be among the first FIVE to register and receive a 20 minute private session with yours truly, Lorraine Cohen

One more thing.….there is a lot of information about feeling unworthy and unlovable and not enough experience on how to transform these wounds at a core level. When you change your inner world your outer world changes! When people work with me they experience shifts.

Register HERE

I am excited to be with you!

In One Love,

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