Being Engaged And Getting What You Need On Interactive Virtual Events. Are you Missing Out?


Opportunities abound to attend a multitude of online calls and programs that invite interaction. It’s easy to sit back, take notes or just listen and experience the energy of the call. Many programs are pure teaching while others invite group participation that creates a very rich experience for everyone.

Those are the kinds of calls I enjoy the most. I love the group dynamics when folks are really engaged. The comments, contributions, and questions always enrich the conversations because we are walking our journeys together!

Even though virtual events offer a degree of anonymity, they can still feel daunting. Some folks listen to everyone else and stay in the background.

The idea of being vulnerable can feel foreign and threatening. Opportunities to have support can be uncomfortable and confusing especially if you don’t know what you need and what to ask for.

For example: I invited my subscribers to attend a Q & A FREE call on March 2 to ask me questions and share any challenges they were struggling with. As registrations came in, most people did not submit any questions.

I was puzzled. Why aren’t you asking me questions?????

Here was an invitation to pick my brain and people weren’t speaking up. I’m so used to jumping in with both feet and getting right into stuff, that I can forget that not everyone is at the same place of comfort in being transparent and my idea of engagement is not universal.

When opportunities to attend interactive virtual events arise, how do you engage?

  • You might have questions you don’t even know you have.
  • You might have ideas and thoughts you can’t articulate in words.
  • You might be afraid to express and disclose because you feel too vulnerable or fear sounding foolish/needy/rambling…
  • You might have all sorts of beliefs about being quiet and just listening (not seen or heard)
  • You might think you have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation.

Can you relate?

And if you are new to calls/teleseminars being open to questions and comments, you might wonder what kinds of comments or questions would be acceptable in that context?

Perhaps, you should use to the time to ask for more information or to clarify a point that is being covered?

Offer a challenge that you are currently having?

Comment of what was said that resonated or validated something for you?

Most hosts will suggest ways to engage or give you some guidelines to participate. I always invite folks to ask for clarity in any program I teach especially because language and words have different meanings for us all.

Another person’s question or comment might spark something in you that you wish to share to enrich the conversation. Your comment might be just what someone else needs to hear. Another point of view is added. Conversations become layered with rich comments that inspires the group. I see that happen on calls all the time.

In one of my programs, I had the pleasure of meeting a special woman who believed that she had no right to express her heart and that she should keep her voice silent.

Throughout the program, she was invited to speak whenever she felt she had something to offer or had a question. Everything she shared was rich and meaningfull for everyone.

She found her voice is small courageous steps, testing the group’s openness to receive what she wanted to express. Each step deepened her courage and confidence.

It was a joy to see her overcome the past conditioning to reclaim her voice and own her wisdom. Like watching the phoenix rising from the ashes to soar.

We all want to feel connected and fear being hurt, judged or rejected.

So how do we shift from feeling separate to becoming a part of greater whole?

We must be willing to s-t-r-e-t-c-h out of our comfort zones and take risks.

Whether the conversation is one-to one or virtual, engaging is critical to getting what you want and need. To engage in the fullness of life, you can’t be sitting on the sidelines.

You might not know what you want or need until the sincere longing of your heart is revealed through engagement.

Play with the idea of reaching out and connecting more with others by choosing your small steps where you feel the most safe and supported. Test people and situations that you resonate with and be open to be surprised.

Look for opportunities to be a part of communities with kindred spirits for more personal support. Engaging with others who feel like “family�? can provide a safe haven where miracles can happen and breakthroughs become common. That’s the power of Love and Grace!

In fact, I have an invitation for you!

My new Soul Circle Group is forming Now

And….. I am launching my new Soul Café’ in 2015

I love working with groups.

Choose from this opportunity in my Soul Circle group to experience and engage with a powerfull, loving community of kindred spirits.

Take an action and get engaged in getting what you want and need.

Come play with me.

Let’s create magic together! 😀



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