Tag Archives: courage

The Art of Surrender: Resistance Is Futile!

Surrender has definitely been one of my themes this year. I can speak quite a bit on the concept of surrender – “Let go and let God. The present is perfect. You are exactly where you are meant to be…trust, breathe, all is well….”

Embracing and embodying surrender is a whole different reality.

I’ve often used the metaphor of when you first learn how to swim it is not unusual to also be taught how to float. You lean back with your arms stretched and allow the water to hold you up – like a buoy.

The first few times you learn how to float can be scary; to trust the water to keep you from sinking and when you actually let go, it’s quite a pleasant experience of “going with the flow and feeling supported”.

Surrender does not come easily.  Surrender isn’t about giving up rather, it is about giving in. And what we are really asked to surrender is the struggle and resistance we create to push against life; to push against the people and situations we don’t like and want.

Surrender invites us to look at what we are giving energy to that either connects or separates us for Source.

The last three years have stretched me so far out of my comfort zones and taken me into deeper places within myself than I ever could have imagined.  I recall people I admire say, “You have to be willing to lose everything  to have everything.”

Ooooh…. gulp!

If I really let go of EVERYTHING, my home, my friends, my work, my challenges and pain… my whole life and surrender it all…then what?

I understand that in theory and in practice and I realize that I don’t know how to completely let go and TRUST God to take care of me.

In a conversation this morning with a dear friend I shared my dance with surrender. As some fear kicked in I said to her, “If I let go of everything, that doesn’t mean that I have to actually lose everything, right?”  She chuckled at how I was trying to negotiate my surrender. That’s what the mind does in order to maintain control.

Resistance is futile.

Struggle is a choice.

You either float or sink.

That’s what I am learning this year…how to surrender with Grace. I know how to surrender in struggle and it is exhausting. I still feel my mind trying to maintain control because it feels at risk and threatened by some of the challenges I am walking through.

In the same space, I feel an inner strength that comes through my connection with God that assures me that all is well.  That’s the duality we are all experiencing that is feeding the struggle between our mind and our soul.

With this historical shift of consciousness we are experiencing and witnessing on the planet, energy and time has accelerated. Our mind and body can’t keep up with the speed of how fast things are moving!

Fears are running high for so many people. It’s a habit to grab onto people and things in an effort to feel   some control when you are experiencing upheaval in your life.

We’re being pushed out of our comfort zones to “wake up” and remember who we are. And to live in ways that is natural for us as spiritual beings and feels unnatural as human beings.

If you feel like a stranger in a strange land learning a new language, you are…. in many ways. And you may also feel a sense of “coming home” as you shed some of the illusions and fears that have governed your life for so long

Do you feel it?

I believe that the most important relationship in life is the one we have with God, whoever that is for you, to powerfully weather the inner storms of waking up and surrendering all that is no longer serving us in becoming the next and highest version of who we are being called to be.

Daily spiritual practices, strong self-care regimes, the inner transformation work, and having a strong network of support all contribute to being a welcoming place inside to walk through those dark narrow places of surrender with grace and courage.

Communing with your wise SELF will help you navigate through the noise in your head. Take time to engage in conversation with your personal Divine as if you were speaking to your dearest friend who loves you and wants you to be happy. Committing to develop your relationship with God is critical in mastering surrender and living an Awakened life.

Surrender is a natural way of being in an Awakened state. Struggle is a natural way of being in an unconscious state.

How do you want to live?

Remember the Serenity prayer?

God, grant the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

The courage to change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference

Surrender is part of serenity and walking in Grace!

Your transformational steps:

1. Notice where you are experiencing struggle in your life. What are you holding onto that you know in your heart you need to let go of and surrender?

2. What beliefs, fears, behaviors keep you engaged in resisting surrender?

3. How much is really true?

4. What do you need to surrender to shift from struggle into grace?

5. What is one step you will commit to surrender and let go?

Here is one step you can take now! My life altering 4-week program, Pathways to Awakening: Journey into Courage and POWER will  guide you in learning the art of surrender and it begins July 10!

Money and fear are the two most powerfull motivators or deflators today. Are you yearning to be liberated from pain, struggle, and fear? Are you ready to live your most vital, abundant, soul fulfilling life with the POWER of Courage and Grace to guide you? Join me to learn how to transform your inner foundation into strength, insecurity to confidence, and fear to courage. Experience Divinely created healing meditations and energy activations to release the past and open your heart - two critical factors in creating a joyfull, abundant “awake” life.

When you experience this new kind of POWER and courage, you will be propelled into an infinitely beautiful and inspiring future.   Take advantage of the early tuition through July 5. If you are ready to turn fear into an ally and live from passion and purpose, reserve your seat NOW and let your spirit fly. Learn more

Love and blessings,



Courage: Liberation From Five Myths That Can Keep You Stuck In Fear

“When experiencing new and exciting changes in life how can you expect to know how it will all go? There are times when you’re required to step blindly off the ledge only to find that with faith you are transported on the wings of love to a new and beautiful vista to explore! Today is such a day.. let fear be what it is, and let faith help you soar regardless of the fear.” – Colette Baron-Reid

What you may not realize is that from the moment you were conceived through age 6, you have been bombarded by thousands of emotional charges that have impacted on who you have become. In addition to what you have inherited from your ancestors and your family, your world has been shaped by cultural conditioning and your personal life experiences.

Fear has been a dominant energy on this planet for thousands of years. 2012 heralded a shift of consciousness and a new era of love, peace, and prosperity. The grip of fear will begin to wane as you “come home” and wake up to who you really are with the Divine presence within you to be your guiding Light.

You may view fear as an enemy, something to be gotten rid of rather than seeing fear’s value as a friend and pathway to your homecoming.  Fear can keep you stuck and frozen or be a motivator and catalyst for change. Healthy fear can be a positive benefit to your life. Irrational fear can keep you separate from the life you were born to live and separate from God.

When your fears become strong, you might get very small because a younger part of you, an inner child is feeling frightened and needing some comfort.

As long as you judge anything about yourself to be bad or wrong, the peace and self love you seek (that we all seek) will not happen.  To feel whole means creating a welcoming place within you to love and embrace all of you – your thoughts, your beliefs, your feelings and your actions.  The first step is a willingness to love and accept yourself as you are with COURAGE and an open heart.

You are not broken, you do not need to be fixed, there is nothing wrong with you.

Changing your relationship with fear is a step forward to reunite you with your Sacred Self and the Divine while calming the fearfull “little you” inside.

Here are 5 myths many folks have about fear:

1) Using affirmations will change your fear beliefs if you say and write them for 21 days. Some people swear by affirmations and they do have some benefit. BUT, your subconscious is in charge of what you think, feel and do as a human being. Affirmations only work with the conscious mind that operates a teeny tiny part of your mind and don’t go deep enough to create long-last shifts in beliefs.

2) Positive mindset will change fears. Relying on your “attitude” to shift fears and worry will work in short bursts. Fears return because no permanent inner shift has occurred. Real transformation goes beyond mindset.

3) If you face fear head on, the fear will become overwhelming. Attempting to repress fear only gives it more power to impact your life especially through self-sabotage. Shining a light on the illusions and fear your mind has created invites them to crumble, freeing you from its grip forever. Transformation can occur in seconds.

4) Fear is an enemy and something to be gotten rid of. Whatever you judge within yourself as bad or wrong creates more separation and pain from who you really are and the connection with Source. Fear can be used positively when turned into any ally.

Read my article, “9 Valuable Gifts from Fear”

5) Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is about following your heart in spite of what your mind and feelings are telling you; being willing to take those leaps of faith to follow your Divine urges. Faith is feeling trust before the evidence shows up and having the courage to do whatever it takes “in fear”.

Take an honest look at what is driving your thoughts, feelings, and actions to create your current reality.

Is it love? Is it faith? Is it courage?  Is it Grace?

Or is fear, pain, struggle and scarcity?

Is your scaredy cat still controlling your life and keeping you from feeling fully alive and prosperous???

Are you believing everything you THINK?

This is a time for new beginnings and shedding old paradigms that suck the life out of your heart.

This is YOUR year!

Ready to create your new courage story and rewrite your future?

Join me for a 4-week mini journey into Courage beginning Wednesday, July 10. Learn how to make fear your friend, unleash your inner hero, and partner with the Divine POWER within you to liberate you from the grip of your mind AND start thriving in ways you never have before. Early tuition ends Friday, July 5, midnight EST. Learn more


9 Valuable Gifts From Fear

In my 25+ years I have coached and counseling thousands of people all over world, fear continues to be the #1 roadblock to people’s ability to succeed and thrive.

When fear  takes dominion over your thoughts and emotions, life feels scary, heavy and hard. You become separated from your True Self and God’s love and Grace.

People continually ask me how to get rid of their fear which is NOT the way to live in this new energy and move into higher states of consciousness. Resisting fear or any uncomfortable feeling and thought will keep those feelings and thoughts alive and strong in your life. What you resist, persists. You cannot “think” yourself out of feeling fear to shift into real sustained courage.  Until you begin to work with fear differently, fear will control your life.

One of the first steps is to be open to see fear as a guide rather than an enemy.

Here are 9 ways to receive gifts from fear:

1. We scare ourselves all the time. When no apparent danger is evident, our minds conjure up stories that we believe to be true. What ifs, worse case scenarios, anticipated outcomes that rarely ever happen unless we are intent in creating them! Ask yourself, “In this moment, what is the truth?”

2. When feeling fear, our thoughts are focused on the future. When feeling pain, we are recreating the past. We are not living in the present which is the only place that is NOW. Knowing “where” you are living through your attention invites you to come back into the present moment and choose where to place your attention and intention.

3. Emotions such as anger cover up fear. Why? We feel more powerfull in our anger than we do in our fear. Other emotions include depression, hurt, grief, and blame. Having the willingness and courage to go beneath the surface of anger allows you to experience deeper healing and transformation.

4. We sabotage ourselves when we feel frightened. Procrastination, rationalizations, avoidance, tolerating things, making excuses, being controlling, becoming aggressive or submissive… are some examples of how fear misdirects us from our dreams and desires.

When fears emerge through self-sabotage, that can be a signal that your inner child is desperate for some attention and comfort. Take some to go within and be a loving presence to that part of you in need.

5. Fear can be a motivator or a barrier. Fear can ignite action or become a roadblock when facing change.  Imagine instead of withdrawing in fear, you took a deep breath and decided to GO FOR IT! And if the fears are strong, that is a sign that you are on the verge of an important shift!

The strength of the fear and resistance is a vibrational match for the wonderful gift that is waiting for you on the other side of that roadblock. That’s the Law of Polarity. You came into this life with EVERYTHING you need to succeed and thrive.

6. Fears are transformed by love and faith. We can learn to rewrite the tapes we play in our minds so that the messages we tell ourselves feed us rather than deplete us. Love and fear cannot coexist in the same space.

Rather than resisting your fears, imagine loving them instead. Love your fears for the ways they serve you to grow through experience and self-reflection and bring you “home” to who you really are.

7. Fear has a positive value. If we were completely fearless and lacked caution, we might place ourselves in harm’s way, make rash decisions that have dire consequences, or make decisions we deeply regret.

Instead of looking at how you can get “rid” of your fears or condemn them, consider all the ways your fears help you.

8. Fear is a sign that we are separated from our spiritual connection. Unless there is evidence of immediate danger or circumstances that validate a fear response, our fears are activated by our subconscious beliefs and fueled by the mind.

Realizing this separation is an invitation to reconnect with the God of your understand and to deepen that relationship.

9. Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is about following your heart in spite of what your mind and feelings are telling you; being willing to take those leaps of faith to follow your Divine urges. Faith is feeling trust before the evidence shows up and having the courage to do whatever it takes “in fear”.

Your soul would never ask you to do anything that would deliberately harm you or put you in the path of danger. Why would it?

Money and fear are the two most powerfull motivators or deflators today.  Living a joyfull and abundant life is within your grasp if you are willing to courageously liberate yourself from fears, doubts, and not “enoughness” to know your value, claim your Divine power and live your purpose NOW!

Would you like to know how to turn fear into an ally to live  your most vital, abundant, soul fulfilling life with the POWER of Grace to guide you?

Great news!

Then join me for “ Pathways To Awakening”, a four week journey into Courage and POWER beginning July 10. Experience soul guided healing journeys and energy activations to release the past and open your heart - two critical factors in creating a joyfull, abundant life that is aligned with your spiritual path. Click here to learn more and take advantage of the early tuition thru July 5!

Imagine who you might be…what you might do …if you felt more courageous and confident to take those next steps to follow the yearnings of your heart.

Imagine how your life will change when you stand more firmly in your POWER and start consciously creating the life you want without hesitation and doubt.


It’s My Birthday. Celebrate With Me!

My birthday is this week and I want to celebrate it with you!

I love receiving gifts and I love giving them too.

For my birthday I have some surprises I am excited to offer you as readers to my blog!

With Life continuing to be a wild ride, having what you need is essential to move through each experience without suffering; to flow through bumpy times with courage, trust, and Grace.

My passion and commitment is to be a resource for you to release your fears and emotional burdens, liberate your True Self, and prosper on your life path.

Last year I create a slew of audios and programs designed to promote inner healing from past pain, create emotional shifts, and foster a deeper relationship with the Divine.

I also revised my acclaimed fear audio program into a robust self-study program that works with you from the inside out to transform your fear into power and courage. The guided meditations are especially powerfull with theta brainwave technology to create healing shifts with your subconscious.

Last month I added a BRAND NEW self study program called “I Am Revealed” which is a 10 course series to build a solid internal foundation; a critical base to weather life’s “earthquakes”. Many folks are missing this piece!!

Soooooo for the next 48 hours, through Tuesday, April 24 noon EST, you will save 30- 49%  (up to $98) off all my audios, eBooks and both of these self-study programs.

>> Use coupon code BIRTHDAY (all caps) to receive instant savings on all audios here and eBooks here

>> Save an instant $50 off Transform your Fear Into Power and Courage Self-Study program (no coupon code needed) Reg. $197. You pay $147. Access your copy

>> Save an instant $98 off “I Am Revealed” Internal Foundation Self -Study program ( no coupon code needed). Reg, $197. Yours for $99 here

Choose what calls to your heart. Trust your guidance.

Be sure to make your selections before Tuesday at noon, April 24!

Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your spiritual journey!

Love and blessings,



How To Live In The “Spirit” of Grace

A few years ago a dear friend gave me Cheryl Richardson’s book, “The Unmistakeable Touch of Grace.

She writes, “Grace comes from the Latin word gratia, meaning favor, charm or thanks. Grace is seen as a creative force- an act of exceptional kindness and goodness. It’s the recognition that everything is connected and sacred. The more in touch we are with this natural abundance of life, the less we need.”

She also believes that grace is a kind of spiritual intelligence, a form of energy that comes from the Divine Source and that as we connect and trust this Higher Power to lead us, the more we step into alignment with a larger vision for our lives. We begin to recognize the signs, symbols, and messages that lead us to our highest good.

It’s easy to recognize the Divine hand of Grace when things work out the way you want.

For example: You envisioned something you wanted, prayed about it, practiced working with The Law of Attraction and if it flowed the way you hoped, you were happy. You might even say Grace was at work to bring you what you wished for.

Have you ever had one of those moments or days or where everything seemed to come together with ease? It felt magical, didn’t it?

Grace can come in many forms like having all the traffic lights  turn green when you had to get somewhere at a certain time, receiving help just when you needed it, an uncomfortable conversation goes better than you expected,  and attracting business opportunities without a lot of effort.

Who doesn’t love it when things go the way we like? We feel thankful and often credit The Divine for the blessing.

When life seems to take a turn and brings you challenges and pain, do you see the hand of Grace then?

Prior to reading Cheryl’s book, I never thought much about what it meant to live “in Grace.” I knew that when times felt difficult I wanted ease and relief. And when life felt rich and flowing, I was grateful and happy.

I realized how powerfull it is to be able to feel ease and flow no matter what is happening; to not be dependent on something happening “out there” to feel good “in here.”

That’s what Grace is really about. Grace has an energy of peace and calm that is filled with faith, trust, love, courage…that is rooted in your relationship with God.

Last year during my breast cancer experience, I lived with the hand of Divine Grace. It was an amazing period of defining moments to walk through what could have been a terrifying experience effortlessly…without any fear or burdens. My bond with God grew stronger and I felt liberated from a ton of emotional drama without even trying. I had made a shift in consciousness…and I began to understand what Divine Grace really is - a gift of freedom from suffering and struggle.

Now, when I get caught up in my fears and worries, I know how to walk through my drama and bring Grace with me.

You might be experiencing fear, money worries, health issues, relationship conflicts, and business challenges. It may be difficult when life feels hard to see Grace in operation and yet, it is always there.

Would you like to have more Grace and love in your life?

Your mind and ego won’t get you there. As long as your mind is trying to direct, control, and manage your life, you will stay in struggle and fear.

Grace comes when you let go of resisting whatever is happening, wanted or unwanted Often what we grasp so tightly in fear is exactly the thing that is blocking what you most desire. Grace also comes when you have done all you can and fully release any problem into the hands of the Divine and trust that all will be handled.

It’s much easier to write and talk about than it is to practice surrender. Once you begin to surrender using practices that deepen your connection to the Divine, your perspective on life transforms. When your perspective transforms, your life transforms.

That’s why noticing the blessings and hand of Grace is so important. That is the evidence that builds trust between you and God.

Grace is something you RECEIVE. It is not something you MAKE happen.

A current life challenge and difficulty might be an answer to your prayer; an opportunity for grace to lead you to a joyful, prosperous, and meaningfull life.

  • A job loss might be the pathway to do the work that brings greater vitality and aliveness to your life.
  • A financial challenge might be Divinely designed to help you develop trust and bring you closer to God
  • A relationship conflict might help you to find your voice, develop greater compassion and love, or invite you to forgive.
  • A health condition may be a gift to help you heal unresolved grief, guilt, or unforgiveness..

Have you had experiences that you thought were “bad” that turned out to be blessings in disguise?

Take a look at your life.

What do you resist, struggle with and fight against?

What would happen if you surrendered your resistance and invited Grace to lead you with faith, trust and courage?

Want to consciously live in the spirit of Divine Grace?

Learning the art of surrendering, deepening your bond with God, opening your heart and expanding your mindset are some of the keys to dance with Grace.

That’s why I created the Pathways to Awakening program which is a series of 4-week mini courses designed as deepening journeys to help you release the past and open to greater joy and prosperity while fulfilling you Divine destiny.

The next  four week journey focuses on Divine Grace beginning Wednesday, April 17. Take advantage of the early tuition through April 12 and choose from two payments options.

PLUS, I am gifting one 30-minute private session with me to three folks.

>> Learn more

TRUST your intuition to register. That’s Divine Grace speaking to you. It would be an honor to help you expand your relationship with Grace.

Love and blessings,


PS: If you have questions and need help deciding if this program is right for you, email me to set up time for us to have a little chat.


Are You A Yes Butter….? How To Neutralize Resistance And Live A Rich Life

“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” ― Deepak Chopra

Change. Some people hate it; some people love it; some people intentionally create it. No matter what you think or feel about change, it is a constant in life.

What do you want most in your life? More money, a loving relationship, health, to make a difference in the world, prosper doing what you love, have more fun…?

If you work with affirmations, vision boards, visualizing meditations, gratitude journals for small portions of time each day and put the rest of your attention on negative thinking, all the positive imagining you do will be negated by the negative charges you are sending out into the Universe.

Everything is energy and vibration. If you wish for the best and imagine the worst consistently, guess what you will manifest?

I’ve been guilty of sabotaging my dreams and efforts because of fears and old beliefs about unworthiness. Not only did my mind kick into all the reasons why what I wanted was impossible or too difficult, I also created overwhelm so I wouldn’t have to do anything! Or, I was saying I wanted something half-heartedly and without being fully committed. One foot in..one foot out.

Sound familiar?

I realized I was sending mixed messages to the Universe by holding myself back and hiding out from fully showing up to Life.   I was creating drama and suffering by scaring myself out of Life.

Yes, I want this but….

No more

I chose to be done with “yes, but” and faced my resistance head on.

Guess what happened?

Doors opened.

Miracles happened.

Grace poured in with tons of love and abundance.

It’s been very cool…

Now I live more in wonder and curiosity.  I am not willing to allow my mind to keep me from the good stuff.

How about you?

When you want something do you really go for it?  Or do you use these reasons and excuses to rationalize why something is impossible before taking one step to find out whether it is true?

  • It’s too hard
  • I can’t afford it
  • I don’t have the time/it’s not the right time
  • I’m not smart enough/good enough
  • It’s too scary
  • It’s not possible because…
  • I don’t deserve it

Yeah, but….

Yeah, but….

It is important it is to be clear on what you really, really want. Too often we get caught up in what we think we should want or someone else’s dream.

Exercise: What Do You Really Want?

Take some time for contemplation and self-reflection and write your responses to:

1. What is one thing you really, really want?  Feel into your heart’s longing and passion.

2. What makes what you want so important? What will you get from having what you really want?

3. What will that add to your life that you don’t have now? (How will that change your life?)

4. Is this the right time? Do you have room in your life to receive what you want?

5. Do you have want you need ? (Systems, circle of support, space…?)

Now stop. Breathe. Feel into having what you really want. Notice your thoughts, emotions,  and body sensations.

Does your body feel expansive or constricted?

Play with Resistance

What resistance comes up when you begin to dream about what you want?

What favorite dramas, excuses and reasons do you use to tell yourself no to having what  you want?

What is one thing you will do to stretch out of your emotional “no” box?

It might be something that scares you that you know in your heart is a step you MUST take. You might need an accountability partner, coach, or group to help you move and keep moving.

As long as you keep using the same old blah, blah, blah  story and excuses, you will not move forward.

The truth is you don’t know for sure what is possible or what you might be capable of now if you don’t take that first step and the next. Your past does not dictate what your present and future will be. Neither does your current circumstances unless you believe that things will not improve. AND you do not know what God is creating for you to bring you higher.

You are either being led by fear and suffering or faith and trust.

When I want something badly enough and feel that intuitive guidance to take action, I can still get caught up in some resistance. That a signal for me to stop, take a few deep breaths, bring myself back into the present moment, and connect with God.

Within a short time, sometimes a few seconds or minutes, I can feel the heaviness lift, my mind clears, and I feel more connected inside.  Doing the inner work has shown me how to shift from inner chaos to a calm inner center.

When you want something badly enough you have to be willing to put consistent energy into following through. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to have what you are yearning for.

You must be willing to see life though a different lens; one that shows you that perceived obstacles are stepping stones and pathways to your dreams.

You have to be willing to ask for what you want, be vulnerable, look and feel silly, make mistakes, or feel scared to create the life of your dreams. It also takes commitment, passion, and tenacity to persevere.

And you must be willing to challenge and let go of the thought patterns and beliefs generated by your EGO that keep you separated from the deeper truth of who you really are.

Life is a journey of faith, trust, and courage to boldly go where you have never dared to go before when you know in your heart you must take that next step.

If you have a quick “impossibility’ response and you allow “no” beliefs to rule your life, you will continue to miss windows of opportunities that may end up as regrets.

The real question is, “How badly do you want something and what are you willing to do or be to have it?”

Life is meant to be lived not observed.

Don’t believe everything you think!

The story you tell is the story you live….

PS: My Soul Circle group is forming for April. Have the support of kindred spirits to neutralize “Yes, but”  to start living a rich and vital life. Learn more




Being Engaged And Getting What You Need On Interactive Virtual Events. Are you Missing Out?


Opportunities abound to attend a multitude of online calls and programs that invite interaction. It’s easy to sit back, take notes or just listen and experience the energy of the call. Many programs are pure teaching while others invite group participation that creates a very rich experience for everyone.

Those are the kinds of calls I enjoy the most. I love the group dynamics when folks are really engaged. The comments, contributions, and questions always enrich the conversations because we are walking our journeys together!

Even though virtual events offer a degree of anonymity, they can still feel daunting. Some folks listen to everyone else and stay in the background.

The idea of being vulnerable can feel foreign and threatening. Opportunities to have support can be uncomfortable and confusing especially if you don’t know what you need and what to ask for.

For example: I invited my subscribers to attend a Q & A FREE call on March 2 to ask me questions and share any challenges they were struggling with. As registrations came in, most people did not submit any questions.

I was puzzled. Why aren’t you asking me questions?????

Here was an invitation to pick my brain and people weren’t speaking up. I’m so used to jumping in with both feet and getting right into stuff, that I can forget that not everyone is at the same place of comfort in being transparent and my idea of engagement is not universal.

When opportunities to attend interactive virtual events arise, how do you engage?

  • You might have questions you don’t even know you have.
  • You might have ideas and thoughts you can’t articulate in words.
  • You might be afraid to express and disclose because you feel too vulnerable or fear sounding foolish/needy/rambling…
  • You might have all sorts of beliefs about being quiet and just listening (not seen or heard)
  • You might think you have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation.

Can you relate?

And if you are new to calls/teleseminars being open to questions and comments, you might wonder what kinds of comments or questions would be acceptable in that context?

Perhaps, you should use to the time to ask for more information or to clarify a point that is being covered?

Offer a challenge that you are currently having?

Comment of what was said that resonated or validated something for you?

Most hosts will suggest ways to engage or give you some guidelines to participate. I always invite folks to ask for clarity in any program I teach especially because language and words have different meanings for us all.

Another person’s question or comment might spark something in you that you wish to share to enrich the conversation. Your comment might be just what someone else needs to hear. Another point of view is added. Conversations become layered with rich comments that inspires the group. I see that happen on calls all the time.

In one of my programs, I had the pleasure of meeting a special woman who believed that she had no right to express her heart and that she should keep her voice silent.

Throughout the program, she was invited to speak whenever she felt she had something to offer or had a question. Everything she shared was rich and meaningfull for everyone.

She found her voice is small courageous steps, testing the group’s openness to receive what she wanted to express. Each step deepened her courage and confidence.

It was a joy to see her overcome the past conditioning to reclaim her voice and own her wisdom. Like watching the phoenix rising from the ashes to soar.

We all want to feel connected and fear being hurt, judged or rejected.

So how do we shift from feeling separate to becoming a part of greater whole?

We must be willing to s-t-r-e-t-c-h out of our comfort zones and take risks.

Whether the conversation is one-to one or virtual, engaging is critical to getting what you want and need. To engage in the fullness of life, you can’t be sitting on the sidelines.

You might not know what you want or need until the sincere longing of your heart is revealed through engagement.

Play with the idea of reaching out and connecting more with others by choosing your small steps where you feel the most safe and supported. Test people and situations that you resonate with and be open to be surprised.

Look for opportunities to be a part of communities with kindred spirits for more personal support. Engaging with others who feel like “family” can provide a safe haven where miracles can happen and breakthroughs become common. That’s the power of Love and Grace!

In fact, I have two invitations for you!

My new Soul Circle Group is forming Now

And….. I am launching my new Soul Café’ beginning March 19, 2020.

I love working with groups.

Choose from two opportunities to experience and engage with a powerfull, loving community of kindred spirits.

Which one calls to your heart?

Take an action and get engaged in getting what you want and need.

Come play with me.

Let’s create magic together! :D




The Courage To Say “No”

“A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Cultural and childhood conditioning powerfully influences what you think, feel and do to “earn” love. Without feeling the freedom to express your authentic heart, you give your power away when you say yes or no out of fear or guilt.

True relationships are not that fragile. They can withstand the truth without suffering the loss of love.

Conflict is a powerfull way to foster a strong relationship with another. In the willingness and ability to resolve the “messiness” and upset with mutual respect, love, and honesty, trust is built.

When you mess up, own it. Tell the truth to yourself and claim your humanness. Make amends to others when appropriate to clean your stuff up. You will feel better inside when you restore inner and personal integrity.

It may require a lot of courage and self-love to say YES to yourself when you are used to living in sacrifice because you have been taught that’s’ what “good people” do. At first saying no may feel uncomfortable. People may not react well and take your no personally.

How others react is part of THEIR journey and your service to their growth. It is not your job to please others and be responsible for their happiness. It’s theirs.

Within my own circle of friends, I am blessed to feel safe and loved to BE me. My friendships are rock solid and we feel the freedom to be real without hesitation. We hold nothing back and when there is any conflict, it is cleared in a matter of minutes without taking things personally.

It has taken time to build deep trust with each other. There can still be moments when I shake inside to say something to them that feels scary and vulnerable.

We value our friendship more than the need to be right or to hide behind past pain. We have all been on a spiritual path and have done enough inner work to show up for each other in love. It’s very liberating!!

When you begin to love and value yourself, you will attract people into your life who love and value themselves and want to be with kindred spirits like you.

I believe we all want to feel free to be who we are and to feel loved in whatever way we show up. Setting boundaries can be done lovingly and firmly. A yes given with joy and love is much richer than one that is given from guilt and fear.

Be willing to create the relationships you yearn for by healing your heart. When you release your past burdens, you will liberate your True Self!

Love and blessings :D



Claim Your POWER. Liberate Your True Self!

inner power1

Feeling obligated, responsible, and manipulated into doing something you don’t want to do through fear or guilt makes life painfull. You feel you have to, you must, you should because if you don’t you will lose something you deeply care about - love, approval, friendship, money..

Without feeling you have a choice to say yes or no on your own terms inhibits your personal freedom to be powerfully and exquisitely YOU.

Is your life ruled by have fear-filled tos or empowered choices? If you are tolerating any situation because of fear, take an honest look at the TRUTH.

Whose life are you living? Yours or someone else’s?

It takes courage and an act of self-love to show up for yourself.

Where are you giving your power away? As you give yourself permission to reClaim your Self, you serve others to do the same. Love is freedom. Perhaps this is part of your life purpose…

Whatever is happening in your life, the one choice you always retain is how you interpret your experiences. Your perception determines how you experience every moment - inner prison or freedom?

You have great power within you. You always have. You always will. And within this power is great love and compassion as well as great courage and inner strength. Live life with the innocence of a child and the courage of a lion. This is your time to shine ♥

Love and blessings,



The Truths About Changing Beliefs, Self-Love, and Transformation

In my 25+ years of coaching, spiritually guiding, and counseling people we spend many months on self-awareness. You can’t change something you don’t recognize. So, building awareness is the first step.

What many believe is that when they become conscious of a belief, negative pattern, or past pain they will be magically transformed. The only thing that changes is that they uncovered something they didn’t know.  Sometimes what is revealed confirms or clarifies something they suspected or knew at a deeper level of awareness.

Or they feel they have been working with specific issues for a period of time and they feel frustrated because their “stuff” is still popping up.

I thought I was done with this!

I’ve worked on this FOREVER!

How do I get rid of ____ permanently?

Becoming aware of something is not a magic bullet. Relying on mental processes like affirmations can create shifts in beliefs but… real transformation occurs in your heart. You cannot think yourself into opening your heart.

There is a 12 inch gap between your head and your heart. The head is ruled by the ego and your subconscious mind. The soul governs the heart.

People consistently ask me for resources and techniques that will get rid of their unwanted thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. I shake my head in compassion. They are still trying to sidestep the “feeling” part of the healing journey by trying to control, manage, and direct their experience.

Transformation is a feeling NOT a thinking experience.

Transformation is a process not a technique; an inner shift into a higher state of consciousness and vibration.

A client of mine has been working with a childhood hurt centered on feeling abandoned and betrayed by her parents. This theme has played out throughout her life. When she feels that wound emerging in her close relationships, she feels enraged.  Over the years she has developed understanding and compassion for others in recognizing that they too, are suffering from pain.

She has also come to recognize the ways she has abandoned and betrayed herself by not speaking up, breaking self-agreements,  having loose boundaries….Even though some of her beliefs about herself and others have changed, the  pain of betrayal still packs a strong emotional charge.

Why?  She gets stuck in anger and revisiting past memories. She swirls around in rage and self-righteous indignation that protects her heart from touching the real pain which I believe is a well of grief. She’s been trying to use her intellect and mental processes, we have done in sessions, to transform the past and avoid doing the “feeling” work.

Within that deep sorrow is a need for forgiveness and love for others and most especially, for herself. Until she is willing to fully feel and embrace her sadness and open her heart to forgive, she will stay stuck in this pattern of hurt no matter how many times she tries to change her beliefs, think differently, and make herself be at peace.

Last year during a health situation, I discovered guilt I had been harboring in my body that had to do with a conversation I had with  my mother over 30 years ago. My mother was in despair, and I lacked the words to counsel and console her. I felt I abandoned and betrayed her. Several years later she died from leukemia.

Even though I recalled the memory and had worked on lots of forgiveness and self-love, I was unaware of how much guilt and blame I carried in my heart for her death. Once revealed the floodgates of sadness opened and I was sobbing. In a session with a trusted healer, I was able to bring the pain to peace and love.

Life is an ongoing onion peel experience. You are proof of that. We keep uncovering pieces of specific life themes because we have buried our stuff under so many layers to protect ourselves and survive.

You might find some complex themes still playing in your life because there are some pieces you have not uncovered that still hold a painful emotional charge. They might be wounds that have been deeply buried because they are so tender.

Instead of getting annoyed or frustrated, welcome recurring patterns and beliefs when they emerge. They reveal themselves to you when you are strong and open hearted enough to invite your pain to be healed.  You cannot outrun yourself. Wherever you go, you take YOU and your stuff with you.

Yes, heart openings often include pain. Pain validates your hurt. Many times the release of pain and healing can happen very quickly with Grace, and even joy. Transformation is a journey of courage and commitment to walk through those dark places into the light and reclaiming your Self.

Each time you recognize, feel, accept, and embrace things about yourself with love and compassion, your heart expands. Each time you welcome all parts of your humanness, you come back into greater states of wholeness. Each time you feel self-love, you reUnite with the Divine.

I believe that developing a strong inner foundation, relationship with your soul, and bond with the Divine are essential keys to real transformation; to transcend the past and move into higher states of consciousness and vibration. Trying to do this work alone is unrealistic.

And an act of self-love is realizing when you need help to get out of your own way and have someone you trust to be a witness, a space holder and partner in walking through, not around, your pain. Seek professional help with someone skilled at navigating this tender terrain.

You ARE worth it!

You are also invited to join me for a 4-week transformational healing journey to open your heart to deeper self-love beginning Wednesday, January 23.

The highly potent program includes weekly meditations, EFT, and deepening processes that have catapulted past participants into higher states of joy, abundance, peace.. is  designed in the moment by God to release your emotional burdens and liberate your True Self.

Learn more and take advantage of payment options and early tuition before January 18 at midnight EST and join with me for a 4-week journey into Self-Love here.

Registration for this powerfull program ends at midnight EST January 18 too.

Love and blessings,


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