Tag Archives: faith

Playing The “What If? Game


what if

Fear can have a powerfull negative impact on our lives especially when it spirals into dread that grows from anticipated unknown  or troubling possibilities.

Our imagination can run wild with vivid details that can chain us to a life that is unwanted an unhappy.

The fact is no one can scare us better than we can. Most “what ifs” focus on worse case scenarios…”What if I lose my job?” or “What if I can’t pay my bills?” or “What if someone gets angry at me?”

Years ago I was having coffee with a colleague and the topic of fear came up. He asked me about one of my fears and I answered, “I have a fear of losing everything and being out on the street living as a homeless woman or a bag lady.”

He challenged me to heighten that fear and suggested the following scenario:

Imagine that I found myself in a town where I knew no one, had no money, no clothes except the ones I was wearing, no family, and no friends. As if I was just dropped there and had nothing except myself. He asked, “What would you do?”  I could feel the panic beginning to escalate and I didn’t want to play.

After my initial shock, my answers began to pour out. I said, “The first thing I’d do is look for work. I would accept any kind of job I could get to earn immediate cash. Then I would look for some place to sleep, any shelter that felt safe.”

The more I talked about what I would do, the calmer I felt. This “what if” scenario reminded me that I’m a thriver and willing to do whatever it takes to land on my feet. I always have and reminding myself of my abilities, tenacity, and courage was comforting. Whew!

In the same situation, what would you do?

Playing the “What if?” game can help to expose the truth about your fears so that you can claim responsibility for what you will do if the worst happens. You can realize that these horrific situations are more manageable than you imagined. AND you can also see that many of the things you imagine never, ever happen!

Our negative fears view life through a narrow lens and eliminate creative options and solutions. This game can help to expand your viewpoint and invite you to see things from a fresher perspective.

Here’s how to play:

Make a list of the specific fears that occupy your thoughts and might keep you up at night. After each “what if?” write down what you would do if your worse fears actually came true. Describe in detail what would happen and what you could do about it. Consider your options, resources, support, people….

After you’ve done that exercise, consider the opposite position

Make a list of all the best scenarios you can imagine. In other words, “what if everything you ever desired, dreamed about, yearned for…. happened.”

  • What would you do?
  • Would you be able to receive all this good with open arms?
  • Who would you become?

I recommend journaling your feelings and observations. Reflect on what you learned about yourself that can become your growing edge.

And remember that in every moment, you do not walk alone. The Divine is always with you as your life partner in creating a joy-filled abundant life!

Have a great day :D



It’s My Birthday. Celebrate With Me!

My birthday is this week and I want to celebrate it with you!

I love receiving gifts and I love giving them too.

For my birthday I have some surprises I am excited to offer you as readers to my blog!

With Life continuing to be a wild ride, having what you need is essential to move through each experience without suffering; to flow through bumpy times with courage, trust, and Grace.

My passion and commitment is to be a resource for you to release your fears and emotional burdens, liberate your True Self, and prosper on your life path.

Last year I create a slew of audios and programs designed to promote inner healing from past pain, create emotional shifts, and foster a deeper relationship with the Divine.

I also revised my acclaimed fear audio program into a robust self-study program that works with you from the inside out to transform your fear into power and courage. The guided meditations are especially powerfull with theta brainwave technology to create healing shifts with your subconscious.

Last month I added a BRAND NEW self study program called “I Am Revealed” which is a 10 course series to build a solid internal foundation; a critical base to weather life’s “earthquakes”. Many folks are missing this piece!!

Soooooo for the next 48 hours, through Tuesday, April 24 noon EST, you will save 30- 49%  (up to $98) off all my audios, eBooks and both of these self-study programs.

>> Use coupon code BIRTHDAY (all caps) to receive instant savings on all audios here and eBooks here

>> Save an instant $50 off Transform your Fear Into Power and Courage Self-Study program (no coupon code needed) Reg. $197. You pay $147. Access your copy

>> Save an instant $98 off “I Am Revealed” Internal Foundation Self -Study program ( no coupon code needed). Reg, $197. Yours for $99 here

Choose what calls to your heart. Trust your guidance.

Be sure to make your selections before Tuesday at noon, April 24!

Thank you for inviting me to be a part of your spiritual journey!

Love and blessings,



How To Live In The “Spirit” of Grace

A few years ago a dear friend gave me Cheryl Richardson’s book, “The Unmistakeable Touch of Grace.

She writes, “Grace comes from the Latin word gratia, meaning favor, charm or thanks. Grace is seen as a creative force- an act of exceptional kindness and goodness. It’s the recognition that everything is connected and sacred. The more in touch we are with this natural abundance of life, the less we need.”

She also believes that grace is a kind of spiritual intelligence, a form of energy that comes from the Divine Source and that as we connect and trust this Higher Power to lead us, the more we step into alignment with a larger vision for our lives. We begin to recognize the signs, symbols, and messages that lead us to our highest good.

It’s easy to recognize the Divine hand of Grace when things work out the way you want.

For example: You envisioned something you wanted, prayed about it, practiced working with The Law of Attraction and if it flowed the way you hoped, you were happy. You might even say Grace was at work to bring you what you wished for.

Have you ever had one of those moments or days or where everything seemed to come together with ease? It felt magical, didn’t it?

Grace can come in many forms like having all the traffic lights  turn green when you had to get somewhere at a certain time, receiving help just when you needed it, an uncomfortable conversation goes better than you expected,  and attracting business opportunities without a lot of effort.

Who doesn’t love it when things go the way we like? We feel thankful and often credit The Divine for the blessing.

When life seems to take a turn and brings you challenges and pain, do you see the hand of Grace then?

Prior to reading Cheryl’s book, I never thought much about what it meant to live “in Grace.” I knew that when times felt difficult I wanted ease and relief. And when life felt rich and flowing, I was grateful and happy.

I realized how powerfull it is to be able to feel ease and flow no matter what is happening; to not be dependent on something happening “out there” to feel good “in here.”

That’s what Grace is really about. Grace has an energy of peace and calm that is filled with faith, trust, love, courage…that is rooted in your relationship with God.

Last year during my breast cancer experience, I lived with the hand of Divine Grace. It was an amazing period of defining moments to walk through what could have been a terrifying experience effortlessly…without any fear or burdens. My bond with God grew stronger and I felt liberated from a ton of emotional drama without even trying. I had made a shift in consciousness…and I began to understand what Divine Grace really is - a gift of freedom from suffering and struggle.

Now, when I get caught up in my fears and worries, I know how to walk through my drama and bring Grace with me.

You might be experiencing fear, money worries, health issues, relationship conflicts, and business challenges. It may be difficult when life feels hard to see Grace in operation and yet, it is always there.

Would you like to have more Grace and love in your life?

Your mind and ego won’t get you there. As long as your mind is trying to direct, control, and manage your life, you will stay in struggle and fear.

Grace comes when you let go of resisting whatever is happening, wanted or unwanted Often what we grasp so tightly in fear is exactly the thing that is blocking what you most desire. Grace also comes when you have done all you can and fully release any problem into the hands of the Divine and trust that all will be handled.

It’s much easier to write and talk about than it is to practice surrender. Once you begin to surrender using practices that deepen your connection to the Divine, your perspective on life transforms. When your perspective transforms, your life transforms.

That’s why noticing the blessings and hand of Grace is so important. That is the evidence that builds trust between you and God.

Grace is something you RECEIVE. It is not something you MAKE happen.

A current life challenge and difficulty might be an answer to your prayer; an opportunity for grace to lead you to a joyful, prosperous, and meaningfull life.

  • A job loss might be the pathway to do the work that brings greater vitality and aliveness to your life.
  • A financial challenge might be Divinely designed to help you develop trust and bring you closer to God
  • A relationship conflict might help you to find your voice, develop greater compassion and love, or invite you to forgive.
  • A health condition may be a gift to help you heal unresolved grief, guilt, or unforgiveness..

Have you had experiences that you thought were “bad” that turned out to be blessings in disguise?

Take a look at your life.

What do you resist, struggle with and fight against?

What would happen if you surrendered your resistance and invited Grace to lead you with faith, trust and courage?

Want to consciously live in the spirit of Divine Grace?

Learning the art of surrendering, deepening your bond with God, opening your heart and expanding your mindset are some of the keys to dance with Grace.

That’s why I created the Pathways to Awakening program which is a series of 4-week mini courses designed as deepening journeys to help you release the past and open to greater joy and prosperity while fulfilling you Divine destiny.

The next  four week journey focuses on Divine Grace beginning Wednesday, April 17. Take advantage of the early tuition through April 12 and choose from two payments options.

PLUS, I am gifting one 30-minute private session with me to three folks.

>> Learn more

TRUST your intuition to register. That’s Divine Grace speaking to you. It would be an honor to help you expand your relationship with Grace.

Love and blessings,


PS: If you have questions and need help deciding if this program is right for you, email me to set up time for us to have a little chat.


Are You A Yes Butter….? How To Neutralize Resistance And Live A Rich Life

“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” ― Deepak Chopra

Change. Some people hate it; some people love it; some people intentionally create it. No matter what you think or feel about change, it is a constant in life.

What do you want most in your life? More money, a loving relationship, health, to make a difference in the world, prosper doing what you love, have more fun…?

If you work with affirmations, vision boards, visualizing meditations, gratitude journals for small portions of time each day and put the rest of your attention on negative thinking, all the positive imagining you do will be negated by the negative charges you are sending out into the Universe.

Everything is energy and vibration. If you wish for the best and imagine the worst consistently, guess what you will manifest?

I’ve been guilty of sabotaging my dreams and efforts because of fears and old beliefs about unworthiness. Not only did my mind kick into all the reasons why what I wanted was impossible or too difficult, I also created overwhelm so I wouldn’t have to do anything! Or, I was saying I wanted something half-heartedly and without being fully committed. One foot in..one foot out.

Sound familiar?

I realized I was sending mixed messages to the Universe by holding myself back and hiding out from fully showing up to Life.   I was creating drama and suffering by scaring myself out of Life.

Yes, I want this but….

No more

I chose to be done with “yes, but” and faced my resistance head on.

Guess what happened?

Doors opened.

Miracles happened.

Grace poured in with tons of love and abundance.

It’s been very cool…

Now I live more in wonder and curiosity.  I am not willing to allow my mind to keep me from the good stuff.

How about you?

When you want something do you really go for it?  Or do you use these reasons and excuses to rationalize why something is impossible before taking one step to find out whether it is true?

  • It’s too hard
  • I can’t afford it
  • I don’t have the time/it’s not the right time
  • I’m not smart enough/good enough
  • It’s too scary
  • It’s not possible because…
  • I don’t deserve it

Yeah, but….

Yeah, but….

It is important it is to be clear on what you really, really want. Too often we get caught up in what we think we should want or someone else’s dream.

Exercise: What Do You Really Want?

Take some time for contemplation and self-reflection and write your responses to:

1. What is one thing you really, really want?  Feel into your heart’s longing and passion.

2. What makes what you want so important? What will you get from having what you really want?

3. What will that add to your life that you don’t have now? (How will that change your life?)

4. Is this the right time? Do you have room in your life to receive what you want?

5. Do you have want you need ? (Systems, circle of support, space…?)

Now stop. Breathe. Feel into having what you really want. Notice your thoughts, emotions,  and body sensations.

Does your body feel expansive or constricted?

Play with Resistance

What resistance comes up when you begin to dream about what you want?

What favorite dramas, excuses and reasons do you use to tell yourself no to having what  you want?

What is one thing you will do to stretch out of your emotional “no” box?

It might be something that scares you that you know in your heart is a step you MUST take. You might need an accountability partner, coach, or group to help you move and keep moving.

As long as you keep using the same old blah, blah, blah  story and excuses, you will not move forward.

The truth is you don’t know for sure what is possible or what you might be capable of now if you don’t take that first step and the next. Your past does not dictate what your present and future will be. Neither does your current circumstances unless you believe that things will not improve. AND you do not know what God is creating for you to bring you higher.

You are either being led by fear and suffering or faith and trust.

When I want something badly enough and feel that intuitive guidance to take action, I can still get caught up in some resistance. That a signal for me to stop, take a few deep breaths, bring myself back into the present moment, and connect with God.

Within a short time, sometimes a few seconds or minutes, I can feel the heaviness lift, my mind clears, and I feel more connected inside.  Doing the inner work has shown me how to shift from inner chaos to a calm inner center.

When you want something badly enough you have to be willing to put consistent energy into following through. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to have what you are yearning for.

You must be willing to see life though a different lens; one that shows you that perceived obstacles are stepping stones and pathways to your dreams.

You have to be willing to ask for what you want, be vulnerable, look and feel silly, make mistakes, or feel scared to create the life of your dreams. It also takes commitment, passion, and tenacity to persevere.

And you must be willing to challenge and let go of the thought patterns and beliefs generated by your EGO that keep you separated from the deeper truth of who you really are.

Life is a journey of faith, trust, and courage to boldly go where you have never dared to go before when you know in your heart you must take that next step.

If you have a quick “impossibility’ response and you allow “no” beliefs to rule your life, you will continue to miss windows of opportunities that may end up as regrets.

The real question is, “How badly do you want something and what are you willing to do or be to have it?”

Life is meant to be lived not observed.

Don’t believe everything you think!

The story you tell is the story you live….

PS: My Soul Circle group is forming for April. Have the support of kindred spirits to neutralize “Yes, but”  to start living a rich and vital life. Learn more




Taking Your Power Back From Worry And Fear

Worrying about something that may or may never happen costs sleepless nights and peace of mind.

Do you expect the best or the worst to happen?

Life can feel challenging, unpredictable, and sometimes scary. You may be dealing with some situations that feel uncomfortable and staying positive and trusting is not so easy. I know the feeling!

Struggle and suffering is self-inflicted. When you are feeling fear, your attention is focused on the future or rehashing the past. Energy goes where you focus the most attention.

Breathe, get present in your body, get grounded, and anchor into the arms of your Divine. Worry, fear, anxiety dissipates when you reconnect with the inner Presence.

Counting physical objects exercise  to bring you back into the present

This exercise takes several minutes. While it appears to be very simple, the effect is quite powerfull.

Put your attention (rest your eyes) on an object in your immediate environment. Keep your attention on that object for 3-5 seconds (without thinking about what it is!) and count the number 1 out loud. Repeat this and choose different objects, placing your attention for several seconds on each one as you count up to 20 objects. Notice how you feeling when you are done.

Are you creating sacred space to be still and listen? You have an internal GPS, the voice of God, your IAM Presence that is continually speaking to you; to guide you towards living a more joyfull and prosperous life. You are either following the fears of your ego or the love of your soul. One holds you hostage. The other liberates you.

What part of you are you empowering to lead your life?  Your captor or liberator?

Stop listening to your ego/mind! It does not have the answers you seek or the wisdom to lovingly guide you.

Your ego only sees life as full of problems and obstacles to solve.

Your soul sees life as abundantly rich of possibilities and potential. Your soul see the grand vision and design for your life!

One small inner shift can create a ripple of change in your life. Continue to invest in your inner growth and transformation. It is one of the most important investments you can make to live a beautiful present and glorious future.

Today expect the best.

Listen to the whispers of your soul for guidance and direction. Tune your grate-full eyes to see all this is rich, loving, and meaning-full in your life. You are NOT alone. The Presence walks with you. The stronger your bond is with the Divine, the more Grace you will experience. The best is yet to come!  ♥

As events in our world accelerate, and transformation occurs with more speed and gusto, do you have the kind of help you need to PROCESS through the emotional upheavals and life challenges to create the breakthroughs you are ready to make?

I am still accepting applications for my upcoming Soul Circle group, that will be starting soon. The group is almost half full and with only 4 seats left.

When you have people who:

Feed your heart and support you in building a strong inner foundation to weather any of life’s challenges….

Want what you want for yourself (and more) and celebrate both your victories and failures without judgment…..

Help you expand your perspective of limitation to see exciting possibilities you may have missed.. and who invite you to embrace your brilliance…

Having what you need for the next breakthrough can make the difference between struggling and soaring. Your deepest dreams can move from an idea to a reality, a challenge to a triumph when you have a team of kindred spirits to help you stay the course!

Following your resonance and inner wisdom in partnership with the Divine is the essential shift necessary to thrive in this Golden Age. Your soul would not guide to say yes to something beyond your reach. TRUST That!

To see the full details and apply for your seat, click here

Love and blessings,


PS. When people work with me, breakthroughs and shifts happen. Are you ready for one (or more)?


Write A Thank You Letter To God

embrace miracles

Each year I write a Thank You Letter to God dated one year in advance and I share it with my spiritual mastermind group.

We typically write the letters in January, share them in the group, and discuss how close we came to actualizing what we prewrote at the end of the year.

We have found these letters to be powerfull practices to bring our our vision for the year into clarity.

The letter becomes a declaration to the Universe and a guide for desires, decisions, and intentions to manifest though inspired action during the year.

I’ve witnessed many transformations in the letters I have written over the years. Earlier ones have been focused on material gain and too ambitious; more aligned with my head and ego rather than my heart.

When looking more deeply at your desires, I have found that a dream needs to be realistic enough for the ego to believe it is possible and big enough to excitedly stretch you out of your comfort zone to step into your greater potential.

To prepare for writing your letter, take time to create sacred space to be still and quiet. Contemplate what you truly want and why, so what you are  thanking God comes from your heart truth.

Take your time in bringing your words together. No need to rush. Invite your ego, mind, and soul to express. what is deeply desired and feel into those desires so they reflect your heart and not what you think you should want or what others want for you.

Once written, print it out. Read it out loud. slowly, allowing your emotions to reflect your words. Feel gratitude to the Divine for responding to your prayers in ways that enrich your life. Rest in that gratitude, trusting that all you desire, need, and want will come to you in the highest and best way.

Share your letter with trusted friends to hold the vision for you.

Keep the letter visible. You might read it out loud each day to strengthen your decison and intention. Use it as a map to guide your choices and actions throughout the year and be open to flow with  your inner guidance to lead you forward.

Have fun creating it!




Five Spiritual Laws That Strengthen Or Shake Faith and Trust, Part 5

The Law of Intention and Desire

I hope you have been enjoying this 5-part series! Here is the last one.

The Law of Intention and Desire truly goes hand in hand with The Law of Expectation.

The Law of Intention reminds us that when we align with a clear intention and deep passion in mind, body and spirit we set the conditions to powerfully attract what we intend to create.

This Law is based on the fact that there is always an infinite amount of energy and information present to create what ever you desire! And energy always follows intent.

Desirable changes and manifestations depend on conscious ATTENTION and INTENTION.

Focused attention and intention creates a force that magnetizes to you what you most desire. Whatever you give attention to increases energetically.

Attention and deep desire energize The Law of Attraction.

Removing your attention causes the energies to scatter and dissipate.

Getting to your core desire and designing an intention in affirmative language also sets a tone for our energy and decision making.

I shake my head when I hear people express frustration with their life when the they invest a small portion of their time, spiritual practices, heart-centered attitude and actions on attracting what they say they want and spend the bulk of their time in a negative mindset.

For example, you may create an intention to have a make a difference in the world and make money doing what you love.

Everything you think, do and say must align with that intention in order for it to be made manifest in your physical reality to the degree that it is a match – or better yet, surpasses your desire. The core energies of The Law of Intention are clarity and alignment.

You might be creating blocks in what you desire to create because there is conscious and unconscious intention in conflict because of your life experiences!

You might deeply desire to be of help to others and harbor feelings of unforgiveness towards people.

You might desire loving relationships and be struggle with loving yourself.

And what you want as a human being might be very different from the intentions of your soul.

Your soul’s purpose for being here in a physical body is to grow and be a Creator.

As a human being, your intentions might be on success, material possessions, making money rather than aligning with the desires of your soul.

Can you have both?

Of course! 

With the shift of consciousness happening on the planet, what you put your attention and intention on must prioritize your soul’s purpose and intention to be in harmony with the New Golden Age, a time for joy, love, and prosperity.

With an intention for the future, your attention must be in the present, which is conscious awareness that is real and eternal. Choose to lead from your heart in taking inspired action that will manifest your intentions for tomorrow!

What is essential is to detach from the outcome so that you are not struggling against the present moment in the pursuit of manifesting your future!

Your focused intention lays the groundwork for effortless, spontaneous expression of your desires! This is the path of Grace.

For the past year, one of my deepest desires and intention has been to have unshakeable faith and trust with the God of my understanding that everything I want and need will be supplied. With life feeling upside down in so many ways, this desire and intention felt critical for me to follow my passion and purpose. Perhaps you have that same desire?

In response to my prayers, I have created and attracted a very challenging and painful year as well as a powerfully liberating and abundant one in many ways. Has my faith and trust shaken? You bet.

What has emerged from all of the flux in my life combined with deep inner transformation work IS that my faith and trust is stronger within myself AND with my Divine.

Give thought to your current desires and intentions.

What are you giving energy to?

Are you radiating from faith and trust or from desperation and fear?

Are your expectations, intentions and desires in alignment with what you truly wish to attract, consciously and unconsciously? (Inner shadow transformation, forgiveness, beliefs?)

What needs to be healed, shifted, transformed and released to manifest what you desire and intend now, and in your future?

There are dozens of Spiritual Laws at work that govern your life including the Laws of Cause & Effect, Energy, Co-Creation, Abundance, Cultural Conditioning…….You may choose to read about more of these Laws or focus on a few to align more consciously with the Universe.

Faith and trust is being challenged today as our lives change in ways we have never experienced or imagined. Understanding these Laws help to put some questions into perspective and can begin to quiet your mind.

Transition is the psychological reaction to change (anger, fear, confusion, sadness..) and is fueled by the subconscious mind; the part of the brain we cannot easily access to create shifts in the beliefs that affect emotions and actions. During intense periods of change, fears run high. Faith and trust can weaken.

That’s why I created the next Pathways to Awakening, 4-week Journey into Faith & Trust!!  This is the 5th in a series of mini journeys that have helped folks break free of the past and limitations of their mind to become more Conscious Creators in alignment with their soul and Divine destiny. 

I felt a strong Divine nudge to offer this powerfull transformational program  beginning December 6. Choose the day or evening time that is best for you and take advantage of a special tuition that expires Friday, November 30, midnight EST. This program will help you fortify your faith and trust with Divine Power, courage, and excitement to create an exciting 2013. Learn more and sign up here.

PS:  Join me for a special FREE teleseminar called, ”Faith and Trust: Feeling Safe, Living In The Mystery of Change”. Tuesday, November 27, 2pm EST.

Learn more and reserve your seat

Strengthen your faith and trust as you expand into the New Year and open to the blessings of greater prosperity, joy, and love that are coming your way!

Love and blessings :D



Five Spiritual Laws That Strengthen Or Shake Faith and Trust, Part 4


The Law of Expectation

(Adapted excerpt from Aligning With Destiny program with co-leader Anita Pathik Law)

“You are perfectly aligned to get the results you get.”~Dr. Stephen Covey

The Law of Expectation works in harmony with The Law of Attraction.

Energy always follows our thoughts. 

What you believe, assume, anticipate, expect or even dread or fear, consciously and subconsciously, forms the creative energy towards manifestation, and has a direct impact on the experience you create.

Expectation is an energized thought form that is highly creative in nature and may be in competition with what you want (or think you want) to create in your life.

If you believe and expect something negative to happen, you will manifest a negative outcome.

If you believe and expect good things to happen, you will attract positive experiences.

The core energies of The Law of Expectation are anticipation, faith and fear.

We become so attached to seeing things in certain ways—ways  we see ourselves and our life experiences as they relate to our current reality—that  we unconsciously limit a new reality from being experienced in our lives.

The trap is becoming so aligned with that story that it becomes your way of being.  We inadvertently reinforce our “stories” into permanence and become a “victim” in a reality that we have actively helped to create over and over and over.

Your thoughts and beliefs shape your experiences and expectations. 

If your expectation is more aligned with the undesirable, you will continue to create the undesirable.

Let’s say you desire financial prosperity and abundance in your business and life.

If what you expect is not a match to your intention – you will more likely manifest your expectation.

How you view what you attract can positively or negatively influence your faith and trust.

What you really EXPECT is:

  • You will have to work extra hard to market and increase sales, which is something you hate doing, and may feel a lack of competence, or confidence
  • You’ll be working so hard you won’t have time to have a life
  • You will lose your freedom to…
  • You will have to make sacrifices that are undesirable
  • It will only be temporary and soon you will find yourself in the same mess…. again
  • Miracles only happen to other people
  • There will always be an ebb and flow, rather than a steady stream
  • You can’t really make money doing what you love
  • People won’t pay for what you have to offer

Which ones do you relate to?

Which will ultimately win – Desire or Expectation?More often then not, expectation wins. Even if the manifestation of the desire occurs, because the expectation clouds everything you see and experience, odds are you might miss it.

Why? Because it is so different from your picture or expectation of what you wanted or intended.

“You’re always getting a perfect vibrational match to what you predominantly give your attention to. But you’ve got to make the best of it. You’ve got to vibrate slightly different from where you are if you are going to improve where you are. You can’t keep taking score of where your business is or your relationship is, or your body is without continuing to create it as it is. To make improvement, you’ve got to reach for a different thought.” - Abraham-Hicks, Tampa, FL 12/6/03

When focusing on what you wish to create and attract in your life, what expectations do you have?

Working with the Law of Attraction (LOA), remember that your beliefs, thoughts, emotions desires, and attachment to what happens are all connected with your expectations and intentions!

If your desires, intentions and expectations do not match, it’s time to look within and take responsibility for what you are creating as your reality.

Explore your positive and negative expectations with an open heart and curious mind. Suspend any judgments.

If you feel a loss of faith and trust in yourself, others, and The Divine in how your prayers and dreams are manifesting, get honest.

What were your real expectations?

Where does your faith and trust need to be strengthened?

What thought patterns do you need to shift, transform, and release?

Be willing to shine a light on any vibrational inconsistencies between your mind and your soul. By mining down to your expectations, you can see if they are a match to your desires and support them or counter them.

Part 5 is coming in a two days!

Does your faith shake?

Do you find it difficult to stand in full trust that all will be well when gripped by fear?

Does life feel unsafe?

Fear, doubt, confusion as well as excitement, passion, and wonder has made 2012 a wild emotional ride.

Do you long for inner stability and peace to know that, no matter what is happening, you will be ok?

Join me for a special FREE teleseminar called, ”Faith and Trust: Feeling Safe, Living In The Mystery of Change”. Tuesday, November 27, 2pm EST.

Learn more and reserve your seat

Strengthen your faith and trust as you expand into the New Year and open to the blessings of greater prosperity, joy, and love that are coming your way!

And I know there will be Divine guidance creating our experience together on this call! WOW.

May your faith and trust continue to blossom and guide you every day.

Love and blessings :D



5 Spiritual Laws That Strengthen or Shake Faith & Trust, Part 2

In part 1 I talked about The Law of Opposites, here’s the next one.

The Law of Divine Timing and Divine Order

Below is an excerpt on this Law from the second class of a program I co-teach with my pal Anita Pathik Law called, Aligning With Destiny. As you read, consider a situation or person that feels to be a source of your unhappiness or struggle (including YOU!)

The Law of Divine Timing and Divine Order reminds us of the powerful elements of truth that can difficult to hold to, especially when we are being short-sighted, unfaithful, untrusting, or impatient.

The core energies of the Law of Divine Timing and Divine Order are: respect, acknowledgment, trust, appreciation, open mindedness and curiosity.

The main elements alive within this law are:

  • All things happen for a reason
  • The reasons may not be discovered until much later and some may never be fully understood.
  • We must trust the reason even though we might not be aware of what it is.

The Universe is always responding to your best interest and loves to provide in accordance and in alignment with your current vibration and inherent purpose.

1.  Do you really want the Universe to supply you with something that is not in your highest good – or is out of alignment with your soul’s path?

2. Does your desire support you being an expression of your purpose?

The Universe operates solely in a love vibration and is always responding to human forms of thought and emotion. The Universe supports you in having experiences that support you in your growth and evolution.

1. Are you willing to let go of blaming the Universe for your current situation?

2. Are you ready to take 100% responsibility for what currently exists in your life?

3. Are you ready to stop punishing yourself for your current situation or past decisions?

The Universe is much more intelligent, creative and purposeful than most of us in our natural humanized states can possibly imagine!

 1. How are you demonstrating trust and faith in Divine order?

2. How are you not?

3. What needs to shift so that you allow your life to unfold with greater faith, trust, and patience?

Even that which you perceive as undesired and unwanted seeks to be experienced as a blessing; an opportunity for growth or an experience of faith, forgiveness and an active invitation to demonstrate better alignment.

1. How might you view your current situation as a blessing?

2. How have you grown through trials and tribulations in the past?

3. Think of a situation in your past that, when it emerged, was undesired, unwanted, even hated…

4. Looking backward, what did learn from that experience that contributed to your growth? What were the gifts and blessings?

5. Healing opportunities are being presented to you and it is 100% up to you to take advantage of them. How can you today- right now – choose to align with this opportunity?

6. What are your greatest gifts for growth in your current situation?

The Present is perfect – you are exactly where you are supposed to be. All things are happening in the timing of the Divine and your highest good.

1. How can you come into greater appreciation with what is?

2. How will surrendering to Divine Order and Divine Timing alter your experience?

Every situation offers a healing and growth opportunity to learn something about yourself, expand your perspective, open your heart, and rise above your human reactions to a higher vibration of consciousness and expression; to be more than your reaction, personal interpretations, and illusions that are created by your ego.

In those challenging times, you are invited to emulate the qualities of God/Higher Power/The Divine and ask:

What would faith and trust do?

What would faith and trust see?

What would faith and trust say?

If I looked through the eyes of God and Divine Love, what would I see, do and say in this moment?

And then choose to embrace faith, trust and love to guide you the moment and the moments that follow.

Part 3 is coming in two days.


Does your faith shake?

Do you find it difficult to stand in full trust that all will be well when gripped by fear?

Does life feel unsafe?

Fear, doubt, confusion as well as excitement, passion, and wonder has made 2012 a wild emotional ride.

Do you long for inner stability and peace to know that, no matter what is happening, you will be ok?

Join me for a special FREE teleseminar called, ”Faith and Trust: Feeling Safe, Living In The Mystery of Change”. Tuesday, November 27, 2pm EST.

Learn more and reserve your seat

Strengthen your faith and trust as you expand into the New Year and open to the blessings of greater prosperity, joy, and love that are coming your way!

And I know there will be Divine guidance creating our experience together on this call! WOW.

May your faith and trust continue to blossom and guide you every day.

Love and blessings :D



5 Spiritual Laws That Strengthen or Shake Faith & Trust, Part 1


Spiritual Law - The Law of Opposites (reprinted from 2009)

Several years ago I read Neale Donald Walsch’s book, “Happier Than God”, which is a fabulous book

He identifies the five great Principles of Life on page 54 as:

1. The Energy of Attraction, which gives you power.

2. The Law of Opposites, which gives you opportunity.

3. The Gift of Wisdom, which gives you discernment.

4. The Joy Of Wonder, which gives you imagination.

5. The Presence of Cycles, which gives you eternity.

He says, “The Law of Opposites works in perfect harmony with the Energy of Attraction. This principle states that no sooner will you call something into your reality than it’s exact opposite will also appear - and always first”.

Opposites provides a context to experience what is desired by first experiencing what is undesired as a sign that you are on the right path toward your chosen objective.

We need the contrast to have a frame of reference to experience something for what it is.

  • War and peace
  • Love and hate
  • Struggle and ease, surrender
  • Fear and faith, trust
  • Light and dark

Many people mistakenly see the appearance of the opposite of their desire as a block or obstacle that must be overcome and eliminated. They view the experience as a negative; a problem that is keeping them from having what they desire rather than path to success.

In the last several months, I’ve let go of a number of projects, graduated some old clients, decluttered my home and my life to be more focused on the things I feel inspired to pursue. Through the process of “releasing and letting go” the first thing that has shown up is an “emptiness and quiet.” My emails have dropped off, my phone isn’t ringing off the hook, and things feel slower right now.

My head sees this quieter period (which I asked for and created!) as a potential problem.  My heart says, “YES! Thank you for this gift of time and space to step into the next and higher version of who I am meant to be!”

So, instead of slipping into “victim consciousness” and worry, I’ve decided to enjoy the time to let my imagination and inspiration guide me to what’s next.

How to appreciate the Law of Opposites?

Here are seven tips:

1. Bless the experience and say thank you.

2. Be open to uncover any subconscious beliefs and programs potentially contributing to what you are experiencing that are ready to be healed, released, and replaced.

3. Listen to your inner wisdom and guidance for clarity and perspective. It is the Gift of Wisdom that helps us to discern the difference between being up against a wall or at the entrance to a doorway.

4. Allow your curiosity and wonder to guide you to a more joyfull experience. Unleash the power of your imagination to dream of possibilities and opportunities on the horizon.

5. Put your attention on all the gifts and blessings in your life. Gratitude is a powerfull attitude shifter that moves us from a state of constriction to expansion.

6. Remind yourself that the Law of Opposites exists to light the way to your desires. Monitor your thoughts and judgments so that you see and feel the truth rather than react to the story and illusion you are creating in your mind.

7. Use your spiritual practices to stay connected to your heart and the Divine. Choose to do things that bring you joy. Reach out to the people who love and celebrate you.

Stay tuned to Part 2 coming in a two days


Does your faith shake?

Do you find it difficult to stand in full trust that all will be well when gripped by fear?

Does life feel unsafe?

Fear, doubt, confusion as well as excitement, passion, and wonder has made 2012 a wild emotional ride.

Do you long for inner stability and peace to know that, no matter what is happening, you will be ok?

Join me for a special FREE teleseminar called, ”Faith and Trust: Feeling Safe, Living In The Mystery of Change”. Tuesday, November 27, 2pm EST.

Learn more and reserve your seat

Strengthen your faith and trust as you expand into the New Year and open to the blessings of greater prosperity, joy, and love that are coming your way!

And I know there will be Divine guidance creating our experience together on this call! WOW.

May your faith and trust continue to blossom and guide you every day.

Love and blessings :D


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