Tag Archives: forgiveness

Self-Forgiveness: Heart Healing Telecall May 14, 2020, 3pm EST


How forgiving are you towards yourself?

Do you speak to yourself as you would with someone you love?

Do you treat yourself lovingly or harshly when you do things you don’t like?

Unforgiveness affects every area of life - self-love, money, relationships, health and well-being which is why the next heart healing monthly call will be the first in a series of sessions on Forgiveness beginning with Self-Forgiveness of May 14.

Self-forgiveness is a gift of Love.

Without self- forgiveness you cannot love yourself and allow goodness to flow abundantly into your life and move forward.

Without self-love, you cannot truly forgive and love others.

Without forgiveness there is no closure or inner peace to freely move forward. And as life is all about relationships, with yourself, others, and the Divine, there will be continual experiences to forgive so that you can love again.

Unforgiveness affects every area of life - self-love, money, relationships, health and well-being which is why the next heart healing monthly call will be the first in a series of sessions on Forgiveness beginning with Self-Forgiveness of May 14.

>> Self-Forgiveness Healing Healing TeleCall <<

If you feel an emotional charge thinking about anyone or anything that has happened in the past or is happening now, you probably have some forgiveness healing to do. When I hear people say they are stuck in patterns of self-sabotage, I always find unforgiveness and deep grief.

I continue to see and experience the healing power of Love when we offer the gift of forgiveness to ourselves and others. When you have truly forgiven, all emotional charges are gone. What you feel is peace, acceptance, and love….

Only you know what you are still holding onto….

Is this a call you are meant to attend?

If you heart says YES! Don’t miss this special call tomorrow, Wednesday May 14.

>> Self-Forgiveness Healing Healing TeleCall <<

Experience a special high vibration energy activation to release emotional pain you may be holding against yourself that is ready to be healed.

You’ll receive the call details and link to download the recording.

Expect a very powerfull heart liberating experience of Love.

Love and blessings,


PS: What a wonderfull Mother’s Day gift to give to someone you love, especially YOU!

Be sure to check out the archives if you missed any past sessions. All past recordings are available!

AND…If you missed reading my candid article, “How Forgiveness Helped Me Transform Cancer Twice“, click here


Forgiveness Helped Me Transform Breast Cancer TWICE

As many of you know, in 2012 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Last year I shared my healing journey. If you missed hearing that special call, click here to sign up and access the recording.

I talked about how my cancer experience was a blessing without fear and worry; a shining Light rich with insights and invitations to do some deeper healing work to liberate me from decades of repressed feelings guilt, anger, grief, helplessness, abandonment…. especially towards myself.

I realized I had forgiveness and self-love heart healing work to do that related to my mother’s life and death from leukemia at age 66.

And, from my research I discovered that symptoms can come and go and that making deliberate lifestyle changes can dramatically fortify the body’s immune system and healing abilities to restore health.

So, I chose to have a lumpectomy and was guided by my body’s intelligence and my education about cancer to decline the recommended traditional aftercare protocols including chemo and radiation.

Using acupuncture, massage, exercise, nutritional changes, combined with deep emotional healing I facilitated and experienced with my team of gifted healers, coaches and health practitioners, support from friends and the Divine, I walked through the experience with Love and Grace in health.

From the many responses I received from folks, I know that my decisions seemed bold and unconventional, even risky. I refused to make choices from fear or to give my power away just because that’s the standard protocol.

Actually cancer treatment has progressed very far and unless you do your due diligence you can miss out on knowing the latest advances and options.

Last year I had my annual mammogram and a teeny amount of cancer cells showed up about an inch from the first lumpectomy incision. It was a surprise because I felt I had released so much pain initially and now another layer was surfacing.

This is why I coach people to let go of, “I thought I was done with this!” and stay open to embrace anything else that emerges on a deeper level.

Because I had refused the traditional cancer regime my surgeon asked me to keep an open mind in considering my next steps.

1. Mastectomy

2. Chemo and radiation

3. A second lumpectomy

4. Do nothing

So, taking a breath and stepping back into gratitude, I was shown that I was still holding onto guilt and anger towards myself.

I was guided to suspend taking any medical actions or further testing for three months while I focused on my inner healing with all of my gifts and resources.

Standing in faith and trust with a medical diagnosis like cancer and not doing what “you are supposed to do.” was very uncomfortable. I vacillated between peace and trust in what I was doing and feeling irresponsible for my health. The idea of getting cut again was upsetting.

So, I requested a follow-up mammogram to see if anything had changed and I was open to go through with a second surgery if needed.

Guess what happened?

The cancer cells they saw three months earlier were gone. A six month follow-up was recommended.

On April 18 2014 one week before my birthday, I received a clean mammogram report.  I recall anxiously sitting in the waiting room for the radiology result and the wave of joy and gratitude when she handed me the report and said,  “See you in a year”. I thanked and praised God all the way home after a quick stop at Trader Joe’s :D

Had I not followed my heart, I would have had an unnecessary surgery and maybe worse…..

For me it was proof that symptoms can come and go. When you remove stress and pain, the body can heal it itself.

This was NOT a negative experience for me and I don’t see myself as a cancer survivor because I never identified with the diagnosis. I created an experience that provided a blessed opportunity to reveal pain that was ready to be healed and released.

It is time to change the consciousness around cancer and dis-ease.

I celebrate this victory for my body and my heart without having to do battle. I KNOW that the inner healing I did with forgiveness, self-forgiveness and self-love played a pivotal role in my ability to heal.

I also feel that with the energy shifts happening on the planet affecting us body, mind and spirit, we must make thoughtful decisions that will support physical alignment and energetic harmony.

‘Dis-ease is a wake-up call to look at yourself; at changes you are being called to make including ones that you might be resisting, old repressed pain that needs to be seen, felt and released, or something deeply buried that is surfacing for healing.

In any situation, you must make choices that feel right for you and that resonate with your beliefs and Truth even when it goes against the norm. If you believe that you have the ability to heal, then you will. If you believe that you need medical intervention to heal, then that is true for you.

Cancer and it’s recovery process wreaks havoc on the body and emotionally. What courage it takes to go through this regime! My heart goes out to all who choose this route and the toll it takes emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Every experience is uniquely individual and each person must make the choices that are right for them.

I have had rapid healings before and have always included alternative therapies in my life experiences. Miracles are a part of my life and I continue to be delighted by the many forms they take!

I’m gratefull for the doctors and hospital staff who are part of my team to support me at being my best. I believe there is a time and valid need for their professional expertise and healing environments.

As a society we have become dependent on using medication or scheduling surgeries to suppress and repress what we want to get rid of. We react in fear, give our power away to others we think are wiser than we are and often make decisions we regret

Quick fixes are band-aids. Looking for the next technique to get rid of something you don’t want to deal with or only working with symptoms instead of being willing and courageous to look deeper at the cause and message our heart and body is trying to communicate will bring temporary relief rather than a permanent release.

I believe that the inner healing work is a critical key to freedom from pain and suffering. Being fully alive means FEELING.

You are an energy being. Thought, words, and emotions carry energy that creates. If you are not allowing the energy to flow freely from you and through you, and stuffing feelings down in your body, the energy building up over time will create stress of the immune system and compromise health, well-being, and happiness…

What you do not release will create something within you and in your world. Dis-ease…..

Life is a reflection of what is happening within you. Whether facing a health, financial, relationship challenge or one with yourself, you must have the willingness and courage to dig deep and release whatever pain is locked within you that is ready to be healed.

And for goodness sake, do not do this work alone. You will likely get in your own way! Having a community of support can mean the different between struggling and suffering and walking in love and Grace.

Want some personal help? Private sessions are available. Learn more

I believe that heart healing is essential to living an awake, meaningfull, and abundant life with the Divine. My mission this year is creating healing processes and energy activations designed to release pain and raise consciousness through transformation.

My next heart healing monthly teleseminar will focus on Self-Forgiveness. Join me May 14.

>> Self-Forgiveness Healing Healing Call <<

And if you live near the Philly area, or in Maryland, Delaware or New Jersey, Join me for a Day of Forgiveness on May 17. It will be a life-changing heart-liberating event!

>> A Day of Forgiveness with Lorraine Cohen <<

You came into this life with everything you need to succeed and create heaven on earth. Lead with your guidance rather than your mind and ego and you will always be guided to what is right and best for you.

Trust that! :D

Love and blessings,



Soul Circle is Forming NOW

A place to share successes, insights, wisdom, and honest, loving conversation that catapults you higher into your greatness…



Celebrate my Birthday with 5 Special Gifts!

Even though my birthday is on the April 25th, I like to celebrate all month long. One day just isn’t enough, ya know?

If you love receiving gifts as much as I do, enjoy these as my thank you for being in my world.

Take advantage of these specials to live your greatest life before midnight EST this Friday, April 25!

1) Download a special Centering Meditation to start your day. It’s short and perfect if you don’t have a lot of time!

>> FREE Centering Meditation <<

2) Transform Your Fear Into POWER and Courage Self-Study Program is one of my best programs to change your relationship with fear. If fear is controlling your life, this robust program provides REAL transformational processes to break through and break free of the illusions of your mind, to loosen fear’s grip on your soul, and unleash your courageous heart.

Click on the buy button and save almost 50%!

>> Transform Fear Into Power and Courage <<

3) How strong is your internal foundation? I’ve been saying for years that it is critical to build a solid inner foundation to courageously live an awake, prosperous, meaningfull life rather than live in drama, suffering, and fear.

So many people miss this piece which is why I created a ten-part self-study program that focuses on identifying your essential best to fortify the inner YOU so that you will navigate life’s storms with greater ease and Grace.

For my birthday, you can get this life-enhancing program for only $47 (normally $147). This is one of my favorite programs because it will help you reveal the essence of who you are.

Click on the link to get you copy right away!

>> Lorraine’s Inner Foundation Self-Study Program <<

$100 will automatically be deducted when you click the buy button.

4) Many of you missed out on getting a free copy of my eBook - 9 Keys to Claim Your Personal Power. Soooooo, click on the link below to download it for FREE!

>> 9 Keys to Claim Your Personal Power eBook for FREE <<

5) Book a private 60 minute session with me to have a life-changing, heart-opening experience.

Use your session to clear emotional/mental blocks, release pain and suffering. Focus on forgiveness, fears, self-love, faith and trust, unresolved hurts from the past… for your liberation!

Experience a soul guided transformation process and high vibration energy activation in concert with the Divine to move you into higher states of consciousness and peace.

Choose a session for yourself for only $135, regularly $195.

Click on the link below to reserve your private session now. There are only two sessions left!

>> Life-changing Session with Lorraine <<

Sessions will be by phone or Skype and must be redeemed by May 31, 2020.

This is YOUR time to shine and thrive! You deserve it!

Love and blessings,



Forgiveness: Barrier or Breakthrough to Living a Soulfully Abundant and Vibrant Life

mirror, rumi1“Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free and discovering you were the prisoner.”

As I was returning from running some errands and thinking about my upcoming seven-week Forgiveness program beginning on April 9, I began thinking about my mother..

When I was in my late 20′s my mother told me she no longer loved my father and that she was unhappy with her life. In my parent’s generation talking about feelings and thoughts wasn’t the norm.

The fact she came to me was huge. At the age of 27, I had no words to guide or console her. I was as lost as she was.

So, feeling stuck in the “bed she made” and too terrified to make any changes, she sucked everything back in and never spoke about how she felt again.

Five years later, my mother who was a vibrant, healthy woman, was diagnosed with leukemia. And at the young age of 66 my mother died.  She found a way to leave her marriage and her life.

I believe my mother was filled with regrets, self-anger, and a deep need for forgiveness that eventually turned into dis-ease. When she died, she was finally free.

That conversation with my mother was a life defining moment.

Years later I realized that I had been harboring resentments towards myself for not being able to help my mother in her time of need. Even though I worked through a lot of healing around feeling that I had “abandoned” her because I lacked the words to comfort and guide her, my breast cancer diagnosis in May 2012 revealed some deep unforgiveness I had not yet healed.

The relationship between your beliefs and carrying pain from the past stresses the auto-immune system to be vulnerable to create dis-ease. For the body’s intelligence to return to optimal health is a multi-level approach rather than focusing solely on the symptoms. Forgiveness being closure through peace and love.

Without forgiveness there is no closure; to no ability to let go and move forward. As long as you feel emotional charges anchored in anger, blame, resentments, and judgments, there is more forgiveness work to do. Learning “how to forgive” in your heart …is a process not a technique.

That is why doing the inner transformational work, working with healing modalities that feel right for you is so critical as well as having a strong community of spiritual support and a bond with God.

My health experience was full of Grace and blessings that allowed me to lift many burdens from my heart and my body.

That’s why I am so deeply committed to the inner healing and transformation work. I repeatedly say how critical it is to have the guts to look in the shadows. And that’s why I go into those dark places myself. I don’t want my life to be filled with regrets, anger, and resentments or to be too afraid to really LIVE. And I don’t want to create illness so that my life is limited by health conditions that could have been prevented!

Do you?

I feel my mother speaking to me today and reminding me of how heavy a cost we pay when we are lost in fear and suffering. How much we give up when we allow our fears and subconscious beliefs to hold up captive from fully living the life we were born to.

And how much pain we experience when we are separated from ourselves and that Divine spark when we resist the truth of who we are and live in our illusions.

Wherever you go, you take your stuff with you. And the only path to true liberation for your Light to shine brightly is THROUGH those dark places.

Suffering is a choice. Love and grace is your birthright. Forgiveness is the pathway to living a rich and vibrant life.

Join me for a 7-week journey in Forgiveness beginning Wednesday, April 9.  Experience energy activations, special soul created processes combined with powerfull group dynamics to resolve past hurts, angers, resentments, and judgments towards others and especially towards your SELF.

If you are struggling with money, health, or with your relationships, this life-changing program will show you how to open  and heal your heart - two critical factors in creating a joyfull, abundant life. AND start thriving in ways you never have before. Early tuition ends Thursday, April 3, midnight EST. Learn more

Imagine feeling more peace within yourself …..and being able to resolve the past with compassion and self-love.

Imagine creating a more welcoming place within you to receive the blessings the Universe wants to bestow upon you.

Love and blessings,



Why Forgiveness Can Feel Difficult

Without forgiveness life is governed by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. - Roberto Assagioli

So often people think they have forgiven themselves and others but they really haven’t.

Without true forgiveness we can’t let go and move on. We end up dragging around unresolved hurts and disappointments in our heart,  on our bodies, and that haunt our thoughts.

There is no resolution because there is no peace. And because relationships are the cornerstone of our life experiences, we are continually given experiences that break our hearts open for deeper compassion and love.

If you struggle with forgiveness, here are a few reasons why:

You have an attachment to what happened.

You are still struggling with accepting what you did or didn’t do, what another did or what others continue to do.

Your struggle and resistance creates your misery which is a choice and an opportunity to forgive yourself!

Whenever you have a strong negative reaction to another is an opportunity to look at what you are dis-owning within yourself that is showing up to be loved and accepted – a quality, a behavior, an action to be forgiven.

We are mirrors for each other and as long as we have someone or something to blame for our life circumstances, we never have to take responsibility for our role in what we create from our past and our present.

I believe that whenever we find ourselves battling a challenge or hitting up against obstacles, it is usually an indication that we have some forgiveness to do.

Harboring resentments, regrets, anger, disappointments, and grudges affect EVERY area of life. And no matter how much forgiving you think you have done, the person who is in most need of forgiveness, ALWAYS, is YOU.

From my 7 week journey into forgiveness, ask yourself:

1. Is there anyone or anything anyone I am ready to forgive? (including ME?)

2. Is this anyone or anything I cannot forgive?

3. If so, what needs to happen for peace and healing to occur?

4. How is holding onto resentments, grudges, and unforgiveness affecting my life?

5. How can I be more of an expression of gratitude and love?

Forgiveness does not happen in the head. It must be felt in the heart.

To allow Grace and love in, you must surrender your attachments, your resistance to accepting whatever is happening in each moment, your expectations, and your control; to be compassionate with your own humanness and be open to allow The Divine to guide your life experiences.

This is the shift we are experiencing on the planet today!

If you resonate with what I have written and want to feel more peace and love within yourself as well as experience greater abundance in your life, join me on April 9, for Pathways to Awakening, Journey Through Forgiveness. Take advantage of an early tuition that expires on April 3.

This four-week liberating journey through forgiveness is an advanced program designed to support you in healing the past, get free from beating yourself up and sabotaging your efforts, and deepening your connection with God.

In seven weeks you will have multiple opportunities to unlock the doors to have more financial abundance, rewarding relationships, vibrant health, meaningful work, passion, more love, the freedom to be authentically you ….and so much more with the Divine guiding this journey.

The only thing you have to lose is your pain. What you have to gain is…well…limitless.

Sign up here

Love and blessings :D


9 Ways Unforgiveness Blocks Wealth, Health, And Happiness

Forgiveness, freedomI’ve watched people suffering with health issues, money worries, and emotional suffering because they have been carrying around anger, blame, resentments, regrets and grudges for years.

How to tell when you haven’t fully forgiven?

  • Current health problems, money struggles, relationship challenges.
  • Debt and financial struggles caused by past decisions.
  • Relationships that feel unresolved.
  • Revisiting/reliving painful childhood memories and past events that still negatively impact your life.
  • How quickly and intensely you feel rage, anger, shame, and unworthy.
  • The ways you sabotage your efforts (procrastination, busyness,destructive/addictive behavior, creating distractions and overwhelm..)
  • How open your heart is to give and receive love.
  • Feelings of righteous indignation that keep you stuck in victim consciousness.

There is ALWAYS a negative emotional energy charge

Which ones do you relate to?

You may believe you are better at forgiving others than yourself but the truth is that without self-acceptance and love, we cannot fully forgive anyone let alone ourselves.

Just saying you forgive another or yourself doesn’t make it so unless you embody the true essence of forgiveness. You cannot “think” yourself into “feeling” something. It’s an inner energy shift that happens in the heart NOT the mind.

What I have found is that when people are struggling with forgiveness the one they are the most upset with is THEMSELVES.  Being unforgiving towards yourself breeds self-hatred; separating you from your natural state of love and abundance.

Unforgiveness affects EVERYTHING - relationships, health, finances, success, your connection with the Divine.. Carrying pain creates a ton of stress that can powerfully compromise your health, wealth and happiness.

Forgiveness bring closure, inner peace and opens your heart to love again.

Forgiveness liberates you from suffering and return you to your nature state of abundance!

Forgiveness is freedom!

Your life is meant to be prosperous, meaningfull and joyfull!

Join me for a 7-week journey in Forgiveness beginning Wednesday, April 9. If you are struggling with money, health, or with your relationships, this life-changing program will show you how to open  and heal your heart - two critical factors in creating a joyfull, abundant life. AND start thriving in ways you never have before. Early tuition ends Thursday, April 3, midnight EST. Learn more

Experience energy activations, special soul created processes combined with powerfull group dynamics to resolve past hurts, angers, resentments, and judgments towards others and especially towards your SELF.

Imagine feeling more peace within yourself …..and being able to resolve the past with compassion and self-love.

Imagine creating a more welcoming place within you to receive the blessings the Universe wants to bestow upon you.

Your life can begin to change in ways you cannot fully comprehend. That’s what happened for several people who came through the Forgiveness program several months ago and in the other Pathways to Awakening journeys.

Read their victories

I’ll show you how to take the next steps to liberate yourself!

Give yourself this gift and the world will also benefit from your act of self love.

Love and blessings,



Self-Forgiveness Is A Pathway To Grace

“To forgive is to set a prisoner free and discover the prisoner was YOU”. -Unknown

No one can beat you up better than YOU. Without love and compassion you can torment and punish yourself in ways that isolates you from the love and help from others, your soul, and the God of your understanding. It can feel like living in an inner hell with no hope of release.

On call with a client who spoke about her upset with her 12-year old son, the subject of forgiveness came up. In the midst of a divorce, her oldest son was projecting his distress towards her in ways that felt hurtful and deprecating.

Already feeling guilty about the impact the divorce was having on her four children, she was silently allowing her son to take his upset out on her because a part of her felt she deserved it.

As we spoke she realized that she needed to forgive herself for the judgments she was holding against herself for ending her marriage, which she knew in her heart was the right thing to do for herself and her family. Her guilt did not give permission to be punished by herself or her son.

Allowing her son to act out disrespectfully without accountability or the tools to positively express and release his fear and pain in a healthy way was unloving to herself and to the close relationship she has fostered with him for 12 years.

In upcoming sessions, we’ll focus on self-forgiveness for the divorce and explore where she is holding resentments, judgments, anger, blame…. that is weighing heavily on her heart and soul.

As we ended the session, she had some steps to begin to support her son, her other children, and herself in a more loving way as they worked through the divorce and the transition.

Is there a current situation that you wish to change that was caused by choices you made in the past? It could be a relationship challenge, work struggle, financial issue or something that could affect your future.

For example, you might be dealing with a financial hardship because of choices you made in the past. You might be harboring anger, resentment, regrets, and judgments towards yourself for the decisions you made that you thought were in your best interest at the time.

You might have even felt that you were following your “gut” and now that things didn’t go the way you hoped, your faith and trust is shaky. In retrospect, you wish you could turn back the clock and do things differently. You might blame yourself or someone else for where you are.

Self-Forgiveness Exercise

Think of a situation that has made your life feel difficult, painful, scary… that you judge, blame, beat yourself up for? What in your life is causing you to feel unhappiness, anger, fear, stress….?

Ask yourself:

  • What judgments and beliefs are you holding against yourself for this situation? What was your role in creating it?
  • How are you using your upset against yourself? What are you doing to YOU?
  • What if this situation was designed for the sole purpose of waking you up and bringing your closer to your Divine ? Could you forgive yourself?
  • If you said yes, what would you be thinking and saying to yourself that might be more loving and compassionate?

To receive the full benefits of healing, you must have the courage to feel what you are afraid to feel and the curiosity to uncover the real truth which can be very different from what you believe to be true. You also have to be willing for transformation to occur without knowing how or when. Willingness opens the door for healing to be possible.

Self-Love Exercise

This is a great exercise I adapted from my friend Marci Shimoff’s book, “Love For No Reason” that I really like.

Pay attention over the next week to the times you feel harsh, self-judging, self-critical, angry towards yourself or when you feel clingy or needy.

Take a moment to ask yourself:

“What is the most loving thing I can do for myself right now? or

“What is the most loving way I can be with myself right now?”

“What is the most loving thing I can say to myself right now”?

Listen and act on the answer you receive. Compassion and empathy opens our heart to love.

Relationships are the cornerstone of our life experiences that continually invite forgiveness.

Many people tell me that they can more easily forgive others and they struggle with self-forgiveness, harboring self-judgments, regrets, resentments, and anger towards themselves.

Is that you?

Unforgiveness separates you from your True Self and the Divine. 

That separation is the greatest wound humanity suffers.

Unforgiveness blocks the good that is yours to claim.

Join me for a 7-week journey in Forgiveness beginning Wednesday, April 9.  Experience energy activations, special soul created processes combined with powerfull group dynamics to resolve past hurts, angers, resentments, and judgments towards others and especially towards your SELF.

If you are struggling with money, health, or with your relationships, this life-changing program will show you how to open  and heal your heart - two critical factors in creating a joyfull, abundant life. AND start thriving in ways you never have before. Early tuition ends Thursday, April 3, midnight EST.

Learn more

Imagine feeling more peace within yourself …..and being able to resolve the past with compassion and self-love.

Imagine creating a more welcoming place within you to receive the blessings the Universe wants to bestow upon you.

This program will be Divinely guided and just may be an answer to one of your prayers!

Love and blessings,



Ways To Be More Self-Loving With Yourself And Others, Pt. 3

self love 7

One of my favorite CD’s is Marianne Williamson’s, “Meditations For A Miraculous Life” . In the evening prayer meditation she talks about being gratefull for the lessons received during the course of the day that invited compassion and love.

In this time of self-reflection she reminds us to ask for forgiveness for the ways we withheld love and that tomorrow we may do better at BEING LOVE.

As human beings we don’t always emulate the qualities of love. We are influenced by our past, cultural conditioning, and day to day experiences that either brings out our best or our worst.

Each of us at  has screwed up, made mistakes, betrayed another, broken promises, and fallen short of our ideals. Surrendering self-contempt is an act of self-love. Forgiveness invites love and compassion. It is through our humanness that our greatness emerges.

When we are willing to soften our heart towards ourselves we can be more authentically loving towards others.

What are some of the ways you are self-punishing?

Do you speak to yourself lovingly or with harshness?

And when you mess up, are you compassionate and forgiving?

The feelings and thoughts you are experience reveals what is asking to be healed. Being willing to separate the truth from the story or drama that is being activated within you allows you to choose to show up from the best of who you are.

And when you are not at your best, make amends with yourself so that you can create opportunities to restore harmony and connections with others.

During those times when you are being unloving towards yourself, imagine you could see yourself through the eyes of the Divine.

What would love see?

What would love say?

What would love do?

Grief and sadness lies beneath anger. As long as we remain judgmental and unforgiving, we are unable to release the pain and come to a place of resolution and inner peace. When we can view each experience as a healing and growth opportunity, we can release the pain.

Forgiveness, compassion, and love is the pathway to joy.

Joy connects us to love, which is our true nature and the essence of God. Approaching life with wonder, like we did as innocent children, invites us to see and attract options and possibilities that can resolve challenges and bring Grace. In wonder we delight in the blessings, gifts, and wonderfull surprises The Divine has for us.

Imagine looking through the eyes of love every day.

Imagine if we all did that.

Imagine the world we would create…..

Ready to fall in love with yourself?

Join me on February 5 for a seven week journey through Self-Love, Integrity and Healing the Victim Wound. This program will provide opportunities to explore what love means to you, Divine Love, personal & inner integrity so that you can embrace your value and align with your true nature of love.

What makes this program so unique?

The energy. The high vibration activation and healing processes, group dynamics and Divine Presence that guides each session with Love to resolve past hurts, angers, resentments, and judgments towards others and especially towards your SELF; to open your heart to experience more peace, love, and Grace.

You will experience heart healing shifts that can happen with Grace and joy.

Learn more here and take advantage of special pricing through January 31!

Imagine treating yourself with greater compassion, forgiveness and appreciation as the precious magnificent being you truly are.

Imagine feeling good about yourself so that you stop punishing yourself and allow the abundance and love you crave to pour into your life.…..

You will experience heart healing shifts that can happen with Grace and joy.

Love and blessings,


PS. This is the only time this year I have this program scheduled and it will probably not be offered again until 2015. So, if you feel a nudge to say yes, that’s your soul talking to you. Pay attention. It knows the way to create your heaven on earth, not your ego.


Three Ways To Be More Self-Loving With Yourself And Others, Pt. 2

self love 6

Embracing self-love teaches others how to love and respect you and attract people who will value appreciate who you are.  We teach people how to treat and value us by how we treat ourselves, lovingly or unlovingly.

Whenever you make changes, the people in your life are affected and they may not always appreciate the shifts they see in you and respond negatively.

And also remember that by being true to who you are and modeling the courage to be real and authentic gives the people in your life permission to do the same.

The greatest gift you can share with others is love and it first begins with loving yourself!

The question is, “Do you have the courage to love yourself enough to be who you are meant to be and do what you are here to do?”

One of the ways I love myself is committing to my spiritual practices daily. Creating sacred time to be in communion with  the God of my understanding is one of my greatest passions that feeds my heart.

A second way I love myself enough  is having the willingness and courage to do the deeper shadow healing that liberates me from my past and frees me to co-create the future I want.

If you are a parent, what is the legacy you are teaching your kids about self-love and self-esteem?

What is the message you are communicating to others? Is it time to change your message?

Self-Love Exercise 1

Fill in the following statement with as many responses you can think of that would reflect your courageous heart. (we use this exercise in my Aligning With Destiny program)

I love myself enough to….

Self-Love Exercise 2

To begin, take several minutes to recall someone you deeply love or have loved. It could be a spouse, parent, child, teacher, animal, God…..Breathe into that feeling of love allowing that energy to fill you up inside your body. With this energy connection of love that can feel like Divine Love

1. Sit or stand in front of a mirror so you can gaze into your own eyes. Say loving things to yourself – be the recipient of that Divine love.

2. Breathe deeply and place both hands over your spiritual heart chakra in the center of your chest. Say loving things to yourself. such as saying your name and adding, “I am a wonderfull loving, incredible woman/man. I own my value and special gifts. I love my soul, I love my ego….” - lovingly embracing all parts of your Self.   You might continue to say “I love myself” over and over pausing to breathe in love and feel it in your heart.

3. As you continue to breathe in the love, have the thought of breathing out anything that is contrary to love. Release any resistance to receiving this love into your heart. Do this for several more minutes and then focus on breathing in love and breathing out love into the world.

Ready to fall in love with yourself?

Join me on February 5 for a seven week journey through Self-Love, Integrity and Healing the Victim Wound. This program will provide opportunities to explore what love means to you, Divine Love, personal & inner integrity so that you can embrace your value and align with your true nature of love.

What makes this program so unique?

The energy. The high vibration activation and healing processes, group dynamics and Divine Presence that guides each session with Love to resolve past hurts, angers, resentments, and judgments towards others and especially towards your SELF; to open your heart to experience more peace, love, and Grace.

You will experience heart healing shifts that can happen with Grace and joy.

Learn more here and take advantage of special pricing through January 31!

Imagine treating yourself with greater compassion, forgiveness and appreciation as the precious magnificent being you truly are.

Imagine feeling good about yourself so that you stop punishing yourself and allow the abundance and love you crave to pour into your life.…..

You will experience heart healing shifts that can happen with Grace and joy.

Love and blessings,


PS. This is the only time this year I have this program scheduled and it will probably not be offered again until 2015. So, if you feel a nudge to say yes, that’s your soul talking to you. Pay attention. It knows the way to create your heaven on earth, not your ego.

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