A few years ago a dear friend gave me Cheryl Richardson’s book, “The Unmistakeable Touch of Grace.”
She writes, “Grace comes from the Latin word gratia, meaning favor, charm or thanks. Grace is seen as a creative force- an act of exceptional kindness and goodness. It’s the recognition that everything is connected and sacred. The more in touch we are with this natural abundance of life, the less we need.”
She also believes that grace is a kind of spiritual intelligence, a form of energy that comes from the Divine Source and that as we connect and trust this Higher Power to lead us, the more we step into alignment with a larger vision for our lives. We begin to recognize the signs, symbols, and messages that lead us to our highest good.
It’s easy to recognize the Divine hand of Grace when things work out the way you want.
For example: You envisioned something you wanted, prayed about it, practiced working with The Law of Attraction and if it flowed the way you hoped, you were happy. You might even say Grace was at work to bring you what you wished for.
Have you ever had one of those moments or days or where everything seemed to come together with ease? It felt magical, didn’t it?
Grace can come in many forms like having all the traffic lights turn green when you had to get somewhere at a certain time, receiving help just when you needed it, an uncomfortable conversation goes better than you expected, and attracting business opportunities without a lot of effort.
Who doesn’t love it when things go the way we like? We feel thankful and often credit The Divine for the blessing.
When life seems to take a turn and brings you challenges and pain, do you see the hand of Grace then?
Prior to reading Cheryl’s book, I never thought much about what it meant to live “in Grace.” I knew that when times felt difficult I wanted ease and relief. And when life felt rich and flowing, I was grateful and happy.
I realized how powerfull it is to be able to feel ease and flow no matter what is happening; to not be dependent on something happening “out there” to feel good “in here.”
That’s what Grace is really about. Grace has an energy of peace and calm that is filled with faith, trust, love, courage…that is rooted in your relationship with God.
Last year during my breast cancer experience, I lived with the hand of Divine Grace. It was an amazing period of defining moments to walk through what could have been a terrifying experience effortlessly…without any fear or burdens. My bond with God grew stronger and I felt liberated from a ton of emotional drama without even trying. I had made a shift in consciousness…and I began to understand what Divine Grace really is - a gift of freedom from suffering and struggle.
Now, when I get caught up in my fears and worries, I know how to walk through my drama and bring Grace with me.
You might be experiencing fear, money worries, health issues, relationship conflicts, and business challenges. It may be difficult when life feels hard to see Grace in operation and yet, it is always there.
Would you like to have more Grace and love in your life?
Your mind and ego won’t get you there. As long as your mind is trying to direct, control, and manage your life, you will stay in struggle and fear.
Grace comes when you let go of resisting whatever is happening, wanted or unwanted Often what we grasp so tightly in fear is exactly the thing that is blocking what you most desire. Grace also comes when you have done all you can and fully release any problem into the hands of the Divine and trust that all will be handled.
It’s much easier to write and talk about than it is to practice surrender. Once you begin to surrender using practices that deepen your connection to the Divine, your perspective on life transforms. When your perspective transforms, your life transforms.
That’s why noticing the blessings and hand of Grace is so important. That is the evidence that builds trust between you and God.
Grace is something you RECEIVE. It is not something you MAKE happen.
A current life challenge and difficulty might be an answer to your prayer; an opportunity for grace to lead you to a joyful, prosperous, and meaningfull life.
- A job loss might be the pathway to do the work that brings greater vitality and aliveness to your life.
- A financial challenge might be Divinely designed to help you develop trust and bring you closer to God
- A relationship conflict might help you to find your voice, develop greater compassion and love, or invite you to forgive.
- A health condition may be a gift to help you heal unresolved grief, guilt, or unforgiveness..
Have you had experiences that you thought were “bad” that turned out to be blessings in disguise?
Take a look at your life.
What do you resist, struggle with and fight against?
What would happen if you surrendered your resistance and invited Grace to lead you with faith, trust and courage?
Want to consciously live in the spirit of Divine Grace?
Learning the art of surrendering, deepening your bond with God, opening your heart and expanding your mindset are some of the keys to dance with Grace.
That’s why I created the Pathways to Awakening program which is a series of 4-week mini courses designed as deepening journeys to help you release the past and open to greater joy and prosperity while fulfilling you Divine destiny.
The next four week journey focuses on Divine Grace beginning Wednesday, April 17. Take advantage of the early tuition through April 12 and choose from two payments options.
PLUS, I am gifting one 30-minute private session with me to three folks.
>> Learn more
TRUST your intuition to register. That’s Divine Grace speaking to you. It would be an honor to help you expand your relationship with Grace.
Love and blessings,
PS: If you have questions and need help deciding if this program is right for you, email me to set up time for us to have a little chat.