Tag Archives: Lorraine Cohen

9 Valuable Gifts From Fear

In my 25+ years I have coached and counseling thousands of people all over world, fear continues to be the #1 roadblock to people’s ability to succeed and thrive.

When fear  takes dominion over your thoughts and emotions, life feels scary, heavy and hard. You become separated from your True Self and God’s love and Grace.

People continually ask me how to get rid of their fear which is NOT the way to live in this new energy and move into higher states of consciousness. Resisting fear or any uncomfortable feeling and thought will keep those feelings and thoughts alive and strong in your life. What you resist, persists. You cannot “think” yourself out of feeling fear to shift into real sustained courage.  Until you begin to work with fear differently, fear will control your life.

One of the first steps is to be open to see fear as a guide rather than an enemy.

Here are 9 ways to receive gifts from fear:

1. We scare ourselves all the time. When no apparent danger is evident, our minds conjure up stories that we believe to be true. What ifs, worse case scenarios, anticipated outcomes that rarely ever happen unless we are intent in creating them! Ask yourself, “In this moment, what is the truth?”

2. When feeling fear, our thoughts are focused on the future. When feeling pain, we are recreating the past. We are not living in the present which is the only place that is NOW. Knowing “where” you are living through your attention invites you to come back into the present moment and choose where to place your attention and intention.

3. Emotions such as anger cover up fear. Why? We feel more powerfull in our anger than we do in our fear. Other emotions include depression, hurt, grief, and blame. Having the willingness and courage to go beneath the surface of anger allows you to experience deeper healing and transformation.

4. We sabotage ourselves when we feel frightened. Procrastination, rationalizations, avoidance, tolerating things, making excuses, being controlling, becoming aggressive or submissive… are some examples of how fear misdirects us from our dreams and desires.

When fears emerge through self-sabotage, that can be a signal that your inner child is desperate for some attention and comfort. Take some to go within and be a loving presence to that part of you in need.

5. Fear can be a motivator or a barrier. Fear can ignite action or become a roadblock when facing change.  Imagine instead of withdrawing in fear, you took a deep breath and decided to GO FOR IT! And if the fears are strong, that is a sign that you are on the verge of an important shift!

The strength of the fear and resistance is a vibrational match for the wonderful gift that is waiting for you on the other side of that roadblock. That’s the Law of Polarity. You came into this life with EVERYTHING you need to succeed and thrive.

6. Fears are transformed by love and faith. We can learn to rewrite the tapes we play in our minds so that the messages we tell ourselves feed us rather than deplete us. Love and fear cannot coexist in the same space.

Rather than resisting your fears, imagine loving them instead. Love your fears for the ways they serve you to grow through experience and self-reflection and bring you “home” to who you really are.

7. Fear has a positive value. If we were completely fearless and lacked caution, we might place ourselves in harm’s way, make rash decisions that have dire consequences, or make decisions we deeply regret.

Instead of looking at how you can get “rid” of your fears or condemn them, consider all the ways your fears help you.

8. Fear is a sign that we are separated from our spiritual connection. Unless there is evidence of immediate danger or circumstances that validate a fear response, our fears are activated by our subconscious beliefs and fueled by the mind.

Realizing this separation is an invitation to reconnect with the God of your understand and to deepen that relationship.

9. Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is about following your heart in spite of what your mind and feelings are telling you; being willing to take those leaps of faith to follow your Divine urges. Faith is feeling trust before the evidence shows up and having the courage to do whatever it takes “in fear”.

Your soul would never ask you to do anything that would deliberately harm you or put you in the path of danger. Why would it?

Money and fear are the two most powerfull motivators or deflators today.  Living a joyfull and abundant life is within your grasp if you are willing to courageously liberate yourself from fears, doubts, and not “enoughness” to know your value, claim your Divine power and live your purpose NOW!

Would you like to know how to turn fear into an ally to live  your most vital, abundant, soul fulfilling life with the POWER of Grace to guide you?

Great news!

Then join me for “ Pathways To Awakening”, a four week journey into Courage and POWER beginning July 10. Experience soul guided healing journeys and energy activations to release the past and open your heart - two critical factors in creating a joyfull, abundant life that is aligned with your spiritual path. Click here to learn more and take advantage of the early tuition thru July 5!

Imagine who you might be…what you might do …if you felt more courageous and confident to take those next steps to follow the yearnings of your heart.

Imagine how your life will change when you stand more firmly in your POWER and start consciously creating the life you want without hesitation and doubt.


Three Questions That Keep People Stuck in Resentment and Pain

bad thoughts, Amanda Cass
I speak quite a bit about how unforgiveness affects EVERYTHING in your life.

Many people think  they have forgiven others and themselves, when they really haven’t.

Below are three questions I am continually asked that keep people from resolving past pain:

1. How can I forgive myself for making choices that has created  pain in my life? (financial hardship, abandoned dreams, loss of self…)

It’s easy to feel good about yourself when your life is going the way you want, isn’t it. We habitually assign labels of good and bad to life experiences and give power to those experiences to be the source of our inner happiness.

Consider this:

A person who loses their job may now have the opportunity to pursue a lifelong dream. Perhaps the work they were doing was joyless and they were too frightened to leave and follow a deeper passion.

Or a person who made decisions that created a financial hardship is provided the opportunity to resolve a ton of past pain, strengthen their relationship and trust with God and align with the deeper purpose of their life that is rich with prosperity and love (as I have).

On the FREE call I hosted last year, I mentioned two questions that I teach in my four week Forgiveness program, beginning May 29.

  • What if the decisions you made that created this situation (challenge, hardship) that you thought was Divinely inspired or right for you at the time, was really directed by your ego’s fear (or some other story created by the mind), Could you forgive yourself?
  • What if this experience was designed for the sole purpose of waking you up and bringing you closer to your Divine? Could you forgive yourself?

The answers to those questions can create a powerfull transformational shift!

2. How can I forgive someone who has been the source of so much pain for me and others?

Who among us has not behaved poorly, betrayed another, crossed boundaries, hurt another and done things that have brought out the most wounded parts of ourselves with another as well as against ourselves?

For centuries humanity has existed in intense darker energies of pain and fear. Now we are coming brilliantly into the Light and awakening to our true nature of Love.

Towards those who you feel wronged and violated by, take a moment to imagine what must have happened to that person as a child to have turned them into the deeply wounded person they have become. And be willing to ask that same question of yourself if you struggle with self-forgiveness?

Injustices, violations, betrayals can feel like personal attacks and the truth is, most times they are not personal while having a personal impact. As the receiver, you are experiencing the other person’s pain that is being projected onto you. The ability to see beyond the other person’s action, even those viewed as unforgivable, as the result of deep inner pain, open the heart to greater compassion and healing. This is a process…..

Forgiveness does not mean that what happened did not matter or have an impact on your life. Forgiveness allows you to come to peace within yourself by accepting what happened without resistance and “coming home” to who you really are – a brilliant Light and presence that nothing can ever extinguish. What you surrender is your reaction.

Life experiences, qualities, or behaviors can define you if you identify with them. The story you tell is the story you live. Or they can be pathways to expanding your potential and your liberation.

Our lives are shaped by our experiences - how we interpret and identify with them.

It is your choice to empower another person or event to become your life story or… to use past experiences upon which to rewrite your future.

3. How do I stop blaming and judging myself so forgiveness can happen?

Cultivating self-love and compassion allows for forgiveness to occur. The first step towards forgiveness is having the willingness to forgive. Embodying forgiveness is an internal transformational process that involves the mind, the heart and soul, and most importantly, The Divine.

Be gentle with yourself and continue to invite God to guide through this healing journey. Be open to face and embrace those parts of yourself that are in need of tenderness.

To allow Grace and love in, you must surrender your attachments, your resistance to accepting whatever is happening in each moment, your expectations, and your control; to be compassionate with your own humanness and be open to allow The Divine to guide your life experiences.

If you resonate with what I have written and want to feel more peace and love within yourself as well as experience greater abundance in your life, join me on May 29, for Pathways to Awakening, 4 week Journey Through Forgiveness.

I’ll share PROVEN keys and processes that WORK to help you end suffering.

I’ve been doing this work with thousands of people like you for more than 25 years.  You can’t fully live in the present when you are anchored in the past.

The early tuition expires at midnight EST, May 24! On May 25, the tuition goes up.

Reserve your seat here

In four weeks you will have multiple opportunities to unlock the doors to have more financial abundance, rewarding relationships, vibrant health, meaningful work, passion, more love, the freedom to be authentically you ….and so much more with the Divine guiding this journey. I’ll show you how!

The only thing you have to lose is your pain. What you have to gain is……well…limitless.

Reserve your seat here

Love and blessings,


(Image, Amanda Cass)


Mending A Broken Heart, Divinely! Compelling Conversation w/Michelle Mayur. April 15, 8pm EST


I am delighted to host a special Compelling Conversation with my dear friend Michelle Mayur!

Join us for “Mending A Broken Heart, Divinely”

Monday, April 15, 8 PM EST

Suffering from a broken heart can leave you feeling alone, isolated and unsupported with nowhere to turn. How wonderful it would be to have a whole toolbox of empowering ways to move out of being stuck in ‘heart-broken’ and to move into expanded states of joy!

  • Discover 10 key ingredients crucial to mending your broken heart Divinely
  • Volunteer for a ‘hot seat’ and let spiritual healer Michelle Mayur start healing your broken heart right on the call.
  • Experience Michelle’s wonderful heart-healing meditation co-created with the angels

Hear Michelle’s story of working with the Divine to heal her own heart and grow from her traumatic experiences.

Take away enjoyable, empowering and practical tools for your own self-healing, especially for your heart.

Register for the FREE call details and access to the replay here

It’s going to be a great conversation!!




Are You A Yes Butter….? How To Neutralize Resistance And Live A Rich Life

“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” ― Deepak Chopra

Change. Some people hate it; some people love it; some people intentionally create it. No matter what you think or feel about change, it is a constant in life.

What do you want most in your life? More money, a loving relationship, health, to make a difference in the world, prosper doing what you love, have more fun…?

If you work with affirmations, vision boards, visualizing meditations, gratitude journals for small portions of time each day and put the rest of your attention on negative thinking, all the positive imagining you do will be negated by the negative charges you are sending out into the Universe.

Everything is energy and vibration. If you wish for the best and imagine the worst consistently, guess what you will manifest?

I’ve been guilty of sabotaging my dreams and efforts because of fears and old beliefs about unworthiness. Not only did my mind kick into all the reasons why what I wanted was impossible or too difficult, I also created overwhelm so I wouldn’t have to do anything! Or, I was saying I wanted something half-heartedly and without being fully committed. One foot in..one foot out.

Sound familiar?

I realized I was sending mixed messages to the Universe by holding myself back and hiding out from fully showing up to Life.   I was creating drama and suffering by scaring myself out of Life.

Yes, I want this but….

No more

I chose to be done with “yes, but” and faced my resistance head on.

Guess what happened?

Doors opened.

Miracles happened.

Grace poured in with tons of love and abundance.

It’s been very cool…

Now I live more in wonder and curiosity.  I am not willing to allow my mind to keep me from the good stuff.

How about you?

When you want something do you really go for it?  Or do you use these reasons and excuses to rationalize why something is impossible before taking one step to find out whether it is true?

  • It’s too hard
  • I can’t afford it
  • I don’t have the time/it’s not the right time
  • I’m not smart enough/good enough
  • It’s too scary
  • It’s not possible because…
  • I don’t deserve it

Yeah, but….

Yeah, but….

It is important it is to be clear on what you really, really want. Too often we get caught up in what we think we should want or someone else’s dream.

Exercise: What Do You Really Want?

Take some time for contemplation and self-reflection and write your responses to:

1. What is one thing you really, really want?  Feel into your heart’s longing and passion.

2. What makes what you want so important? What will you get from having what you really want?

3. What will that add to your life that you don’t have now? (How will that change your life?)

4. Is this the right time? Do you have room in your life to receive what you want?

5. Do you have want you need ? (Systems, circle of support, space…?)

Now stop. Breathe. Feel into having what you really want. Notice your thoughts, emotions,  and body sensations.

Does your body feel expansive or constricted?

Play with Resistance

What resistance comes up when you begin to dream about what you want?

What favorite dramas, excuses and reasons do you use to tell yourself no to having what  you want?

What is one thing you will do to stretch out of your emotional “no” box?

It might be something that scares you that you know in your heart is a step you MUST take. You might need an accountability partner, coach, or group to help you move and keep moving.

As long as you keep using the same old blah, blah, blah  story and excuses, you will not move forward.

The truth is you don’t know for sure what is possible or what you might be capable of now if you don’t take that first step and the next. Your past does not dictate what your present and future will be. Neither does your current circumstances unless you believe that things will not improve. AND you do not know what God is creating for you to bring you higher.

You are either being led by fear and suffering or faith and trust.

When I want something badly enough and feel that intuitive guidance to take action, I can still get caught up in some resistance. That a signal for me to stop, take a few deep breaths, bring myself back into the present moment, and connect with God.

Within a short time, sometimes a few seconds or minutes, I can feel the heaviness lift, my mind clears, and I feel more connected inside.  Doing the inner work has shown me how to shift from inner chaos to a calm inner center.

When you want something badly enough you have to be willing to put consistent energy into following through. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to have what you are yearning for.

You must be willing to see life though a different lens; one that shows you that perceived obstacles are stepping stones and pathways to your dreams.

You have to be willing to ask for what you want, be vulnerable, look and feel silly, make mistakes, or feel scared to create the life of your dreams. It also takes commitment, passion, and tenacity to persevere.

And you must be willing to challenge and let go of the thought patterns and beliefs generated by your EGO that keep you separated from the deeper truth of who you really are.

Life is a journey of faith, trust, and courage to boldly go where you have never dared to go before when you know in your heart you must take that next step.

If you have a quick “impossibility’ response and you allow “no” beliefs to rule your life, you will continue to miss windows of opportunities that may end up as regrets.

The real question is, “How badly do you want something and what are you willing to do or be to have it?”

Life is meant to be lived not observed.

Don’t believe everything you think!

The story you tell is the story you live….

PS: My Soul Circle group is forming for April. Have the support of kindred spirits to neutralize “Yes, but”  to start living a rich and vital life. Learn more




Turning Negative Self-Talk Into Love

“Your beliefs become your thoughts. Your thoughts become your words. Your words become your actions. Your actions become your habits. Your habits become your values. Your values become your destiny.”– Mahatma Gandhi

Your Self-Talk

Have you ever paid attention to the conversations you are having in your head?

Your self talk gives voice to what you believe about yourself, others, the world…  All that internal chatter can either help you or hinder you to lead a happier, prosperous life.

Your self-talk echoes the beliefs you have come to accept as TRUE, such as worst case scenarios, things that happened in the past you expect to repeat, and what ifs. If your self-talk is compelling enough, you can scare yourself into action or immobility.

Internally - it is the constant commentary inside your head.

Externally – it is the comments you make about yourself and what’s going on around you to friends, family, and everyone you come in contact with.

Your self talk can be supportive (empowering, makes you feel good) or non-supportive (deflating, makes you feel bad).

When we believe the things we tell ourselves, “It’s going to be too hard. What if I make a mistake? I’m not good enough”, we can feel confusion, anger, fear, stress…. When we believe the negative things we tell ourselves about who we are, we our world might become one of lack, pain, & struggle.

Noticing your internal commentary is an important key in taking steps to change beliefs and create new realities. The more you recognize that you are NOT the story you are identifying with and telling others, you can free yourself to shift into empowered choice and action.

The Power of Language (excerpt from Aligning With Destiny program)

When you become aware of the language you are using unconsciously, you can intentionally choose to shift the energy to a more expansive way of expressing, thus raising your vibrations to align with manifesting what you want.

Common ways we use language to create pain:

Notice how some of the language is creating undesired states of being through violent suggestions and untruths that our bodies. How often do you think and say things that begin with these words? Repeat the words below and feel into your body as you say them out loud.

•    I don’t have time to….
•    I’m starving to death
•    My head is killing me
•    You make me sick
•    This person/situation is driving me crazy
•    “You made me…” (blaming others for your reaction)
•    My life would be better if only…(excuses and rationalizations)
•    I am…
•    I’m the type of person who…
•    I can’t afford to…
•    I can’t…
•    It’s too hard…
•    I’m sick and tired of…

How do you feel? Do the words feel constrictive or expansive?

We manifest what we give the most energy and attention to. If you are using words that create pain and constriction, you will make them your reality.

Shifting Language

Shifting language includes recognizing that how you schedule your time is a choice based on what your valued priorities are in any situation.

Words like NEVER, ALWAYS, and FOREVER are constrictive and imply absolutes. When you find yourself using these words, ask yourself, “Is what I am thinking, feeling, and saying really true?”

Shifting language is simple and powerful. You can start by replacing constrictive, restrictive or untrue language by challenging yourself to align with your truth.

Instead, you can say things like:

•    Sometimes
•    In some situations
•    I have had experiences when
•    In the past…
•    I have found…
•    It’s possible….

Words like: should, shouldn’t, need to, have to, and “supposed to”… create the illusion that you have a lack of choice.

You don’t

How much vitality and joy do you feel when you do things out of guilt, obligation, or shame because you fear negative consequences. You may be afraid of upsetting others or risking the withdrawal of their love and being punished in some way.

The result is a build-up of resentment, anger and frustration that ultimately becomes self-directed.

Shifting into the language of choice opens the flow to receive more of what you want. Repeat the words below and feel into your body as you say them out loud.

•    I choose to…..
•    It’s ok to…
•    I give myself permission to
•    I allow…
•    I want…
•    I get to…
•    I love to…

How do you feel?

Do the words feel constrictive or expansive?

The mind, when directed by Universal Love (God/Higher Power, one’s Spirit) can be an amazing tool for creating a fulfilling and purposefull life, especially when the mind is allowed to be directed by the heart/Universal Love.

Whether you want a thriving business, greater prosperity, vibrant health, a loving relationship, weight reduction….. your thoughts and words are creating your reality all the time.

Start consciously paying attention to your self talk. Is it positively supportive or non-supportive? What are you repeating to others?

If it’s non-supportive, how can you change your language to be more affirming and accepting?

If you saw yourself through the eyes of love as the Divine sees you, how would your self-talk change?

What would love say?

What would love feel?

What would love think?

What would love do?

Energy goes where attention goes.  Choose the thoughts and words you wish to be the seeds that sprout in the inner garden of your heart. What you plant today and water every day becomes the flowers or weeds of your future.

Want support to help you remember how amazing and powerfull you are especially when life  feels scary?

Thrive like Oprah, Frodo, and Harry Potter with kindred spirits who…

* Feed your heart and support you in building a strong inner foundation to weather any of life’s challenges….

* Want what you want for yourself (and more) and celebrate both your victories and failures without judgment…..

*Help you expand your perspective of limitation to see exciting possibilities you may have missed.. and who invite you to embrace your brilliance…

My new Soul Circle Tele-group begins in March. Only 8 seats. Learn more and apply for your spot here

Love and blessings,



Needs, Wants and Shoulds: Creating A Healthy Mind, Body, Spirit Relationship


For the last several days I have been spending most of my time in bed running very high temperatures that are finally beginning to lessen.

I enjoy having the energy and mental clarity to do the things I enjoy. I rarely feel unwell so I was surprised by the speed impact of whatever this was.

This weekend I was scheduled to attend a Oneness Awakening weekend for the second time. It’s a beautiful program to initiate blessing givers to transmit Divine Grace to others and a great opportunity for current blessings givers to go deeper. I was looking forward to the weekend with the Oneness community instead of being in bed.

So, I started playing a game with myself. Maybe I could go for a little while because I was just too weak and tired to go for two eleven hour days. The more I thought about going, the more overwhelmed I felt. Who was I kidding? I was barely on the mend.

So, I surrendered to my higher knowing that staying home and resting was the only loving choice.

Most of us are not great patients. I know that is true about me.

It’s not unusual to try to jump back full steam ahead at the first signs of improvement and then we wonder why we relapse?

Needing to take time to recover from an illness or procedure is obvious.

  • What about those subtle cues from the body that many override?
  •  Not taking breaks when you need to
  •  Going to bed too late
  •  Feeding your body with fast food rather that nutrition rich food
  •  Working yourself to exhaustion
  •  Not hydrating enough (PS. Add a pinch of Celtic salt to your water or juice so that the cells in your body can absorb the water you are drinking. That was tip from a healer I work with).
  •  Getting exercise
  •  Meditating
  •  Pampering yourself
  •  Fully feeling your feelings so your body doesn’t have to hold them inside

If you ignore the needs of your body long enough, your body will put you down.

Prioritizing your self care reduces stress levels and helps your body’s auto-immune system to stay strong and healthy.

As I look back over the last several days, I feel gratefull for whatever I may have released from my body. Resting is essential to ease back into my normal routine and I give myself full permission to do that.

I’ve been talking about the energy shifts on the planet and it is important to note that as energy beings, we are being impacted by these changes.

You might feel nudged to slow down, take naps, change your eating habits… Pay attention and listen. What is your body asking for?

Did you know that when you let your self-care slide, your negative mental chatter will get louder? Your reactions will intensify, relationships will be affected, and the work you enjoy doing will also get less than your best.

Did you also know that as the earth is being healed and created by Divine Intelligence so are our bodies? Yup.

And one more thing. There is a difference between using an excuse to avoid doing or feeling something that is for your highest good and when taking care of you is the most loving action.

The better you come to know yourself, the more easily you will recognize when you are playing one of your games to sidestep an experience. The key is a willingness to be radically honest and own your truth.

Even though I knew in my heart I couldn’t attend the weekend, I still checked in with myself. I feel some disappointment to miss this opportunity, which will come around again in 5 months. It is what it is.

When we are doing inner healing work, the last place we release emotions in through the body. So, I choose to see the last few days as an opportunity to do some massive deep cleansing of some very old stuff I have been holding in my body.

I like that idea so I am sticking to that story.

I hope this post is making sense because I am still a little fuzzy. This article started writing in my head about six am this morning and I had to get it written so I could share it with you.

Be good to yourself. Pay attention to placing wants and shoulds over your needs. When your body, mind and spirit is in harmony, your life will flow with greater ease and abundance.

Love and blessings,



The Courage To Say “No”

“A ‘No’ uttered from the deepest conviction is better than a ‘Yes’ merely uttered to please, or worse, to avoid trouble.” - Mahatma Gandhi

Cultural and childhood conditioning powerfully influences what you think, feel and do to “earn” love. Without feeling the freedom to express your authentic heart, you give your power away when you say yes or no out of fear or guilt.

True relationships are not that fragile. They can withstand the truth without suffering the loss of love.

Conflict is a powerfull way to foster a strong relationship with another. In the willingness and ability to resolve the “messiness” and upset with mutual respect, love, and honesty, trust is built.

When you mess up, own it. Tell the truth to yourself and claim your humanness. Make amends to others when appropriate to clean your stuff up. You will feel better inside when you restore inner and personal integrity.

It may require a lot of courage and self-love to say YES to yourself when you are used to living in sacrifice because you have been taught that’s’ what “good people” do. At first saying no may feel uncomfortable. People may not react well and take your no personally.

How others react is part of THEIR journey and your service to their growth. It is not your job to please others and be responsible for their happiness. It’s theirs.

Within my own circle of friends, I am blessed to feel safe and loved to BE me. My friendships are rock solid and we feel the freedom to be real without hesitation. We hold nothing back and when there is any conflict, it is cleared in a matter of minutes without taking things personally.

It has taken time to build deep trust with each other. There can still be moments when I shake inside to say something to them that feels scary and vulnerable.

We value our friendship more than the need to be right or to hide behind past pain. We have all been on a spiritual path and have done enough inner work to show up for each other in love. It’s very liberating!!

When you begin to love and value yourself, you will attract people into your life who love and value themselves and want to be with kindred spirits like you.

I believe we all want to feel free to be who we are and to feel loved in whatever way we show up. Setting boundaries can be done lovingly and firmly. A yes given with joy and love is much richer than one that is given from guilt and fear.

Be willing to create the relationships you yearn for by healing your heart. When you release your past burdens, you will liberate your True Self!

Love and blessings :D



Getting Rid of Fear And THRIVING In These New Energies

I continually hear people ask me, “How can I get RID of my fears?”

Did you know that when you approach fear from that perspective you cast judgment and condemnation towards yourself that separates you from your true Nature and God?

In this shift in consciousness, we must make a paradigm shift in how we think and feel about our fears or any thought and pattern we don’t like so we are moving into states of wholeness, peace, and love.

You will continue to be in conflict and inner struggle as long as you beat yourself up and judge yourself in any way including when you do or don’t do something out of fear!

Transformation is an internal energy shift that cannot be managed, controlled or directed by your mind and ego which is why learning new ways of living “with fear” in these new energies is critical .

You might be thinking, “I know this!!! I know I need to be more self-loving, more forgiving, more….!”  but you are still  getting hooked into old reactions. (Me too sometimes)

It’s not your fault if you are struggling with fears.

Fear has been controlling the world for centuries. It’s in your DNA. And there are many positives to fear you might not realize too.

That’s why 2012 and the years to follow are so exciting. This is your time to be liberated from the grip of your mind/ego  by the only one who can do that - God.

For this to happen, creating harmony with all parts of yourself is essential including your fears!

Living in the grip of fear and feeling powerless sucks.

You are not powerless.

If you are struggling with fear or any feeling or pattern you wish to change, the problem is HOW you are being WITH it - embracing ALL of you or bracing against yourself? Resistance to anything you don’t want only gives it more power to be alive in your life.

And if you are depending on your mind and ego to create the changes you want within yourself and your life, that is not where your true transformational power lies.

That’s like going to a mechanic to get your teeth cleaned.

The key is Love. It always comes back to love - the most powerfull transforming energy in Creation. That is your natural state and the essence of God.

You gotta line up your insides to attract what you want in your reality.

I can help. This is the work I do.

Take advantage of two resources designed to change your relationship with fear and thrive in these new energies. Experience leading edge approaches that can release years of pain and suffering, sometimes in a matter of minutes.


The deepening processes and soul-guided meditations are so potent that folks continually report feeling lighter, more peacefull, confident and empowered to roll with life. They tell me how much more fun and abundant  their lives have become.

Want that?

>> 1. Get the recording of my special teleseminar, “Divine Alchemy: Awakening and Sustaining A Courageous Heart” that I hosted on October 6. The program includes live coaching, a special breakthrough guided process with fear and ended with a Oneness Blessing. This life-changing call is $39 until Wednesday, October 17, midnight EST. Teleseminars I offer that include experiential processes usually start at $49, so you are already saving $10 by purchasing the recording now. Click here

>> 2. Give yourself the gift of time —tested transformational tools and soul guided  journeys to courageously transcend the past and liberate your heart. Become masterfull in manifesting your dreams in partnership with your Divine Essence. My new self-study program, Transform Fear into POWER and Courage will help you do that. Use coupon code FEARLESS (all caps) at checkout and save an instant $50. Coupon expires Wednesday, October 17, midnight EST. Get it here

To your liberation!

Love and blessings,

Lorraine :D


Forgiveness: Alchemy to Living Your Divine Destiny

So often people think they have forgiven themselves and others but they really haven’t.

Without true forgiveness we can’t let go and move on. We end up dragging around unresolved hurts and disappointments in our heart, on our bodies, and in our painfull thoughts

There is no resolution because there is no peace. And because relationships are the cornerstone of our life experiences, we are continually given experiences that break our hearts open for deeper compassion and love.

Each of us at one time or another has strayed from our path, ignored our heart, betrayed another, been unloving, acted unwisely, given in to an addiction, desire, or temptation we might regret. There is a need for forgiveness when there is blame that often results in a misunderstanding or taking things personally.

You may not realize it, but any residual resentments and areas of unforgiveness that cause leakages to your energy, will profoundly undermine organized thought and energy.

And, keep in mind that in the long run, no matter how much forgiving you have done, at the core - ALWAYS - the most honest and important forgiveness work is always about forgiving YOU.

Below are three common question about forgiveness I am continually asked

1. How can I forgive myself for making choices that has created pain my life? (financial hardship, abandoned dreams, loss of self…)

It’s easy to feel good about yourself when your life is going the way you want, isn’t it? We habitually assign labels of good and bad to life experiences and give power to those experiences to be the source of our inner happiness.

Consider this:

A person who loses their job may now have the opportunity to pursue a lifelong dream. Perhaps the work they were doing was joyless and they were too frightened to leave and follow a deeper passion.

Or a person who made decisions that created a financial hardship is provided the opportunity to resolve a ton of past pain, strengthen their relationship and trust with God and align with the deeper purpose of their life that is rich with prosperity and love (as I have).

Below are two questions folks work with in my four week Journey into Forgiveness program that begins September 20

~ What if the decisions you made that created this situation, that you thought was Divinely inspired or right for you at the time, was really directed by your ego’s fear (or some other story created by the mind), Could you forgive yourself?

~ What if this situation was designed for the sole purpose of waking you up and bringing your closer to your Divine? Could you forgive yourself?

The answers to those questions can create a powerfull transformational shift!

2. How can I forgive someone who has been the source of so much pain for me and others?

Who among us has not said and done things that have brought out the most wounded parts of ourselves with another as well as against ourselves?

For centuries humanity has existed in intense darker energies of pain and fear. Now we are coming brilliantly into the Light and awakening to our true nature of Love.

Towards those who you feel wronged and violated by, take a moment to imagine what must have happened to that person as a child to have turned them into the deeply wounded person they have become. And be willing to ask that same question of yourself if you struggle with self-forgiveness?

Injustices, violations, betrayals can feel like personal attacks and the truth is, most times they are not personal while having a personal impact. As the receiver, you are experiencing the other person’s pain that is being projected onto you.

The ability to see beyond the other person’s action, even those viewed as unforgiveable, as the result of deep inner pain, open the heart to greater compassion and healing. This is a process…..

Forgiveness does not mean that what happened did not matter or have an impact on your life.

Forgiveness allows you to come to peace within yourself by accepting what happened without resistance and “coming home” to who you really are – a brilliant Light and presence that nothing can ever extinguish. What you surrender is your reaction.

There was a story I heard years ago about a woman writing an article about two brothers. One was a very successful business owner and the other brother was alcoholic who was homeless and living on the streets.

When asked what contributed to the shaping of their life, both brothers said, “My father was an alcoholic”.

Life experiences, qualities, or behaviors can define you if you identify with them. The story you tell is the story you live. Or they can be pathways to expanding your potential and your liberation.

Our lives are shaped by our experiences and how we interpret them.

It is your choice to empower another person or event to become your life story or… to use past experiences upon which to rewrite your future.

3. How do I stop blaming and judging myself so forgiveness can happen?

Cultivating self-love and compassion allows for forgiveness to occur. The first step towards forgiveness is having the willingness to forgive. Embodying forgiveness is an internal transformational process that involves the mind, the heart & soul, and most importantly, The Divine.

Instead of holding onto self - judgments and resentments ask yourself:

How is this person or situation in service to my healing and growth?

What do I have to let go of to allow more love into my heart and mind?

What qualities do I need to develop to grow and evolve?

If you are in a situation that might not change, what do you need to accept?

Expand the picture to see the situation from a higher perspective, look for the learning nuggets!

Be gentle with yourself and continue to invite God to guide through this healing journey. Be open to face and embrace those parts of yourself that are in need of tenderness.

Unforgiveness affects EVERY area of your life - health conditions, weight challenges, money flow, emotional well-being, relationships, business success…

Unforgiveness halts the healing process of bringing life experiences to peace and integration.

Unforgiveness without love will hold you captive in endless pain.

Unforgiveness separates you from your True Self and the Divine by withholding love and self-worth. That separation is the greatest wound humanity suffers.

Forgiveness opens pathways for love, abundance, and grace to pour into your life.

True forgiveness is an internal shift that moves from your head to your heart. 

Forgiveness is an embodied state of Love that is your natural soul/Divine state of existence.

Ready to set yourself FREE?

Join me on Tuesday, September 11, 1 pm EST for a FREE teleseminar called Forgiveness: The Pathway to Peace, Grace and Abundance. Click here to register and get the details to attend live and access the replay.

Love and blessings,

Lorraine :D


Your Courageous YES – The Only Alternative to Living Your Divine Destiny, FREE Teleseminar, August 2, 1pm EST


“Each person comes into this world with a specific destiny – he or she has something to fulfill, some message that has to be delivered, some work that has to be completed. You are not here accidentally – you are here meaningfully. There is a purpose behind you. The whole intends to do something through you.”-Osho

Living your Divine destiny is the evolution from unconscious to conscious choice in harmony with the Divine Presence.

Do you feel your soul yearning to create a new expression of you?

Do you long to contribute to this historical time and reshape the world for yourself and future generations?

Are you ready to liberate your heart and soul to deepen your connection with the Divine and claim your Divine destiny?

Join me for a FREE teleseminar, “Your Courageous YES – The Only Alternative to Living Your Divine Destiny”.

Thursday, August 2nd at 1:00pm Eastern

In this compelling teleseminar you will learn:

1. 5 D’s that can negatively shape your life.

2. How your mismatched intentions, desires, and expectations are sabotaging your dreams.

3. The 5 essential pathways to living your Divine destiny in this new world consciousness.

And so much more….

 Plus… I will end with a Oneness blessing, an energy transmission of love and healing from God that will be embedded in the recording.

* If time permits, I may create a brief soul guided meditation.

Register here to receive access the live call and replay. I can feel this is going to be a great call!!!

Love and blessings,


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