The Law of Intention and Desire
I hope you have been enjoying this 5-part series! Here is the last one.
The Law of Intention and Desire truly goes hand in hand with The Law of Expectation.
The Law of Intention reminds us that when we align with a clear intention and deep passion in mind, body and spirit we set the conditions to powerfully attract what we intend to create.
This Law is based on the fact that there is always an infinite amount of energy and information present to create what ever you desire! And energy always follows intent.
Desirable changes and manifestations depend on conscious ATTENTION and INTENTION.
Focused attention and intention creates a force that magnetizes to you what you most desire. Whatever you give attention to increases energetically.
Attention and deep desire energize The Law of Attraction.
Removing your attention causes the energies to scatter and dissipate.
Getting to your core desire and designing an intention in affirmative language also sets a tone for our energy and decision making.
I shake my head when I hear people express frustration with their life when the they invest a small portion of their time, spiritual practices, heart-centered attitude and actions on attracting what they say they want and spend the bulk of their time in a negative mindset.
For example, you may create an intention to have a make a difference in the world and make money doing what you love.
Everything you think, do and say must align with that intention in order for it to be made manifest in your physical reality to the degree that it is a match – or better yet, surpasses your desire. The core energies of The Law of Intention are clarity and alignment.
You might be creating blocks in what you desire to create because there is conscious and unconscious intention in conflict because of your life experiences!
You might deeply desire to be of help to others and harbor feelings of unforgiveness towards people.
You might desire loving relationships and be struggle with loving yourself.
And what you want as a human being might be very different from the intentions of your soul.
Your soul’s purpose for being here in a physical body is to grow and be a Creator.
As a human being, your intentions might be on success, material possessions, making money rather than aligning with the desires of your soul.
Can you have both?
Of course!
With the shift of consciousness happening on the planet, what you put your attention and intention on must prioritize your soul’s purpose and intention to be in harmony with the New Golden Age, a time for joy, love, and prosperity.
With an intention for the future, your attention must be in the present, which is conscious awareness that is real and eternal. Choose to lead from your heart in taking inspired action that will manifest your intentions for tomorrow!
What is essential is to detach from the outcome so that you are not struggling against the present moment in the pursuit of manifesting your future!
Your focused intention lays the groundwork for effortless, spontaneous expression of your desires! This is the path of Grace.
For the past year, one of my deepest desires and intention has been to have unshakeable faith and trust with the God of my understanding that everything I want and need will be supplied. With life feeling upside down in so many ways, this desire and intention felt critical for me to follow my passion and purpose. Perhaps you have that same desire?
In response to my prayers, I have created and attracted a very challenging and painful year as well as a powerfully liberating and abundant one in many ways. Has my faith and trust shaken? You bet.
What has emerged from all of the flux in my life combined with deep inner transformation work IS that my faith and trust is stronger within myself AND with my Divine.
Give thought to your current desires and intentions.
What are you giving energy to?
Are you radiating from faith and trust or from desperation and fear?
Are your expectations, intentions and desires in alignment with what you truly wish to attract, consciously and unconsciously? (Inner shadow transformation, forgiveness, beliefs?)
What needs to be healed, shifted, transformed and released to manifest what you desire and intend now, and in your future?
There are dozens of Spiritual Laws at work that govern your life including the Laws of Cause & Effect, Energy, Co-Creation, Abundance, Cultural Conditioning…….You may choose to read about more of these Laws or focus on a few to align more consciously with the Universe.
Faith and trust is being challenged today as our lives change in ways we have never experienced or imagined. Understanding these Laws help to put some questions into perspective and can begin to quiet your mind.
Transition is the psychological reaction to change (anger, fear, confusion, sadness..) and is fueled by the subconscious mind; the part of the brain we cannot easily access to create shifts in the beliefs that affect emotions and actions. During intense periods of change, fears run high. Faith and trust can weaken.
That’s why I created the next Pathways to Awakening, 4-week Journey into Faith & Trust!! This is the 5th in a series of mini journeys that have helped folks break free of the past and limitations of their mind to become more Conscious Creators in alignment with their soul and Divine destiny.
I felt a strong Divine nudge to offer this powerfull transformational program beginning December 6. Choose the day or evening time that is best for you and take advantage of a special tuition that expires Friday, November 30, midnight EST. This program will help you fortify your faith and trust with Divine Power, courage, and excitement to create an exciting 2013. Learn more and sign up here.
PS: Join me for a special FREE teleseminar called, ”Faith and Trust: Feeling Safe, Living In The Mystery of Change”. Tuesday, November 27, 2pm EST.
Learn more and reserve your seat
Strengthen your faith and trust as you expand into the New Year and open to the blessings of greater prosperity, joy, and love that are coming your way!
Love and blessings