Tag Archives: passion

9 Ways Unforgiveness Blocks Wealth, Health, And Happiness

Forgiveness, freedomI’ve watched people suffering with health issues, money worries, and emotional suffering because they have been carrying around anger, blame, resentments, regrets and grudges for years.

How to tell when you haven’t fully forgiven?

  • Current health problems, money struggles, relationship challenges.
    How lovingly or unlovingly you treat yourself with kindness or harshness.
  • Debt and financial struggles caused by past decisions.
  • Relationships that feel unresolved.
  • Revisiting/reliving painful childhood memories and past events that still negatively impact your life.
  • How quickly and intensely you feel rage, anger, shame, and unworthy.
  • The ways you sabotage your efforts (procrastination, busyness,destructive/addictive behavior, creating distractions and overwhelm..)
  • How open your heart is to give and receive love.
  • Feelings of righteous indignation that keep you stuck in victim consciousness.

There is ALWAYS a negative emotional energy charge

Which ones do you relate to?

You may believe you are better at forgiving others than yourself but the truth is that without self-acceptance and love, we cannot fully forgive anyone let alone ourselves.

Just saying you forgive another or yourself doesn’t make it so unless you embody the true essence of forgiveness. You cannot “think” yourself into “feeling” something. It’s an inner energy shift that happens in the heart NOT the mind.

What I have found is that when people are struggling with forgiveness the one they are the most upset with is THEMSELVES.  Being unforgiving towards yourself breeds self-hatred; separating you from your natural state of love and abundance.

Unforgiveness affects EVERYTHING - relationships, health, finances, success, your connection with the Divine.. Carrying pain creates a ton of stress that can powerfully compromise your health, wealth and happiness.

Forgiveness bring closure, inner peace and opens your heart to love again.

Forgiveness liberates you from suffering and return you to your nature state of abundance!

Forgiveness is freedom!

Your life is meant to be prosperous, meaningfull and joyfull!

On Wednesday,  October 23, I am leading a four week Journey through Forgiveness as part of my Pathways to Awakening Series.

Your life can begin to change in ways you cannot fully comprehend. That’s what happened for several people who came through the Forgiveness program several months ago and in the other Pathways to Awakening journeys.

Read their victories

I’ll show you how to take the next steps to liberate yourself!

Give yourself this gift and the world will also benefit from your act of self love.

Take advantage of the early tuition that expires Friday, October 18 at midnight EST. Choose from two payment options to make your registration easy.

2014 is coming fast. This may be one of the most important programs you attend this year to begin the New Year with power and passion!

Learn more about this life-changing program and sign up here

Love and blessings,



13 More Ways To Love Yourself


I awoke this morning with today’s article swirling around in my head. That’s how inspiration often comes to me from Divine inspiration.

I’ve had Self-Love on my mind and in my heart because I have been on a very deep journey of  “waking up” for the last few years. In fact what is true is that I have never felt more alive and aligned with my life path.

I am not the “me” I used to know or thought I was.  I am more aligned with my true nature and my prayers to have a deeper relationship with God have become a reality.  I believe one of the reasons I feel so much Grace and joy is because of my focus on self-love.

Love is our Divine nature and the Essence of the Divine. The absence of love separates us from who we are and God. Love is the bridge back “home.”

Below is a list of thirteen ways to love yourself which is really my list - the ways I love myself. This is a list that continues to expand as I do.

1. Commit to daily spiritual practices for stillness and communion with the God of your understanding. The relationship you have with your personal Divine is the most important relationship in your life. Prayer, meditations, journaling, inspirational reading, creating an altar, walks in nature, chanting, ceremonies and rituals…are all ways to deepen this most sacred relationship of love.

2. Ask for help when you need it. To be a great giver, you must also be a great receiver. Allow the people in your life to love you in return. And remember to invite the Universe to help – ask your angels, guides, Archangels, nature spirits… to be of service to you. Become helpless, which means acknowledging that you cannot do it all, all the time. Until you become helpless, God is helpless. “Let go and let God”.

3. Forgive yourself when you think, act, and do things in ways that are less than love. Each of us has done things that we regret, that have hurt another, or been unloving – resentments, jealousies, blaming, judgments…are expressions of inner pain. We cannot forgive absent of self-love and compassion.

4. Amend your inner self-talk. Become consciously aware of how you speak to yourself inside your head and what you repeat to others. Soften your language and choose words that treat YOU with love and respect. Look for ways to love your humanity rather than to condemn yourself.

5. Take responsibility for your thoughts, feeling and actions.  Be a great role model of integrity in the ways you choose to show up in the world. Make amends when you have messed up in your humanness, let go of the “blame game”, and look at life as a grand adventure for learning, creating, and evolving.

6. Make choices that allow your heart to be expressed. Giving permission for your creativity, passions, gifts, strengths, and talents to flourish opens pathways for greater happiness and prosperity. You might even feel your soul smiling with joy!  (I often do and it feels great!)

7. Set healthy boundaries and stick to them. Be willing to love yourself enough to say no and stop when you need to. Say yes when it feels right rather than from guilt or fear. Cultivate a courageous heart to teach people how to treat you by the ways in which you value yourself .

8. Surround yourself with emotionally safe people who positively support and love you.  Having a circle of friends who cheer you on, share your values, lovingly tell you the truth, kick you in the butt when you need it, celebrate your victories, compassionately listen (without fixing) when your heart is hurting can be a lifeline back to your true SELF on those days when LIFE feels hard.

9. Be willing to boldly go where you have never gone before. Dare to step out of your comfort zone to take those inspired leaps of faith that feel Divinely guided. Your soul would NEVER nudge you to do something that would put you in deliberate danger or cause you pain without purpose.

Doing the shadow work, inner child processes and walking through pain are pathways to liberation from the darkness of  past to the light of a brilliant future.

10. Do at least one thing every day that is personally pleasurable (I don’t mean something for another!).  Look for ways to nourish your mind, body and spirit. What makes you giggle with delight? What juices and excites you with joy?

11. Hydrate yourself with good, clean water.Invest in a high quality water system to nourish your body. Add a pinch of Celtic salt daily to strengthen water absorption in the cells of your body. You can be drinking plenty of water and still be severely dehydrated (I was!)

12. Eat healthy chocolate such as Xocai chocolate. If you are a chocolate lover, this particular raw chocolate is reported to have the highest antioxidant values on the planet. People regularly eating this chocolate have received miraculous benefits including ease with weight loss, reduction in joint pain, cardiac reversals, eliminating emotional overeating, heightened positive outlook….

13. Eliminate processed and fast foods. Choose organic, whole, and raw food options as often as possible. Consider the food sources you are putting into your body that can create future illness, aging, and affect overall well-being. Your body will thank you!

Exercise, getting regular dental and health checkups contribute to keeping your body at optimal health. How you physically feel affects every area of your life!

As you read this list, notice the ones you most relate to.

Which ones do you commit to regularly?

What would you add or change to be more self- loving?

The greatest wound that humanity suffers is a lack of self-worth.

The greatest gift you can share with others is love and it first begins with loving yourself! If you cannot truly love yourself, you really cannot love another with the full capacity of your heart.

It’s not your fault if you have difficulty being kind, compassionate, forgiving and loving with yourself. Your past experiences, your family dynamics, cultural conditioning has all shaped who you have become as a human being.

Withholding self-love is painful. It can feel like living in hell inside with no way out, because wherever you go, you take YOU with you.

What’s blocking your ability to be immersed in this love is within your grasp….

Ready to fall more deeply in love with yourself?

That is the opportunity I am offering you today.

On Wednesday, September 18, we begin a Journey into Self-Love for 4 consecutive weeks. This journey through Self-Love will provide opportunities to explore what love means to you, Divine Love, personal & inner integrity so that you can embrace your value and align with your true nature of love.

Register through Friday, September 13 midnight EST at a special tuition of $197. On September 14 the tuition goes up to $297.

What is unique about this program are the transformational meditations and deepening processes that are Divinely inspired and created right in the session. People report breakthroughs right on the calls!

Read about the program and the testimonials from past participants.

Imagine your testimonial there. What would you like it to say?

Learn more and register here

I believe it will be one the best investments of self- love you gift to yourself this year! And yes, you do desevre it!

Love and blessings,



Three Ways To Be More Self-Loving With Yourself And Others, Pt. 2

self love 6

Embracing self-love teaches others how to love and respect you and attract people who will value appreciate who you are.  We teach people how to treat and value us by how we treat ourselves, lovingly or unlovingly.

Whenever you make changes, the people in your life are affected and they may not always appreciate the shifts they see in you and respond negatively.

And also remember that by being true to who you are and modeling the courage to be real and authentic gives the people in your life permission to do the same.

The greatest gift you can share with others is love and it first begins with loving yourself!

The question is, “Do you have the courage to love yourself enough to be who you are meant to be and do what you are here to do?”

One of the ways I love myself is committing to my spiritual practices daily. Creating sacred time to be in communion with  the God of my understanding is one of my greatest passions that feeds my heart.

A second way I love myself enough  is having the willingness and courage to do the deeper shadow healing that liberates me from my past and frees me to co-create the future I want.

If you are a parent, what is the legacy you are teaching your kids about self-love and self-esteem?

What is the message you are communicating to others? Is it time to change your message?

Self-Love Exercise 1

Fill in the following statement with as many responses you can think of that would reflect your courageous heart. (we use this exercise in my Aligning With Destiny program)

I love myself enough to….

Self-Love Exercise 2

To begin, take several minutes to recall someone you deeply love or have loved. It could be a spouse, parent, child, teacher, animal, God…..Breathe into that feeling of love allowing that energy to fill you up inside your body. With this energy connection of love that can feel like Divine Love

1. Sit or stand in front of a mirror so you can gaze into your own eyes. Say loving things to yourself – be the recipient of that Divine love.

2. Breathe deeply and place both hands over your spiritual heart chakra in the center of your chest. Say loving things to yourself. such as saying your name and adding, “I am a wonderfull loving, incredible woman/man. I own my value and special gifts. I love my soul, I love my ego….” - lovingly embracing all parts of your Self.   You might continue to say “I love myself” over and over pausing to breathe in love and feel it in your heart.

3. As you continue to breathe in the love, have the thought of breathing out anything that is contrary to love. Release any resistance to receiving this love into your heart. Do this for several more minutes and then focus on breathing in love and breathing out love into the world.

Ready to fall in love with yourself?

Join me on September 18 in my Pathways to Awakening program. This  four week journey through Self-Love will provide opportunities to explore what love means to you, Divine Love, personal & inner integrity so that you can embrace your value and align with your true nature of love.

Guided by the Divine, the deepening processes and meditations will provide many opportunities to resolve past hurts, angers, resentments, and judgments towards others and especially towards your SELF; to open your heart to experience more peace, love, and Grace. Learn more here and take advantage of special pricing through September 13!

Imagine treating yourself with greater compassion, forgiveness and appreciation as the precious magnificent being you truly are.

Imagine feeling good about yourself so that you stop punishing yourself and allow the abundance and love you crave to pour into your life.…..

Love and blessings,



Three Questions That Keep People Stuck in Resentment and Pain

bad thoughts, Amanda Cass
I speak quite a bit about how unforgiveness affects EVERYTHING in your life.

Many people think  they have forgiven others and themselves, when they really haven’t.

Below are three questions I am continually asked that keep people from resolving past pain:

1. How can I forgive myself for making choices that has created  pain in my life? (financial hardship, abandoned dreams, loss of self…)

It’s easy to feel good about yourself when your life is going the way you want, isn’t it. We habitually assign labels of good and bad to life experiences and give power to those experiences to be the source of our inner happiness.

Consider this:

A person who loses their job may now have the opportunity to pursue a lifelong dream. Perhaps the work they were doing was joyless and they were too frightened to leave and follow a deeper passion.

Or a person who made decisions that created a financial hardship is provided the opportunity to resolve a ton of past pain, strengthen their relationship and trust with God and align with the deeper purpose of their life that is rich with prosperity and love (as I have).

On the FREE call I hosted last year, I mentioned two questions that I teach in my four week Forgiveness program, beginning May 29.

  • What if the decisions you made that created this situation (challenge, hardship) that you thought was Divinely inspired or right for you at the time, was really directed by your ego’s fear (or some other story created by the mind), Could you forgive yourself?
  • What if this experience was designed for the sole purpose of waking you up and bringing you closer to your Divine? Could you forgive yourself?

The answers to those questions can create a powerfull transformational shift!

2. How can I forgive someone who has been the source of so much pain for me and others?

Who among us has not behaved poorly, betrayed another, crossed boundaries, hurt another and done things that have brought out the most wounded parts of ourselves with another as well as against ourselves?

For centuries humanity has existed in intense darker energies of pain and fear. Now we are coming brilliantly into the Light and awakening to our true nature of Love.

Towards those who you feel wronged and violated by, take a moment to imagine what must have happened to that person as a child to have turned them into the deeply wounded person they have become. And be willing to ask that same question of yourself if you struggle with self-forgiveness?

Injustices, violations, betrayals can feel like personal attacks and the truth is, most times they are not personal while having a personal impact. As the receiver, you are experiencing the other person’s pain that is being projected onto you. The ability to see beyond the other person’s action, even those viewed as unforgivable, as the result of deep inner pain, open the heart to greater compassion and healing. This is a process…..

Forgiveness does not mean that what happened did not matter or have an impact on your life. Forgiveness allows you to come to peace within yourself by accepting what happened without resistance and “coming home” to who you really are – a brilliant Light and presence that nothing can ever extinguish. What you surrender is your reaction.

Life experiences, qualities, or behaviors can define you if you identify with them. The story you tell is the story you live. Or they can be pathways to expanding your potential and your liberation.

Our lives are shaped by our experiences - how we interpret and identify with them.

It is your choice to empower another person or event to become your life story or… to use past experiences upon which to rewrite your future.

3. How do I stop blaming and judging myself so forgiveness can happen?

Cultivating self-love and compassion allows for forgiveness to occur. The first step towards forgiveness is having the willingness to forgive. Embodying forgiveness is an internal transformational process that involves the mind, the heart and soul, and most importantly, The Divine.

Be gentle with yourself and continue to invite God to guide through this healing journey. Be open to face and embrace those parts of yourself that are in need of tenderness.

To allow Grace and love in, you must surrender your attachments, your resistance to accepting whatever is happening in each moment, your expectations, and your control; to be compassionate with your own humanness and be open to allow The Divine to guide your life experiences.

If you resonate with what I have written and want to feel more peace and love within yourself as well as experience greater abundance in your life, join me on May 29, for Pathways to Awakening, 4 week Journey Through Forgiveness.

I’ll share PROVEN keys and processes that WORK to help you end suffering.

I’ve been doing this work with thousands of people like you for more than 25 years.  You can’t fully live in the present when you are anchored in the past.

The early tuition expires at midnight EST, May 24! On May 25, the tuition goes up.

Reserve your seat here

In four weeks you will have multiple opportunities to unlock the doors to have more financial abundance, rewarding relationships, vibrant health, meaningful work, passion, more love, the freedom to be authentically you ….and so much more with the Divine guiding this journey. I’ll show you how!

The only thing you have to lose is your pain. What you have to gain is……well…limitless.

Reserve your seat here

Love and blessings,


(Image, Amanda Cass)


Why Forgiveness Can Feel Difficult


Without forgiveness life is governed by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. - Roberto Assagioli

So often people think they have forgiven themselves and others but they really haven’t.

Without true forgiveness we can’t let go and move on. We end up dragging around unresolved hurts and disappointments in our heart,  on our bodies, and that haunt our thoughts.

There is no resolution because there is no peace. And because relationships are the cornerstone of our life experiences, we are continually given experiences that break our hearts open for deeper compassion and love.

Several reasons why you might be struggling with forgiveness

You have an attachment to what happened. You are still struggling with accepting what you did or didn’t do, what another did or what others continue to do. Your struggle and resistance creates your misery which is a choice and an opportunity to forgive yourself!

Whenever you have a strong negative reaction to another is an opportunity to look at what you are dis-owning within yourself that is showing up to be loved and accepted – a quality, a behavior, an action to be forgiven.

We are mirrors for each other and as long as we have someone or something to blame for our life circumstances, we never have to take responsibility for our role in what we create from our past and our present.

To allow Grace and love in, you must surrender your attachments, your resistance to accepting whatever is happening in each moment, your expectations, and your control; to be compassionate with your own humanness and be open to allow The Divine to guide your life experiences.

This is the shift we are experiencing on the planet today!

If you resonate with what I have written and want to feel more peace and love within yourself as well as experience greater abundance in your life, join me on May 22, for Pathways to Awakening, Journey Through Forgiveness. Register by May 17 at a special tuition that expires on May 18.

This four-week liberating journey through forgiveness is an advanced program designed to support you in healing the past, get free from beating yourself up and sabotaging your efforts, and deepening your connection with God.

In four weeks you will have multiple opportunities to unlock the doors to have more financial abundance, rewarding relationships, vibrant health, meaningful work, passion, more love, the freedom to be authentically you ….and so much more with the Divine guiding this journey.

The only thing you have to lose is your pain. What you have to gain is…well…limitless.

Sign up here

Love and blessings :D


Are You A Yes Butter….? How To Neutralize Resistance And Live A Rich Life

“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” ― Deepak Chopra

Change. Some people hate it; some people love it; some people intentionally create it. No matter what you think or feel about change, it is a constant in life.

What do you want most in your life? More money, a loving relationship, health, to make a difference in the world, prosper doing what you love, have more fun…?

If you work with affirmations, vision boards, visualizing meditations, gratitude journals for small portions of time each day and put the rest of your attention on negative thinking, all the positive imagining you do will be negated by the negative charges you are sending out into the Universe.

Everything is energy and vibration. If you wish for the best and imagine the worst consistently, guess what you will manifest?

I’ve been guilty of sabotaging my dreams and efforts because of fears and old beliefs about unworthiness. Not only did my mind kick into all the reasons why what I wanted was impossible or too difficult, I also created overwhelm so I wouldn’t have to do anything! Or, I was saying I wanted something half-heartedly and without being fully committed. One foot in..one foot out.

Sound familiar?

I realized I was sending mixed messages to the Universe by holding myself back and hiding out from fully showing up to Life.   I was creating drama and suffering by scaring myself out of Life.

Yes, I want this but….

No more

I chose to be done with “yes, but” and faced my resistance head on.

Guess what happened?

Doors opened.

Miracles happened.

Grace poured in with tons of love and abundance.

It’s been very cool…

Now I live more in wonder and curiosity.  I am not willing to allow my mind to keep me from the good stuff.

How about you?

When you want something do you really go for it?  Or do you use these reasons and excuses to rationalize why something is impossible before taking one step to find out whether it is true?

  • It’s too hard
  • I can’t afford it
  • I don’t have the time/it’s not the right time
  • I’m not smart enough/good enough
  • It’s too scary
  • It’s not possible because…
  • I don’t deserve it

Yeah, but….

Yeah, but….

It is important it is to be clear on what you really, really want. Too often we get caught up in what we think we should want or someone else’s dream.

Exercise: What Do You Really Want?

Take some time for contemplation and self-reflection and write your responses to:

1. What is one thing you really, really want?  Feel into your heart’s longing and passion.

2. What makes what you want so important? What will you get from having what you really want?

3. What will that add to your life that you don’t have now? (How will that change your life?)

4. Is this the right time? Do you have room in your life to receive what you want?

5. Do you have want you need ? (Systems, circle of support, space…?)

Now stop. Breathe. Feel into having what you really want. Notice your thoughts, emotions,  and body sensations.

Does your body feel expansive or constricted?

Play with Resistance

What resistance comes up when you begin to dream about what you want?

What favorite dramas, excuses and reasons do you use to tell yourself no to having what  you want?

What is one thing you will do to stretch out of your emotional “no” box?

It might be something that scares you that you know in your heart is a step you MUST take. You might need an accountability partner, coach, or group to help you move and keep moving.

As long as you keep using the same old blah, blah, blah  story and excuses, you will not move forward.

The truth is you don’t know for sure what is possible or what you might be capable of now if you don’t take that first step and the next. Your past does not dictate what your present and future will be. Neither does your current circumstances unless you believe that things will not improve. AND you do not know what God is creating for you to bring you higher.

You are either being led by fear and suffering or faith and trust.

When I want something badly enough and feel that intuitive guidance to take action, I can still get caught up in some resistance. That a signal for me to stop, take a few deep breaths, bring myself back into the present moment, and connect with God.

Within a short time, sometimes a few seconds or minutes, I can feel the heaviness lift, my mind clears, and I feel more connected inside.  Doing the inner work has shown me how to shift from inner chaos to a calm inner center.

When you want something badly enough you have to be willing to put consistent energy into following through. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to have what you are yearning for.

You must be willing to see life though a different lens; one that shows you that perceived obstacles are stepping stones and pathways to your dreams.

You have to be willing to ask for what you want, be vulnerable, look and feel silly, make mistakes, or feel scared to create the life of your dreams. It also takes commitment, passion, and tenacity to persevere.

And you must be willing to challenge and let go of the thought patterns and beliefs generated by your EGO that keep you separated from the deeper truth of who you really are.

Life is a journey of faith, trust, and courage to boldly go where you have never dared to go before when you know in your heart you must take that next step.

If you have a quick “impossibility’ response and you allow “no” beliefs to rule your life, you will continue to miss windows of opportunities that may end up as regrets.

The real question is, “How badly do you want something and what are you willing to do or be to have it?”

Life is meant to be lived not observed.

Don’t believe everything you think!

The story you tell is the story you live….

PS: My Soul Circle group is forming for April. Have the support of kindred spirits to neutralize “Yes, but”  to start living a rich and vital life. Learn more




How Easily Do You Give Up?

When you want something do you really go for it or do you come up with reasons why you can’t have it?

Do you convince yourself that something is impossible before taking one step to find out whether that is true?

And if you do take that first step do you take the next one and then the next?

Working with thousands of people over the past 25+ years I have learned quite a bit about why people do what they do.  And I have learned a lot about my own excuses, fears, and self-sabotage behaviors.

This is the journey we are all on; a journey of liberation from the mind and emotional suffering to align with our soul , our higher self, and the Divine presence within us.

I know some folks never even take that first step because they have already talked themselves into impossibility thinking or feel they are undeserving.

And some people will take that first step and never follow though if they receive no response or think they haven’t heard back.

Follow up is critical. If you want something, you have to be willing to go the distance and do things even if it is uncomfortable.

When I want something badly enough and feel that intuitive guidance to take that next step , I can still get caught up in those old emotional entanglements that can hold me back in fear and questions of self-worth

That a signal for me to stop, take a few deep breaths, bring myself back into the present moment, and call out to the Divine Presence to be with me.

Within a short time, sometimes a few seconds or minutes, I can feel the heaviness lift, my mind clears,  and I feel more connected inside.  Doing the inner work has shown me how to shift from inner chaos to a calm inner center.

Taking action with God by your side is pretty powerfull! Miracles begin to happen that is not solely dependent on your hard work!

When you want something badly enough you have to be willing to put consistent energy into following through. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to have what you are yearning for.

You must be willing to see life though a different lens; one that shows you that perceived obstacles are stepping stones and pathways to your dreams.

You have to be willing to be vulnerable, look and feel silly, make mistakes, or feel scared to create the life of your dreams. It also takes commitment, passion, and tenacity to persevere.

And you must be willing to let go of the thought patterns and beliefs generated by your EGO that keep your separated from the deeper truth of who you really are and the Presence living in you and through you that wants your life to be abundant and happy.

Life is a journey of faith, trust, and courage to boldly go where you have never dared to go before when you know in your heart you must take that next step.

If you have a quick “impossibility’ response and you allow that belief to rule your life, you will continue to miss windows of opportunities that open and close that may end up as regrets.

I know life can get busy, distractions happen, and all sorts of other reasons contribute to things falling through the cracks. We are human!

For example: I schedule reminders into my Outlook email program so I don’t have to keep things in my head. I usually respond to requests within 48 hours so they are off my plate. And when something is really important to me, I am very persistent.

When I was applying for a loan modification for my townhouse, I must have made 25 calls over a 3 month period to get the ball rolling and did everything needed to complete the process. And believe me - some of the actions I needed to take were not fun!

The real question is, “How badly do you want something and what are you willing to do or be to have it?”

Do you believe everything you think?

Do you make assumptions and accept them as truth without challenging your beliefs and conclusions? If you said yes, how often are you wrong?

If you had a negative experience in the past, do you expect the next situation to be a repeat? Watch those self-fulfilling prophecies – you powerfull Creator!

Life calls you to show up and claim what is yours.

Do you hear your call?

Are you listening and following your guidance?

My friend Brent says many people give up 5 minutes before the miracle happens.

Some give up waaay before those five minutes.

Life is meant to be experienced and lived, not witnessed as a spectator.

In the US today, July 4, we celebrate Independence Day, a day of liberation and freedom in America’s history.

2012 is your year to begin living an extraordinary life filled with love. And the most powerfull ally you have to liberate you from the false beliefs that run your life lies within the relationship you have with God (whoever you believe that to be - Jesus, Buddha, Creator…) and the commitment to your healing inner work.

With God… all things are possible…

Are you in or are you out?


13 Favorite Transformational Resources

I’m often asked what resources I recommend  and personally use for own healing and personal growth.

Here is a list of my favorites.

During this season of gift-giving, remember to include yourself!

1) Time sensitive! Inner Mean Girl Transformation Kit by Amy Ahlers & Christine Arylo. Make 2011 THE Year You Transform the critical voice in your head so you STOP hurting and sabotaging yourself, and START enjoying your life! Registration ends Dec 17th at 5pm PT/8pm ET. Check it out now

2) Creating Miracles Now: 4 week Healing Series To Manifest More Abundance, Joy, And Vitality In Your Life Audio Recordings with Ann Taylor, Anita (Ani) Pathik Law, Ping Li, & yours truly. Over 600 people joined the calls to experience healings and breakthroughs.  Plus when you visit the page, scroll down to hear a special meditation with Ping Li! Take a look

3) Your Powerfull YES: Courageously Living An Inspired Life Telesummit Recordings. 20 renowned leading edge teachers shared their most powerfull, most life-changing, and most proven processes to help you create the life of your dreams. Purchase the recordings, transcriptions and receive over $1200 worth of speaker gifts here

4) 9 Recordings Audio Bundle from Ann Taylor. People were blown away in my tele-summit by my call with Ann and her work with instantly eliminating fear and money worries from people’s subconscious. Tons of people purchased this bundle and now you can too. Includes healing money issues, experiencing more miracles and happiness, and having a quiet mind.  Click here to get yours.

5) Rev. Dr. Kimberly Marooney - Clearing Blocks to Receiving Home Study Course. Recognize what might be blocking you from receiving the love, satisfaction and abundance you desire. Clearing Blocks to Receiving Home Study Course includes 65 minutes of audio instruction, a 47 minute clearing and opening meditation, and a 20-page eWorkbook. Purchase this exciting course here.

6) Passion Expert Janet Attwood’s “Passionate Life Secrets Program” will show you how to fall in love with yourself AND your life by discovering and following your passions. Learn more about how this online program will change your relationshop with yourself, money, relationships, the work you do….Purchase the program before 12/31/2010 and save $300Go look

7) Marci Shimoff’s “Happy For No Reason Personal Learning Course - In eight CDs and through 100 pages of the guidebook, you will learn practical, down-to-earth strategies based on the new science of happiness that will help you experience happiness “from the inside out.” Save an instant $150 off the entire course here

8) Anita Pathik Law - Hypnotic Manifestation Audio Bundle - Imagine releasing subconscious beliefs that keep you feeling fear,lack unworthy… And, imagine, if beginning today, in a matter of minutes, you had tools to shift you into a prosperity consciousness. You can! Anita Pathik Law has put together one of the most comprehensive and peace-inducing packages of 32 hypnosis and meditation audio series EVER. Heal while you sleep! Get them here

9) Ping Li’s - 5 Ancient Secrets Special Package - CDs Transcripts and Online program. Raise your vibration, purify your energy blocks and cellular imprints, transform your inner reality that block you from experiencing yourself as a Divine being. To hear how powerfull Ping’s meditations are, click on this link to download a clip from her presentation in my 4 week healing Series. Don’t miss this package!! Get it here

10) Esther & Jerry Hicks new book and CDGetting Into The Vortex: Guided Meditations CD and User Guide. Powerful, first-of-its kind, musically scored, breath-enhancing, user-friendly tool from Abraham that will get you into the Vortex, coming into alignment with the Energy of our Source. I love this one. Check it out

11) Marianne Williamson’s new book -A Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever. If you are a food addict, a compulsive eater, or someone who for any reason sees food as the enemy, this book is for you. Get it here.

12) Spa for the Soul Gift Box – Dr. Lori Leyden Love this! It comes with the Grace Process guidebook, meditation CD, flower and gem essence. Treat yourself to some nurturing and healing with this special gift here.

13) Life In Balance Music - Ami & Steve Sciulli are pioneers in ambient and trance-inducing electro-acoustic music balancing tradition with sacred technology. I’ve heard them LIVE twice for their Crystal Bowl Meditation - a vibratory journey into deep meditative states. I recommend the CD’s with the LIVE guided meditation and the one with the music only (1st one on the page). WOW. Check it out

PS - I am an affiliate for many of these resources so if you purchase them, I do get a commission. Thank YOU!

Have a fabulous holiday!

Love and blessings :D



Life Changing Event with 20 Inspirational World Leaders, July 27-August 12, 2020

“I learned that courage was not the absence of fear, but the triumph over it. The brave man is not he who does not feel afraid, but he who conquers that fear”.  -Nelson Mandela

With all the massive changes people are experiencing in their lives and in the world, many people are in a lot of struggle and fear. They are hungry for additional tools to stay positive and thriving and you can be instrumental to help your community (and yourself!) navigate through this period by participating in the biggest life-changing tele-event I’ve ever hosted, July 27-August 12!

This FREE 3-week event is called: Your Powerfull YES: Courageously Living An Inspired Life!

Imagine it’s the last day of your life.

Your life flashes before you.

What will you see?

Will the vision you see be one of a well-lived vibrant life filled with passion, love, prosperity, inspiration, excitement, peace……

Or one filled with “If only I……?”

Regrets leave a bitter taste.

The choices you make today create all of your tomorrows.

Do you know that your life is meant to be happy?

It is

Do you know that you have the POWER to change the quality of your life in any given moment no matter what is happening?

You do.

Let’s get honest

Living the life you dream about takes chops.

Courage is not the absence of fear!

To live a life that is vibrant, exciting and fun requires stepping through the fear and uncertainty and opening yourself to new possibilities

Courage is about following your heart in spite of what your mind and feelings are telling you. Courage is an act of love and faith to do what is right and true for you; to be willing to do whatever it takes because you must!

Are you ready to fall in love with your life?

If you are ready to release the excess weight, have a more meaningful job, flourish as a business owner  have a bigger bank balance, or find that special someone, you need to check this out…

Join me and 19 leading edge inspirational teachers including Neale Donald Walsch, James Twyman, Maci Shimoff, Janet Attwood, Eric Pearl, Joan Borysenko…..who will share how to live a rich and full life in any economy and life circumstance. Learn how to work in concert with the Universe so that your deepest desires become actualized

Go register now

Are you ready to say YES to the life you were born to?




7 Essentials To Living An Inspired And Happy Life


“Happiness is an inner state of well-being that enables you to profit from your highest thoughts, intelligence, wisdom, awareness, common sense, emotions, health, and spiritual values.” - Lionel Ketchian

How many people do you know who are unhappy with their careers, their jobs, their relationships, their …LIFE?

People stay in situations for a variety of reasons: money, prestige, family obligations, the uncertain economy, they are afraid to try something new, habit, fear, shoulds……

A few weeks ago I had the opportunity to attend a special evening at a local church that has brought in some amazing speakers for special events. When I heard the speaker was James Twyman, aka the international peace troubadour, acclaimed musician, and author of several best-selling books, I immediately said YES.

I heard James last year at a conference in LA and his presentation was electric. One of the things he spoke about was that when he was younger, he used to be a Craftmatic adjustable bed salesman. Hard to imagine James Twyman selling Craftmatic beds, right?

He said he was very good at it. He also shared that he was miserable doing that work and he came to realize that he was being called to do something else with his life.

So, with a wife and a child to support, he quit his job and said YES to follow his heart. He has touched people worldwide with his music, his messages of peace, and the materials he creates to support global transformation, healing, through love, and the creation of a one-world community by reminding us that we are all ONE. I’m sure glad he had the guts to listen to his inspiration and the voice of his soul.

The most inspirational teachers and leaders I know have all had life-defining moments and experiences that shaped who they have become. It is through our hardships and challenges that we can summon the faith, trust and courage needed to allow our own Divinity to shine through. We either dance with the Universe or walk alone.

We are living during incredible times of change on the planet today. You might be experiencing turmoil or excitement, or both with some of the changes that are happening in the world as well as within your own life.

I know I am!

We’re on the threshold on a world age coming to an end and a new one beginning. And each of us is a key player in creating a new history for ourselves, the world, and future generations to come!

How exciting is that!

So, in my own self-reflection of riding this enormous wave of change, I have been considering, “What elements are essential to living a happy, prosperous and inspired life?”

1. Passion. My friends Chris and Janet Attwood, who are internationally known for helping people to live a passionate life, say, “Passion is your love in motion. It is the connection to your heart’s truest desires. That’s why it is the path to a successful life”. My passions come alive through the spiritual coaching work I do, the wealth of quality relationships I have developed, all the beauty I see in the world that lights up my heart, and the ways I am able to serve others to live the life they were born to.

What are you passionate about and how are you allowing those passions to express through your life?

2. Love. Our essential nature is love. And you’ve probably heard that our soul purpose is to be the embodiment of love – to share and receive love. I’ve been very blessed to have incredible clients, colleagues, close friends, and my sweet cats who continually share love with me. One of the pathways to love is gratitude and appreciation for all the gifts, blessings and miracles in your life rather than focusing on what is wrong.

To be a great giver, you must also be a great receiver. At times, the biggest challenge for me is to really let the love into my heart without blocking it.

Are you letting love into your life and how loving are you with YOU?

3. Courage. I write and teach people about courage because I believe that to be fully alive and experience the richness that life has to offer, we must have the guts to say YES to who we are being called to be.
Have you ever felt conflicted by what you think you should be doing and your burning desires, passions, and calling? So often people sacrifice their lives to satisfy others or ignore their soul’s yearnings and wonder why they feel unhappy and empty.

We are all here for a purpose and to have life experiences that enhance our own soul evolution as well as the expansion of all Creation. James’ story is just one reminder that when we align with our life path, listen to our inner yearnings, and take inspired action with faith, trust, and courage, The Universe lines up with us to bring us all we want and need to have happy and prosperous lives.

What are you ready to stop resisting and begin saying YES to?

4. Spirituality. Personally, I think the most important relationship we have is our relationship with GOD/Source/The Divine. I admit I have not always prioritized time to be still and quite so I can tune into the guidance and direction that comes through me from God because I allow myself to get caught up in my self-importance of busyness and drama. What I have continually found is that as my connection to the Divine has deepened and I take inspired action, my life flows with more grace and prosperity than when I follow my self-initiated plans. Have you heard, “If you want to make God laugh, make a plan?” That’s why I have committed to doing two meditations daily as part of my daily practices.

What spiritual practices do you love to do that deepens your connection with Source?

5. Helping Others. One of the fastest ways to raise your vibration from pain, anger, fear… is to help another. And I don’t mean helping others out of guilt, a sense of obligation, or fear. I’m talking about that wonderful heart-warming feeling that comes from knowing you have positively served another by sharing your time, wisdom, love, money… whatever you freely and joyfully offered out of love.

In what ways do you love to be of support to others? Do you invite others to be of service to you? (that’s the letting the love in thing, ya know?)

6. Optimistic perspective. No matter what is happening in your life, one power you always retain is your attitude. Being able to see problems and challenges as possibilities and opportunities can dramatically change your experience. Recognizing people and situations as being in service to your healing and growth can help you shift from feeling like a victim of circumstance to the hero of your life story.

For example: A job loss can be a blessing in disguise to redirect you to a different path that is more aligned with your life purpose. A financial challenge might cause you to reassess what you really value in your life. When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.

What helps you to see the gifts and blessings in any situation?

7. Continually growing. To me this is one of my core values and a no-brainer to living a happy and inspired life. Part of our nature is a desire to fulfill our potential by stretching out of our comfort zones to be more than we are; to evolve into the highest and next version of who we are meant to be. We are not here to hide out and play small in the world. I know when I show up and step out in ways that align with my heart I can sense my soul smiling with joy. Love it!

Are you living a happy and inspired life?

Ready to take the next step in creating an exciting future?

Join me for the biggest online conference I have ever hosted! Say YES to the life you were born to and register for a three week life-changing tele-event, Your Powerfull YES: Courageously Living An Inspired Life, July 27- August 12, 2020 with some of the most influential and inspirational teachers of our time including: Neale Donald Walsch, James Twyman, Marci Shimoff, and Dr. Bernie Siegel, Anakha Coman to name a few. Sign up now for this FREE event and learn critical tools to thrive in any situation. You might experience healings right on the call!



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