Tag Archives: personal development

Holiday Gifts Thru 11/27: 4 Keys To Create Heaven On Earth

Would you like to experience what it feels to create heaven on earth?

Perhaps you are a change agent or leader who has a passion to support others to live an awake, meaningfull and soulfully abundant life.

Leading from an open, loving heart with your soul guiding you is what this planetary shift in consciousness is about..

To guide others, you must be living the gifts and skills you offer.

In advance of the holidays fast approaching, I invite you to take a look at my best resources to heal your heart, calm your fears, dismantle old negative patterns and programs, and build a strong inner foundation with the Divine to gracefully flow with Life and create heaven!’

Take advantage of instant holiday savings without a coupon!

1) Transform Your Fear into Courage and Power Home Study program - $99 (reg. $197) .

This robust home study program will provide REAL transformational opportunities to help you break through and break free of the illusions of your mind, to loosen fear’s grip on your soul, and unleash your courageous heart.

Save here


2) “I am Revealed” Internal Foundation Home Study Program - $99 (reg $147)

soul connection1This special ten session program will guide you in creating a solid inner foundation in harmony with your True Self and provide a “structure” be more able to sustain the “earthquakes of life”; to turn trials in triumphs.

Save here 


3) Awakening to Love: Living In The Spirit of Grace - $99 (reg. $129)

heart5This unique transformational audio collection is a series of inner healing processes, high vibrational meditation journeys and energy activations to support your heart to heal and blossom and dismantle the inner programs and patterns at a core level. These are some of the most powerfull recordings I ever created!

>> Save here

Instant savings expire at midnight EST, 11/27 for items 1-3.

4) Master Key Meditation Technology - Special preview price and payment plan.

The most powerfull meditation tool I have experienced to rewire beliefs, boost your health, and create a rich life using light and sound frequency. 30-day money back guarantee.

>> Learn more here 


Make 2014 the best year you have ever created!

Love and blessings,



Why Trying To Get “Rid Of Fear” Is A Mind Game You Can’t Win

“You are allowed to be scared. Fear doesn’t come up because you did something wrong, you’re doomed, or you look funny. Fear comes up because you’re not seeing some gorgeous, valuable and much-needed jewel right where you’re standing, and it will absolutely not let you go out that door without it.” - Mark Silver

I’ve been dancing with fear all my life. For example, when I was in my 30’s I overcame fear of public speaking to become a sought after speaker and I moved to a new state with little money and no steady income to build a coaching/spiritual guidance/therapy practice that is approaching its 28th year. Was it scary? Hell yeah.

How did I deal with my fears and doubts? At the time I used what most people were working with: affirmations, creative visualization, focusing on being in the present, breathing, hypnosis, emotionally eating….techniques geared to interrupt the mental messages, body sensations, and change beliefs and “get rid” of the fear feelings.

The focus was all about stopping and getting rid of unwanted fears and feelings.

In the late 1990’s my life fell apart for the second time.  After buying a new home, a new car, doing some home renovations, my therapy practice suddenly began to steadily decline. Money fears created a panic and I found the usual mind control techniques failed to provide any long term relief. I had periods of feeling terrified, helpless, angry, desperate, and sad. At other times I saw something miraculous happening that would change my life if I just stayed strong and trusting to walk the distance through the darkness into the Light.

What was missing?

I began to understand the missing pieces.  I realized that facing fear is not about overcoming it, it is about walking through it. I began looking at fear in a new light…

Instead, imagine seeing fear as an ally to:

  • Keep you out of harm’s way by alerting you to danger
  • Help you to discern when you need to set healthy boundaries to be safe and protected
  • Support you in developing courage to show up to LIFE
  • Build faith in yourself, others, and God
  • Provide motivational and inspirational energy to break through perceived limitations and illusions to stand in your greatness.
  • Show you when the “little you” inside needs attention and comfort; to feel love, care, and protection
  • Empower you to find your voice in your relationships, your business and in the message you wish to share with the world.
  • And most importantly, show you when you have disconnected from the Divine within you, the True Source of your Power.

Trying to get “rid of fear” is a mind game you can’t win.

As long as you see your fears as an enemy to defeat, you will continue to wage war against yourself.

To transform fear you must walk through it… to see the illusions and reclaim your Power.

The darkness or challenge is a pathway to the Light. You can get stuck in the story of a perceived problem. When you look for the deeper meaning of each experience that challenges you, you will always find healing, learning and growth opportunities.

Debbie Ford once wrote:

“Love the fears that you hold in your hand more than anything you have ever loved before.

Think about all the hours you have spent trying to deny, avoid, and get rid of these fears, and thank them for showing you your human limitations

Thank your fear for sending you out to look for ways to get rid of it. Look at how you have grown, healed and evolved in your search! Think of all you’ve discovered during your search! 

Thank your fear for bringing you into a journey of self-discovery to find your True Self and reunite with The Divine

Thank your fear for guiding you to see illusions created by your mind and being the catalyst for inspiration and motivation to take steps in faith, trust, and courage.

Thank your fear for helping you to reach out and connect with others, for your fear is probably what brought you to read this post!

Thank your soul for bringing fear into your life as a pathway to find your way back home to God – this presence within you that loves you dearly– this energy that always triumphs fear.

Love your fears as you would anything you cherish- bless them, honor them, and use them as the sacred reminders that they are…lighting the way back to the wholeness of your Sacred Self and into the loving embrace of the Divine.”

Beautiful wisdom….

You are living at an auspicious time in history, waking up to see life through a new set of eyes in this Era of Enlightenment.  Fear will continue to be a part of your life experience as you grow and evolve. A critical key to dance in this new energy is to learn how to live in the present moment, embracing each experience without resistance and allowing your feelings to be fully felt without trying to control, manage, move, and direct their elimination.

Any attempt you do to try to control your experience will create more resistance and suffering.

Imagine a fire burning and your resistance is like continuing to throw logs on the fire to keep it going.

Feel your fears (and every emotion) without focusing on the mental story your mind/ego is creating.

Experience your emotions as the energy they are and breathe into them, doing NOTHING. Just feel, breathe and notice… body sensations, thoughts swirling…whatever…..let your emotions play out….

Without resistance and actively engaging your efforts to get rid of or stop what you don’t want to feel, the emotions will begin to burn out and fall apart leading to transformation. Peace and Grace will rush in when you stop fighting.

I always make a connection with the Divine; to feel the Presence within me to help me stay strong and present as I walk through my pain which is part of the Grace Release Process I use and teach my clients to master.

In fact, the most powerfull partner to help you change your relationship with fear and have an extraordinary life is God/Higher Power/Jesus/The Divine/Inner Presence….

Final note: In the last five years I have faced a third period of my life falling apart; almost losing my home, financial debt, business decline, breast cancer diagnosis (I am quite well) and many dark moments of pain, I have never felt stronger, more alive or richer. What has helped me is my community, my faith and trust, my inner guidance, most of all, God. Fear no longer dominates my life. Joy, peace, abundance, gratitude, love……does.

Embrace your fears with love instead of judging them and doing battle. Your life will change….

Love and blessings,



Why Forgiveness Can Feel Difficult


Without forgiveness life is governed by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. - Roberto Assagioli

So often people think they have forgiven themselves and others but they really haven’t.

Without true forgiveness we can’t let go and move on. We end up dragging around unresolved hurts and disappointments in our heart,  on our bodies, and that haunt our thoughts.

There is no resolution because there is no peace. And because relationships are the cornerstone of our life experiences, we are continually given experiences that break our hearts open for deeper compassion and love.

Several reasons why you might be struggling with forgiveness

You have an attachment to what happened. You are still struggling with accepting what you did or didn’t do, what another did or what others continue to do. Your struggle and resistance creates your misery which is a choice and an opportunity to forgive yourself!

Whenever you have a strong negative reaction to another is an opportunity to look at what you are dis-owning within yourself that is showing up to be loved and accepted – a quality, a behavior, an action to be forgiven.

We are mirrors for each other and as long as we have someone or something to blame for our life circumstances, we never have to take responsibility for our role in what we create from our past and our present.

To allow Grace and love in, you must surrender your attachments, your resistance to accepting whatever is happening in each moment, your expectations, and your control; to be compassionate with your own humanness and be open to allow The Divine to guide your life experiences.

This is the shift we are experiencing on the planet today!

If you resonate with what I have written and want to feel more peace and love within yourself as well as experience greater abundance in your life, join me on October 23, for Pathways to Awakening, Journey Through Forgiveness. Register by October 18 at a special tuition that expires on October 19.

This four-week liberating journey through forgiveness is an advanced program designed to support you in healing the past, get free from beating yourself up and sabotaging your efforts, and deepening your connection with God.

In four weeks you will have multiple opportunities to unlock the doors to have more financial abundance, rewarding relationships, vibrant health, meaningful work, passion, more love, the freedom to be authentically you ….and so much more with the Divine guiding this journey.

The only thing you have to lose is your pain. What you have to gain is…well…limitless.

Sign up here

Love and blessings :D


9 Ways Unforgiveness Blocks Wealth, Health, And Happiness

Forgiveness, freedomI’ve watched people suffering with health issues, money worries, and emotional suffering because they have been carrying around anger, blame, resentments, regrets and grudges for years.

How to tell when you haven’t fully forgiven?

  • Current health problems, money struggles, relationship challenges.
    How lovingly or unlovingly you treat yourself with kindness or harshness.
  • Debt and financial struggles caused by past decisions.
  • Relationships that feel unresolved.
  • Revisiting/reliving painful childhood memories and past events that still negatively impact your life.
  • How quickly and intensely you feel rage, anger, shame, and unworthy.
  • The ways you sabotage your efforts (procrastination, busyness,destructive/addictive behavior, creating distractions and overwhelm..)
  • How open your heart is to give and receive love.
  • Feelings of righteous indignation that keep you stuck in victim consciousness.

There is ALWAYS a negative emotional energy charge

Which ones do you relate to?

You may believe you are better at forgiving others than yourself but the truth is that without self-acceptance and love, we cannot fully forgive anyone let alone ourselves.

Just saying you forgive another or yourself doesn’t make it so unless you embody the true essence of forgiveness. You cannot “think” yourself into “feeling” something. It’s an inner energy shift that happens in the heart NOT the mind.

What I have found is that when people are struggling with forgiveness the one they are the most upset with is THEMSELVES.  Being unforgiving towards yourself breeds self-hatred; separating you from your natural state of love and abundance.

Unforgiveness affects EVERYTHING - relationships, health, finances, success, your connection with the Divine.. Carrying pain creates a ton of stress that can powerfully compromise your health, wealth and happiness.

Forgiveness bring closure, inner peace and opens your heart to love again.

Forgiveness liberates you from suffering and return you to your nature state of abundance!

Forgiveness is freedom!

Your life is meant to be prosperous, meaningfull and joyfull!

On Wednesday,  October 23, I am leading a four week Journey through Forgiveness as part of my Pathways to Awakening Series.

Your life can begin to change in ways you cannot fully comprehend. That’s what happened for several people who came through the Forgiveness program several months ago and in the other Pathways to Awakening journeys.

Read their victories

I’ll show you how to take the next steps to liberate yourself!

Give yourself this gift and the world will also benefit from your act of self love.

Take advantage of the early tuition that expires Friday, October 18 at midnight EST. Choose from two payment options to make your registration easy.

2014 is coming fast. This may be one of the most important programs you attend this year to begin the New Year with power and passion!

Learn more about this life-changing program and sign up here

Love and blessings,



13 More Ways To Love Yourself


I awoke this morning with today’s article swirling around in my head. That’s how inspiration often comes to me from Divine inspiration.

I’ve had Self-Love on my mind and in my heart because I have been on a very deep journey of  “waking up” for the last few years. In fact what is true is that I have never felt more alive and aligned with my life path.

I am not the “me” I used to know or thought I was.  I am more aligned with my true nature and my prayers to have a deeper relationship with God have become a reality.  I believe one of the reasons I feel so much Grace and joy is because of my focus on self-love.

Love is our Divine nature and the Essence of the Divine. The absence of love separates us from who we are and God. Love is the bridge back “home.”

Below is a list of thirteen ways to love yourself which is really my list - the ways I love myself. This is a list that continues to expand as I do.

1. Commit to daily spiritual practices for stillness and communion with the God of your understanding. The relationship you have with your personal Divine is the most important relationship in your life. Prayer, meditations, journaling, inspirational reading, creating an altar, walks in nature, chanting, ceremonies and rituals…are all ways to deepen this most sacred relationship of love.

2. Ask for help when you need it. To be a great giver, you must also be a great receiver. Allow the people in your life to love you in return. And remember to invite the Universe to help – ask your angels, guides, Archangels, nature spirits… to be of service to you. Become helpless, which means acknowledging that you cannot do it all, all the time. Until you become helpless, God is helpless. “Let go and let God”.

3. Forgive yourself when you think, act, and do things in ways that are less than love. Each of us has done things that we regret, that have hurt another, or been unloving – resentments, jealousies, blaming, judgments…are expressions of inner pain. We cannot forgive absent of self-love and compassion.

4. Amend your inner self-talk. Become consciously aware of how you speak to yourself inside your head and what you repeat to others. Soften your language and choose words that treat YOU with love and respect. Look for ways to love your humanity rather than to condemn yourself.

5. Take responsibility for your thoughts, feeling and actions.  Be a great role model of integrity in the ways you choose to show up in the world. Make amends when you have messed up in your humanness, let go of the “blame game”, and look at life as a grand adventure for learning, creating, and evolving.

6. Make choices that allow your heart to be expressed. Giving permission for your creativity, passions, gifts, strengths, and talents to flourish opens pathways for greater happiness and prosperity. You might even feel your soul smiling with joy!  (I often do and it feels great!)

7. Set healthy boundaries and stick to them. Be willing to love yourself enough to say no and stop when you need to. Say yes when it feels right rather than from guilt or fear. Cultivate a courageous heart to teach people how to treat you by the ways in which you value yourself .

8. Surround yourself with emotionally safe people who positively support and love you.  Having a circle of friends who cheer you on, share your values, lovingly tell you the truth, kick you in the butt when you need it, celebrate your victories, compassionately listen (without fixing) when your heart is hurting can be a lifeline back to your true SELF on those days when LIFE feels hard.

9. Be willing to boldly go where you have never gone before. Dare to step out of your comfort zone to take those inspired leaps of faith that feel Divinely guided. Your soul would NEVER nudge you to do something that would put you in deliberate danger or cause you pain without purpose.

Doing the shadow work, inner child processes and walking through pain are pathways to liberation from the darkness of  past to the light of a brilliant future.

10. Do at least one thing every day that is personally pleasurable (I don’t mean something for another!).  Look for ways to nourish your mind, body and spirit. What makes you giggle with delight? What juices and excites you with joy?

11. Hydrate yourself with good, clean water.Invest in a high quality water system to nourish your body. Add a pinch of Celtic salt daily to strengthen water absorption in the cells of your body. You can be drinking plenty of water and still be severely dehydrated (I was!)

12. Eat healthy chocolate such as Xocai chocolate. If you are a chocolate lover, this particular raw chocolate is reported to have the highest antioxidant values on the planet. People regularly eating this chocolate have received miraculous benefits including ease with weight loss, reduction in joint pain, cardiac reversals, eliminating emotional overeating, heightened positive outlook….

13. Eliminate processed and fast foods. Choose organic, whole, and raw food options as often as possible. Consider the food sources you are putting into your body that can create future illness, aging, and affect overall well-being. Your body will thank you!

Exercise, getting regular dental and health checkups contribute to keeping your body at optimal health. How you physically feel affects every area of your life!

As you read this list, notice the ones you most relate to.

Which ones do you commit to regularly?

What would you add or change to be more self- loving?

The greatest wound that humanity suffers is a lack of self-worth.

The greatest gift you can share with others is love and it first begins with loving yourself! If you cannot truly love yourself, you really cannot love another with the full capacity of your heart.

It’s not your fault if you have difficulty being kind, compassionate, forgiving and loving with yourself. Your past experiences, your family dynamics, cultural conditioning has all shaped who you have become as a human being.

Withholding self-love is painful. It can feel like living in hell inside with no way out, because wherever you go, you take YOU with you.

What’s blocking your ability to be immersed in this love is within your grasp….

Ready to fall more deeply in love with yourself?

That is the opportunity I am offering you today.

On Wednesday, September 18, we begin a Journey into Self-Love for 4 consecutive weeks. This journey through Self-Love will provide opportunities to explore what love means to you, Divine Love, personal & inner integrity so that you can embrace your value and align with your true nature of love.

Register through Friday, September 13 midnight EST at a special tuition of $197. On September 14 the tuition goes up to $297.

What is unique about this program are the transformational meditations and deepening processes that are Divinely inspired and created right in the session. People report breakthroughs right on the calls!

Read about the program and the testimonials from past participants.

Imagine your testimonial there. What would you like it to say?

Learn more and register here

I believe it will be one the best investments of self- love you gift to yourself this year! And yes, you do desevre it!

Love and blessings,



Special Event! Heart-centered Wisdom: 24 Female Visionaries – One Mission

I’ve joined a revolution!  A heart-centered, mission-driven revolution dedicated to sharing feminine WISDOM, LOVE and INSPIRATION and destined to transform lives around the world.

It’s the INSPIRATION REVOLUTION and I’m inviting YOU join me and bring your sacred energy to the collective intent for the Inspiration Revolution!

Now more than ever the world needs waves of love, healing and inspiration and that’s the collective intent behind an exciting event I’m honored to be a part of.

I am one of 24 featured female ‘revolutionaries’ brought together by host, Bestselling Publisher and Inspirational Revolutionary Linda Joy for Season 3 of Inspired Living Secrets: Heart-Centered Wisdom for Thriving in Your Life and Business. (Over 11,000 sacred listeners have joined her previous seasons.)

Check this out:

With a collective of feminine wisdom like this you’re guaranteed to be inspired, empowered and transformed! You’ll be learning from some of the leaders in the fields of personal & spiritual development, positive psychology, self-empowerment, natural health as well as some of today’s up and coming movers and shakers including my friends Christine Kloser, Christy Whitman, Shann VanderLeek, Kristine Carlson, Tess Marshall, Jodi Chapman and more…


Just some of the wisdom being shared…

  • What is the Law of Sufficiency and Abundance and why is it the most important of the Universal Laws
  • How to access the power of your authentic self
  • Learn the various means that you can receive messages from your internal and external guidance
  • Lead your Wealth with Masculine Money Focus AND Female Spiritual Faith
  • Witness how shame and suffering keeps you from caring for your mind, body, and soul.
  • The #1 myth both new and experienced business owners fall into that keep them from receiving the fees they truly deserve
  • Why self-abandonment leads to anxiety, depression, relationship failure and addictive behavior
  • Discover why creativity is so important for the New Paradigm
  • The four essential building blocks that create the foundation for nurturing confidence and self-esteem in your children
  • How to balance your sacred energies to create flow and ease in your life.
  • Participate in a sacred guided journey to encounter your own inner creative genius
  • Learn how to be inventive, authentic, and simply positive about your future, regardless of what’s going on around you.
  • Learn to surround yourself with people who reflect your inner beliefs and values

…and so much more.


Let me tell you, Inspirational Revolutionary & Host Linda Joy is a woman on a mission… a mission to inspire, empower and support you in thriving in every area of your life. You may know Linda as the publisher of Aspire Magazine – the premier inspirational magazine for women or as the publisher of two best-selling books dedicated to inspiring women to live deeper, more authentic lives. All of her multi-media brands are dedicated to spreading a message of wisdom, love and inspiration!  I told you she’s an inspirational revolutionary!

Your registration includes…

1. Access to the all 24 INSPIRING INTERVIEWS & replays
(Can’t make a live call, no worries your registration includes 48 hour replay access.)

2. 24 Transformational BONUS GIFTS from the Featured Speakers

3. An UNPRECEDENTED TREASURE TROVE of GIFTS from our Sacred Sponsors & Media Partners including a brand new fabulous one from me!


I look forward to feeling your sacred energy on the call!

Love and blessings :D


PS – Imagine, a powerful and F*R*E*E opportunity to discover the secrets of thriving in every area of your life from some of today’s leading revolutionaries.

All the details will be emailed to you as soon as you register!


Can you Really Trust God To Be There For You?

It’s easy to have faith and trust when things go the way you hope and want. Real faith is the absence of evidence. And answers to prayers DO NOT always take the form you want and expect.

As human beings operating from an ego/mind perspective, our viewpoint is colored by our beliefs and interpretations that looks at life from a narrow lens. If we could look at ourselves and the world from the eyes of God and the Universe, we would see a very different picture and realize that everything that is happening in our life is in perfect and Divine order; guiding us to a grander future of joy and prosperity that is far beyond our current comprehension.

Faith comes from the soul and trust comes from our human self.

Transcending hope (which I believe is more about fear) to trust is part of the global shift in consciousness we are currently experiencing and witnessing.

I have said many times, that committing to daily spiritual practices including prayer, contemplation, meditation, and deepening processes to release past pain is critical to align with your soul and the God of your understanding.

My practices?

Setting aside sacred time to sit at my altar, light a candle, sing some chants, express my prayers out loud, offer a Oneness blessing to the world, including you  , meditate, and tune in throughout the day for Divine guidance and inspiration. Often, as I sit in silent prayer and commune with my personal Divine, tears flow.

In the last two years, my heart has broken open so much wider from the deep inner work I have done and the many difficult situations I have walked through.

One of my prayers has been to be taught how to fully surrender with unshakeable faith, courage, and trust.  We learn how by walking through the darkness of fear and uncertainty without trying to control, stop, get rid of, manage or direct the experience.

I am learning how to BECOME HELPLESS, understanding I cannot fulfill my deepest desires and destiny without God’s grace.

Until we become helpless, God is helpless to come to our aid because we keep getting in the way!

Easier said than done, right?

I know…..

That’s why life’s a journey – not an event or a race.

Every prayer is ALWAYS answered and will come to you in the most loving and highest way to show you how to release the “lies” you have been living about who you are and your life circumstances. Each of  us is being called to “wake up” from the illusions that we call “reality” to a higher truth and purpose.

Sometimes it takes a two by four to get our attention from deep slumbering!

Financial, health, or relationship challenges can be portals to developing more faith and trust with the Universe,  greater self-love, alignment with your life purpose and passions…

Look deeply for the blessings and gifts that come your way. Look at all that is right in your world. Celebrate all the abundance you already have with gratitude and appreciation.

Practice detaching from the problems you struggle with and seek the deeper meanings to receive the nuggets and blessings that are in service to your growth…. they are there if you are willing to “see.”

Become curious with an open mind and heart to the many ways the Universe loves and supports you every day.  Notice how rich your life really is. Journal about the daily blessings and miracles (big and small) that are ways God smiles upon you.

And whatever quality you desire that you see lacking inside, ask the Divine to instill that quality within you. Ask for self-love, patience, courage, faith, to be shown how to surrender… BECOME HELPLESS and be open to the ways in which the Universe shows up to love and support you

You may not like the form your answered prayer takes. It always comes with love and is guiding you to a tomorrow that is rich beyond your wildest imagination.


Want to strengthen your faith and trust? Are you yearning to be liberated from pain, struggle, and fear? Does your faith and trust shake with all the changes happening?

My Pathways To Awakening program  is a series of 4-week mini courses designed as deepening journeys with energy activations to help you release the past and open to greater joy and prosperity while fulfilling you Divine destiny.

Join me for a four-week Journey into Faith and Trust beginning August 14 and take advantage of the early tuition through August 9.  Learn why past students rave about this program and reserve your seat here

Experience opportunities to:

  • Know and feel safe in uncertainty and the unknown. Fortify your inner foundation of faith and trust with your Self, The Divine, and others to flow with life’s challenges with Grace.
  • Learn how to soothe fear, worry, and doubt with calm confidence and knowing.  Replace “Insanity” with awareness and choice!
  •  Master the “art of surrender” to start living through passion and purpose rather than through DRAMA.

Live each day from the center of your spirit and watch the miracles happen. When you experience this new kind of POWER and courage, you will be propelled into an infinitely beautiful and inspiring future

Imagine living your most vital, abundant, soul fulfilling life with the POWER of Courage and Grace to guide you……

Join us

Love and blessings :D



Uncertainty - A Pathway to Limitless Possibilities


“Uncertainty and mystery are energies of life. Don’t let them scare you unduly, for they keep boredom at bay and spark creativity.”- R.I. Fitzhenry

I’ve experienced three major life-changing periods in my life. One was in the late 1990′s (and I can definitely say I am in the throes of big transitions now).

At that time, everything in my life seemed to be in flux.  I felt at a crossroads filled with excitement and huge fear.  Where was I going?  What might happen next?  At times, I felt overwhelmed with so many questions and so much uncertainty.

One day, while at a low point, I flipped on the TV and caught one of the Public Broadcasting Station fundraising drives.  Deepak Chopra was the featured presenter.  He was introducing his view about uncertainty.  To illustrate his point, he recalled a story that involved his son during the Christmas holidays.  When asked  what he wished for in the New Year, his son replied, “I wish for another year of uncertainty.”

I felt my stomach churn with upset when I heard that! You gotta be kidding!

The essence of his message was this:

Open your mind to see uncertainty as a state of possibility. Limitless possibilities.  So often we view uncertainty with dread and anticipation of something negative happening to us.  Imagine seeing the potential of limitless possibilities that might result in wonderfull things happening.  In other words, expect the best instead of expect the worst.

What if you held the thought, “I wonder what new (and exciting) experiences might be coming my way?” and pondered upon the delightfull possibilities instead of fearing the unknown.

What if you approached life as learning experiences rather than problems or obstacles to overcome?

What if you stood strong in affirming that The Universe is a friendly place and that each moment of every day you walked with your best friend - your personal Divine who is madly in love with you and want your life to be FABULOUS?

And…what if you made the choice to serve God rather than your ego? And decided to turn repeatedly back to God when you felt the slippery grip of your mind pulling you down.

If everything always stayed the same, day in and day out, imagine what your life be like personally and professionally…

How would you grow and expand as a person?

What challenges would invite your best to emerge?

How would your passions be expressed in ways that inspired you and others?

What would delight and bring you joy?

“The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next.” – Ursula K. LeGuin

So, now imagine stepping into new experiences with an explorer’s sense of adventure and curiosity! Imagine that everything is unfolding perfectly and guiding you to an extraordinary life even if your outer reality doesn’t look that way.

When you open your mind and heart to possibilities, amazing things can happen! When you invite your Personal Divine to be your partner in all areas of your life and make that your most precious relationship, MAGIC happens.

Your invitation:

1. Adopt a new attitude about uncertainty.  Create opportunities to playfully approach uncertainty with an open mind and heart.  Be the explorer every day! Unleash your adventurous nature as you live in the mystery. Be sure to stay in communion and conversation with God throughout your day!

2. Watch what happens when you are open to possibilities.  You might find people and opportunities coming to you that you might have missed when you approached uncertainty as a negative.

3. Notice your reaction to this exercise.  Learn more about yourself.  Tip: Journaling is a great tool to capture your thoughts and feelings!

All is well

Want to strengthen your faith and trust? Are you yearning to be liberated from pain, struggle, and fear? Does your faith and trust shake with all the changes happening?

My Pathways To Awakening program  is a series of 4-week mini courses designed as deepening journeys with energy activations to help you release the past and open to greater joy and prosperity while fulfilling you Divine destiny.

Join me for a four-week Journey into Faith and Trust beginning August 14 and take advantage of the early tuition through August 9.  Learn why past students rave about this program and reserve your seat here

Transform your inner foundation into strength, insecurity to confidence, and fear to courage. Learn how to overcome fear and unlock the courage that resides within. When you experience this new kind of POWER and courage, you will be propelled into an infinitely beautiful and inspiring future

Imagine living your most vital, abundant, soul fulfilling life with the POWER of Courage and Grace to guide you……

Join us

Love and blessings,



How Doubt Leads to Faith and Trust

“Doubt is the beginning, not the end, of wisdom”
. -George Iles

Why does feeling doubt cause fear and discomfort?

Doubt is created by your mind/your ego. Imagination kicks in, your negative emotions flare and you are off and running with worse case scenarios, what ifs… Doubt causes you to feel off kilter and not on firm ground. Fear of the unknown creates uncertainty and worry. This is created by your mind and is all illusion.

While there can be some truth mixed into the story you create in your mind, doubt can really serve you when you are open to appreciate the gift it brings.

When your inner wisdom, guidance, and intuition bumps up against your ego’s doubt and fear, what happens?

The Gift of Doubt

Doubt invites you to look inside of yourself by asking questions about who you are, your beliefs, choices, actions - all areas of your life. Through the process of self-reflection we become more of who we are and less of who we are not.  In this way, we become more authentic and live in a greater expression of our true selves.

Doubt serves you to gain clarity about what is right and true for you. Whether your doubt is ignited by your own mind or others, the opportunity to serve you in your healing and growth is a blessing.

When feeling doubt about a situation ask yourself:

1. What is the truth, as you understand it, about this situation?

2. What do you know to be true with certainty?

3. What does your intuition and gut say? Use your spiritual practices to tune into your inner wisdom’s guidance.

4. What do you fear might happen and what is the likelihood or probability that your fears will manifest as you imagine?

5. If you waver of what you know to be true, what will you lose? Your power, self-trust, self-confidence, responsibility? Pay attention to the power you give to others to influence what you know in your heart to be true!

6. If you stand strong on what you know and believe in, what will you gain? Self-trust, confidence, faith, connection with spirit, direction, prosperity?

7. What wisdom is your doubt (or fears) calling your to recognize, embrace and own? Be open to recognize how you can use this wisdom the next time you experience doubt?

Remember to breathe and bring your attention back to the present. Bless the doubt from wherever it comes to serve you in remembering who you are!

Notice all the ways your intuition speaks to you through repetitive messages, synchronicity, Divine  coincidences, inner knowing, body sensations..

When you feel fears, doubts, desperation and confusion, remember that your soul has the answers you seek and the Divine has the solutions to any problems you face.

Stop, take a breath, go into the stillness and ask for what you need within your mind or out loud. Listen for the answers that often come before you finish the question. Trust what you hear and sense. Truth comes quickly.

If there is a pause and gap before the answer comes, I believe that is the ego attempting to respond rather than your spirit.

What voice do you want leading you?

Personally, I choose to invite my soul to guide my life, not my ego. So, guess which voice I am listening to and following?

My invitation to you!

Want to strengthen your faith and trust? Are you yearning to be liberated from pain, struggle, and fear? Does your faith and trust shake with all the changes happening?

My Pathways To Awakening program  is a series of 4-week mini courses designed as deepening journeys with energy activations to help you release the past and open to greater joy and prosperity while fulfilling you Divine destiny.

Join me for a four-week Journey into Faith and Trust beginning August 14 and take advantage of the early tuition through August 9.  Learn why past students rave about this program and reserve your seat here

Transform your inner foundation into strength, insecurity to confidence, and fear to courage. Learn how to overcome fear and unlock the courage that resides within. When you experience this new kind of POWER and courage, you will be propelled into an infinitely beautiful and inspiring future

Imagine living your most vital, abundant, soul fulfilling life with the POWER of Courage and Grace to guide you……

Join us

Blessings :D



Courage: Liberation From Five Myths That Can Keep You Stuck In Fear

“When experiencing new and exciting changes in life how can you expect to know how it will all go? There are times when you’re required to step blindly off the ledge only to find that with faith you are transported on the wings of love to a new and beautiful vista to explore! Today is such a day.. let fear be what it is, and let faith help you soar regardless of the fear.” – Colette Baron-Reid

What you may not realize is that from the moment you were conceived through age 6, you have been bombarded by thousands of emotional charges that have impacted on who you have become. In addition to what you have inherited from your ancestors and your family, your world has been shaped by cultural conditioning and your personal life experiences.

Fear has been a dominant energy on this planet for thousands of years. 2012 heralded a shift of consciousness and a new era of love, peace, and prosperity. The grip of fear will begin to wane as you “come home” and wake up to who you really are with the Divine presence within you to be your guiding Light.

You may view fear as an enemy, something to be gotten rid of rather than seeing fear’s value as a friend and pathway to your homecoming.  Fear can keep you stuck and frozen or be a motivator and catalyst for change. Healthy fear can be a positive benefit to your life. Irrational fear can keep you separate from the life you were born to live and separate from God.

When your fears become strong, you might get very small because a younger part of you, an inner child is feeling frightened and needing some comfort.

As long as you judge anything about yourself to be bad or wrong, the peace and self love you seek (that we all seek) will not happen.  To feel whole means creating a welcoming place within you to love and embrace all of you – your thoughts, your beliefs, your feelings and your actions.  The first step is a willingness to love and accept yourself as you are with COURAGE and an open heart.

You are not broken, you do not need to be fixed, there is nothing wrong with you.

Changing your relationship with fear is a step forward to reunite you with your Sacred Self and the Divine while calming the fearfull “little you” inside.

Here are 5 myths many folks have about fear:

1) Using affirmations will change your fear beliefs if you say and write them for 21 days. Some people swear by affirmations and they do have some benefit. BUT, your subconscious is in charge of what you think, feel and do as a human being. Affirmations only work with the conscious mind that operates a teeny tiny part of your mind and don’t go deep enough to create long-last shifts in beliefs.

2) Positive mindset will change fears. Relying on your “attitude” to shift fears and worry will work in short bursts. Fears return because no permanent inner shift has occurred. Real transformation goes beyond mindset.

3) If you face fear head on, the fear will become overwhelming. Attempting to repress fear only gives it more power to impact your life especially through self-sabotage. Shining a light on the illusions and fear your mind has created invites them to crumble, freeing you from its grip forever. Transformation can occur in seconds.

4) Fear is an enemy and something to be gotten rid of. Whatever you judge within yourself as bad or wrong creates more separation and pain from who you really are and the connection with Source. Fear can be used positively when turned into any ally.

Read my article, “9 Valuable Gifts from Fear”

5) Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is about following your heart in spite of what your mind and feelings are telling you; being willing to take those leaps of faith to follow your Divine urges. Faith is feeling trust before the evidence shows up and having the courage to do whatever it takes “in fear”.

Take an honest look at what is driving your thoughts, feelings, and actions to create your current reality.

Is it love? Is it faith? Is it courage?  Is it Grace?

Or is fear, pain, struggle and scarcity?

Is your scaredy cat still controlling your life and keeping you from feeling fully alive and prosperous???

Are you believing everything you THINK?

This is a time for new beginnings and shedding old paradigms that suck the life out of your heart.

This is YOUR year!

Ready to create your new courage story and rewrite your future?

Join me for a 4-week mini journey into Courage beginning Wednesday, July 10. Learn how to make fear your friend, unleash your inner hero, and partner with the Divine POWER within you to liberate you from the grip of your mind AND start thriving in ways you never have before. Early tuition ends Friday, July 5, midnight EST. Learn more

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