“You are perfectly aligned to get the results you get.”~ Dr. Stephen Covey
In a conversation yesterday I was reminded of how powerfull our ego is to influence what we create and manifest in our life. The three elements in manifestation are thoughts, words, and actions.
Everything that exists is energy, constantly creating and bringing to you whatever is a vibrational match. Whatever you put your attention on expands. If your attention is focused on lack and scarcity, you will attract more lack and scarcity, even if you spend time during the day saying or writing affirmations, visualizing, or using vision boards.
Every thought, feeling, belief, and action has manifesting energy: the power to create what you desire or more of what is undesired depending on the amount of attention and emotional charge invested. The more attention and energy you give to your thoughts and feelings, the faster you manifest.
For example, if somebody desires to have more money and abundance and they focus five or ten minutes a day affirming it, visualizing it, and feeling it and then spend ten hours fearfull, worried and concerned about how they are going to pay the bills, worse case scenarios, and how much struggle they have in their life, the vibrational match to what they attract is more lack and more struggle.
Here are seven ways to consciously shift money fears and poverty consciousness
1. Dump your story. Resist the urge and tendency to focus your attention on what is missing from your life. Dwelling on what you are longing for that you see as absent, gives life to lack and scarcity. From the Universe’s perspective of abundance, you have everything you need so when your message back is “I want it. I don’t have it.” The vibrational match to your desire becomes more lack and scarcity. Fears are created from ego and focus on the “what ifs” in the future.
Each time you find yourself slipping into fearfull thoughts of worry, stop, and breathe deeply a few times to bring your attention back to the present. Ask yourself, “In this moment, do I have everything I need?” If the answer is yes, breathe again and ask inside, “What is mine to do right now? What is the action I feel called to take?”
One of my dear friends consistently says that when money fears begin to bubble up, step back and recall times when things in life and business were going well. Recall that feeling of prosperity (and any other feelings like peace, confidence, joy..) , when you felt more financially flush. Sink into that feeling and let it fill you up.
What steps did you take to create those situations of prosperity that you could duplicate now? What are some things you can do today to attract money into your life quickly?
Pay attention to jumping into things from desperation and fear. Tune into your guidance for direction and inspired action to manifest more of what you desire.
2. Look for the evidence of abundance. I see many people getting stuck on the idea that abundance, prosperity, or wealth is limited to manifesting money. If you have that mindset you are missing out in receiving so much more abundance into your life. Abundance comes in many forms.
My dear friend Anita Pathik Law has offered me several sessions to support ankle healing from a recent fall, a friend and colleague, who is a publisher and amazing creative, gifted me with four phone sessions to collaborate with me on my book, another colleague just offered me a consultation to brainstorm a idea for a new program I want to develop, my accountability buddy Kathleen continually shares advice, wisdom, and support that enriches me spiritually and in my business.
I could go on and on with all of the forms of abundance takes – gifts, blessings, miracles including money, even if it is a penny on the ground, that makes life rich and joyfull. Keep your mind and heart open to recognize and celebrate all the ways the Universe shows up in answer to your prayers. Whatever the size of your bank account is, you are richer than you might realize. Imagine what you might manifest when you view life through the eyes of abundance!
Bless all the abundance that flows and say, “Thank you, thank you, thank you!” Cultivating faith, trust, and courage in the face of fear, challenges and uncertainty deepens our faith that we are indeed supported by the Universe in co-creatorship and that all of our desires, wants and needs are supplied by an unlimited Source.
For additional insights on money, read my article: What is Your Relationship With Money?
3. Adapt an attitude of gratitude. Each morning I begin my day writing seven things I’m gratefull for. Sometimes I even write things in advance of them happening! Periodically I write 100 things I’m gratefull for which invites me to dig deep to recognize all the big and small blessings that are easy to overlook like having hot water, food in the refrigerator, laughter, a sunny day…I find that after I reach 100 which takes about 15 minutes I can still add more. Try this out for yourself!
Gratitude is a powerfull magnet to attract good into your life when your thankfulness is genuine. Heartfelt appreciation radiates love, which is our natural state of being. Every person and life situation is in service to your individual evolution and the expansion of the planet. Every desirable or undesirable experience offers a healing and growth opportunity. You can either flow with them or fight against them. The choice is up to you.
Focus on all that is right in your world rather than all that is wrong.
4. Breathe. Breathing slows down rapid heart beating and fears. Our breath also opens the gateway for us to reconnect with The Divine/God/Source within. Practice conscious breathing throughout your day. Make this a habit to stop, be still and focus on deliberate breathing for several minutes. You might find you feel more focused, present, grounded, connected to your SELF, and peaceful.
5. Shift your language. Your inner thoughts, self-talk, the words you are thinking and saying to others are either constrictive or expansive. You can feel this in your body because your thoughts, beliefs, and feeling are interconnected. Do your words and thoughts reflect what you wish to create? For tips to shift your language, read my article: Your Language Is Creating Your Reality
6. Be of service to others. I’ve written about this many times. Give what you most want to receive in your life because it brings you joy rather than for the purpose of getting something back in return. I’m a believer that we are all collectively connected and part of the ONE God/Divine/Creator of All That Is.
In giving to others we also receive. Look for ways to be of help to others in whatever way you can that feel right and true for you. Share your love, your wisdom, your time, your energy, your connections – whatever you feel called to offer another that will enhance their life positively. What goes around…
7. Commit to daily self-care and spiritual practices.Meditation, inspiration reading, walks in nature, stillness, journaling, are ways we feel connected to that Divine spark within us. Daily practices and rituals that nourish our bodies, mind and soul connects us to our soul purpose and the collective Oneness. Cultivating faith, trust, and courage in the face of fear, challenges and uncertainty deepens our faith that we are indeed supported by the Universe
Taking care of your body is an important element to your inner foundation. When we feel “fed” we can show up for the people, responsibilities and situations that we most care about with our best SELF. When we are depleted, over-extended, hungry, lonely, or angry, life becomes more burdensome.
Negative self-talk, self-sabotage, and fears increase when we are not nurturing ourselves. To check when you might be out of balance or in need of some self-care pronto, here are some common signals: taking things too personally, beating yourself up, irritability, over-reacting, resentment, anger, overwhelm, confusion, distracted, stressed, or tense. Ask yourself, “What do I need right now? What is my body asking for? What have I been ignoring?“ Then DO IT!
You might also enjoy my article on Seven Critical Factors That Support Achieving Transformational Goals
Notice your thoughts and feelings without judging, censoring or trying to get rid of them so you don’t stuff them down inside. Then, make a conscious decision to suspend giving your money concerns any more energy by choosing to place your attention elsewhere. Make a commitment to stop talking about, thinking about and worrying about money. Start with an hour, a day or a week. You might be happily surprised at how much energy and flow opens when you stand strong in love, faith, trust and courage!
Here is one of my daily prayers:
I create from a place of unshakeable faith. I am aligned with Divine Will! Thank you God for all the amazing abundance I enjoy. All is well in my world. I am always safe in God’s loving arms and I have all I need and more for everything I am here to do and be. I say YES to stepping into the next and highest version of who I AM!! I say YES! Amen
Create a daily prayer or prayers of your own. Say them out loud slowly. Breathe and feel into the words of your prayers. Let the energy fill your heart and being, lifting you up and guiding you throughout the day!
Every minute, every hour and every day you choose what you will create. Do the inner work to identify, heal, and transform things that are unresolved from your past and shift limiting conscious and subconscious beliefs. Get help where you need it and remember to send your prayers to the Universe. Help comes when asked for. You are not meant to travel through this life alone!
Have a blessed and joyfull day