Tag Archives: Spirituality & Inspiration

Ways To Be More Self-Loving With Yourself And Others, Pt. 3

self love 7

One of my favorite CD’s is Marianne Williamson’s, “Meditations For A Miraculous Life” . In the evening prayer meditation she talks about being gratefull for the lessons received during the course of the day that invited compassion and love.

In this time of self-reflection she reminds us to ask for forgiveness for the ways we withheld love and that tomorrow we may do better at BEING LOVE.

As human beings we don’t always emulate the qualities of love. We are influenced by our past, cultural conditioning, and day to day experiences that either brings out our best or our worst.

Each of us at  has screwed up, made mistakes, betrayed another, broken promises, and fallen short of our ideals. Surrendering self-contempt is an act of self-love. Forgiveness invites love and compassion. It is through our humanness that our greatness emerges.

When we are willing to soften our heart towards ourselves we can be more authentically loving towards others.

What are some of the ways you are self-punishing?

Do you speak to yourself lovingly or with harshness?

And when you mess up, are you compassionate and forgiving?

The feelings and thoughts you are experience reveals what is asking to be healed. Being willing to separate the truth from the story or drama that is being activated within you allows you to choose to show up from the best of who you are.

And when you are not at your best, make amends with yourself so that you can create opportunities to restore harmony and connections with others.

During those times when you are being unloving towards yourself, imagine you could see yourself through the eyes of the Divine.

What would love see?

What would love say?

What would love do?

Grief and sadness lies beneath anger. As long as we remain judgmental and unforgiving, we are unable to release the pain and come to a place of resolution and inner peace. When we can view each experience as a healing and growth opportunity, we can release the pain.

Forgiveness, compassion, and love is the pathway to joy.

Joy connects us to love, which is our true nature and the essence of God. Approaching life with wonder, like we did as innocent children, invites us to see and attract options and possibilities that can resolve challenges and bring Grace. In wonder we delight in the blessings, gifts, and wonderfull surprises The Divine has for us.

Imagine looking through the eyes of love every day.

Imagine if we all did that.

Imagine the world we would create…..

Ready to fall in love with yourself?

Join me on September 18 in my Pathways to Awakening program. This  four week journey through Self-Love will provide opportunities to explore what love means to you, Divine Love, personal & inner integrity so that you can embrace your value and align with your true nature of love.

Guided by the Divine, the deepening processes and meditations will provide many opportunities to resolve past hurts, angers, resentments, and judgments towards others and especially towards your SELF; to open your heart to experience more peace, love, and Grace. Learn more here and take advantage of special pricing through September 13!

Imagine treating yourself with greater compassion, forgiveness and appreciation as the precious magnificent being you truly are.

Imagine feeling good about yourself so that you stop punishing yourself and allow the abundance and love you crave to pour into your life.…..

Love and blessings,



Three Ways To Be More Self-Loving With Yourself And Others, Pt. 1

self-love 9Love is our natural state and one that powerfully connects us all in Oneness.

As we move into this new Golden Age it is important for all of us to release the patterns and pain from the past that separate us from our Divinity and our destiny.

Love is the bridge.

Love transforms

Love liberates

To truly, Divinely love another, we must love ourselves first; to draw from that inner love and share it with another is an inside out experience.

Cultivating self-love and being a vehicle from which love flows can be one of the greatest gifts you give to the world. Self-love, compassion, forgiveness…..are often qualities we withhold from ourselves without realizing it.

Over the next several days, I will share three ways to deepen your self- love beginning with today’s focus:

Extreme Self-Care

I use extreme because taking the best care of YOU is serious! When your needs are not being met, your negative thoughts and reactions intensify as your attitude and energy level plummets.

When you are neglecting yourself and not valuing who you are, how well does your life work? How loving are you towards others?

How connected do you feel with your inner wisdom, inspiration, and happiness?

What happens to your relationship with the Divine when you deny love to yourself?

Being positively self-ish and putting yourself first gives you the vitality and desire to be fully there for those you love – by choice, not obligation.

I know some people have  difficulty with the idea of self care without triggering old perceptions of “selfish”.  Remember what you hear on planes about what parents should do if the oxygen mask drops down?

Creating a new definition for self-care is an act of self-love.


1. Create your new self-care definition that gives you lots of permission to be self-loving.

2. Pay attention to the ways in which you are harsh, and unloving with yourself. Make a list of the changes you wish to make in your life like speaking more kindly to yourself, being more self-accepting of your humanness and put these changes into practice.

3. Give yourself permission to do something pleasurable and loving for yourself every day. Commit to daily practices that nourish and energize your body, mind, and spirit.

Ready to fall in love with yourself?

Join me on September 18 in my Pathways to Awakening program. This  four week journey through Self-Love will provide opportunities to explore what love means to you, Divine Love, personal & inner integrity so that you can embrace your value and align with your true nature of love.

Guided by the Divine, the deepening processes and meditations will provide many opportunities to resolve past hurts, angers, resentments, and judgments towards others and especially towards your SELF; to open your heart to experience more peace, love, and Grace. Learn more here and take advantage of special pricing through September 13!

Imagine treating yourself with greater compassion, forgiveness and appreciation as the precious magnificent being you truly are.

Imagine feeling good about yourself so that you stop punishing yourself and allow the abundance and love you crave to pour into your life.…..

Love and blessings,



Can you Really Trust God To Be There For You?

It’s easy to have faith and trust when things go the way you hope and want. Real faith is the absence of evidence. And answers to prayers DO NOT always take the form you want and expect.

As human beings operating from an ego/mind perspective, our viewpoint is colored by our beliefs and interpretations that looks at life from a narrow lens. If we could look at ourselves and the world from the eyes of God and the Universe, we would see a very different picture and realize that everything that is happening in our life is in perfect and Divine order; guiding us to a grander future of joy and prosperity that is far beyond our current comprehension.

Faith comes from the soul and trust comes from our human self.

Transcending hope (which I believe is more about fear) to trust is part of the global shift in consciousness we are currently experiencing and witnessing.

I have said many times, that committing to daily spiritual practices including prayer, contemplation, meditation, and deepening processes to release past pain is critical to align with your soul and the God of your understanding.

My practices?

Setting aside sacred time to sit at my altar, light a candle, sing some chants, express my prayers out loud, offer a Oneness blessing to the world, including you  , meditate, and tune in throughout the day for Divine guidance and inspiration. Often, as I sit in silent prayer and commune with my personal Divine, tears flow.

In the last two years, my heart has broken open so much wider from the deep inner work I have done and the many difficult situations I have walked through.

One of my prayers has been to be taught how to fully surrender with unshakeable faith, courage, and trust.  We learn how by walking through the darkness of fear and uncertainty without trying to control, stop, get rid of, manage or direct the experience.

I am learning how to BECOME HELPLESS, understanding I cannot fulfill my deepest desires and destiny without God’s grace.

Until we become helpless, God is helpless to come to our aid because we keep getting in the way!

Easier said than done, right?

I know…..

That’s why life’s a journey – not an event or a race.

Every prayer is ALWAYS answered and will come to you in the most loving and highest way to show you how to release the “lies” you have been living about who you are and your life circumstances. Each of  us is being called to “wake up” from the illusions that we call “reality” to a higher truth and purpose.

Sometimes it takes a two by four to get our attention from deep slumbering!

Financial, health, or relationship challenges can be portals to developing more faith and trust with the Universe,  greater self-love, alignment with your life purpose and passions…

Look deeply for the blessings and gifts that come your way. Look at all that is right in your world. Celebrate all the abundance you already have with gratitude and appreciation.

Practice detaching from the problems you struggle with and seek the deeper meanings to receive the nuggets and blessings that are in service to your growth…. they are there if you are willing to “see.”

Become curious with an open mind and heart to the many ways the Universe loves and supports you every day.  Notice how rich your life really is. Journal about the daily blessings and miracles (big and small) that are ways God smiles upon you.

And whatever quality you desire that you see lacking inside, ask the Divine to instill that quality within you. Ask for self-love, patience, courage, faith, to be shown how to surrender… BECOME HELPLESS and be open to the ways in which the Universe shows up to love and support you

You may not like the form your answered prayer takes. It always comes with love and is guiding you to a tomorrow that is rich beyond your wildest imagination.


Want to strengthen your faith and trust? Are you yearning to be liberated from pain, struggle, and fear? Does your faith and trust shake with all the changes happening?

My Pathways To Awakening program  is a series of 4-week mini courses designed as deepening journeys with energy activations to help you release the past and open to greater joy and prosperity while fulfilling you Divine destiny.

Join me for a four-week Journey into Faith and Trust beginning August 14 and take advantage of the early tuition through August 9.  Learn why past students rave about this program and reserve your seat here

Experience opportunities to:

  • Know and feel safe in uncertainty and the unknown. Fortify your inner foundation of faith and trust with your Self, The Divine, and others to flow with life’s challenges with Grace.
  • Learn how to soothe fear, worry, and doubt with calm confidence and knowing.  Replace “Insanity” with awareness and choice!
  •  Master the “art of surrender” to start living through passion and purpose rather than through DRAMA.

Live each day from the center of your spirit and watch the miracles happen. When you experience this new kind of POWER and courage, you will be propelled into an infinitely beautiful and inspiring future

Imagine living your most vital, abundant, soul fulfilling life with the POWER of Courage and Grace to guide you……

Join us

Love and blessings :D



Keep The Faith, Stay The Course, Trust The Journey

“When we come to the edge of all the light we have
And must take a step into the darkness of the unknown
We must believe one of two things
Either we will find something firm to stand on
Or, we will be taught to fly.”
by Patrick Overton Copyright © The Leaning Tree

Have you ever felt stretched to the limit? Maybe you feel that way right now? You believe that you cannot handle one more thing. And if something more happens that causes additional stress, pain, and anxiety….  you worry you might not be able to keep it together and you will fall apart. And if there are others depending on you to be the “strong one” the pressure to hold things together becomes even more burdensome.

You might be facing relationship challenges, struggling to grow your business, dealing with family issues, money worries, debts, divorce, or an illness. You feel tired as if you have been in a battle and you just want a break, a time out, a space for things to be easier to catch your breath, at least for a while so that you can regain your strength for what’s next.

Some part of you is certain you will crash and burn while another part whispers, “Stay committed to your life path. Keep going and trust that all will be well.”

I’m reminded of that scene in Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade when he must take a step forward to get to the other side of a ravine and there is no bridge to cross. Once he takes that first step, a plank appears beneath his feet so he can cross safely. That’s how the Universe responds to faith when we surrender the resistance – it shows up. That movie clip is one of the memories I recall when I am feeling fear rising.

I’ve had several meltdowns in the last few years. I’ve been on my knees in prayer, alternating between sobbing and anger. I’ve been stepping out in my life and business in bigger ways and there have been financial, health, and time challenges that have created so much stress and stretched me to my limits.

In this emotionally charged space I’ve traveled though despair, hatred, desperation, frustration, depression, discouragement, anger, fear, to hopefulness, optimism, positive expectation, enthusiasm, happiness, passion, joy, and love. Now my faith and trust is more solid than ever and I see the hand of Divine Grace supporting and loving me in ways that continue to astonish and delight me throughout my day. My bond with God is stronger than it has ever been which brings me joy.

When we come to the end of our tolerance with life situations and must take that step into a greater unknown, our ego goes into a panic and fears for its survival. Our self-talk paints a bleak picture of worse case scenarios with the finesse and skill of a seasoned litigator seeking to woo us back to its version of safety.

What if everything you are experiencing that is causing you pain and hardship is designed to bring you closer to your Divinity and your life purpose?

Many people quit five minutes before the miracle happens - things feel too hard, too painfull, and too uncomfortable, take too long, or don’t go the way they want. So they give up feeling angry, discouraged, and disappointed.

How about you?

  • What are you totally committed to?
  • Where is your breaking/braking point?
  • Do you stop too soon and give up?
  • Do you stay too long when it’s time to let go?
  • What are you holding on to that is time to surrender?
  • What do you want so badly you are willing to do whatever it takes?
  • What fuels your courage and faith to stay the course no matter what?

Going the distance takes renewed commitment, trust, and faith that what we feel called to be or do is sanctioned by the Universe. It’s like walking through fire and knowing that you won’t get burned, which I literally did years ago doing a fire walk with Tony Robbins.

I have written that we are living in incredible times. It is no longer life as usual or business as usual. The world seems to be falling apart in so many ways which creates the space for new ways of be-ing and do-ing to emerge. In the chaos there is a Divine plan unfolding which takes courage, faith, and trust to go the distance and ride the wave of change.

You might feel like a stranger in a strange land learning a new language. You might even feel a deep inner calm that is confirming that your life is aligning with Divine Will and Flow all is in perfection for what is next.

It is in perfection.

Right now in this moment

Let go of the problems and the evidence in your external world that binds you to worry and fear. That is a signal that you have disconnected from your Divinity and an invitation to go within for guidance and direction. For every problem, there is a spiritual solution. Remember to engage in the dance with the Universe rather than to fight against it.

Be open to all the ways LIFE responds to your call for help and say, “Thank you”. Every prayer is always answered for your best and highest good.

Keep the faith

Stay the course

Trust the journey

You do not walk your path alone…ever.

Want to strengthen your faith and trust? Are you yearning to be liberated from pain, struggle, and fear? Does your faith and trust shake with all the changes happening?

My Pathways To Awakening program  is a series of 4-week mini courses designed as deepening journeys with energy activations to help you release the past and open to greater joy and prosperity while fulfilling you Divine destiny.

Join me for a four-week Journey into Faith and Trust beginning August 14 and take advantage of the early tuition through August 9.  Learn why past students rave about this program and reserve your seat here

Experience opportunities to:

  • Know and feel safe in uncertainty and the unknown. Fortify your inner foundation of faith and trust with your Self, The Divine, and others to flow with life’s challenges with Grace.
  • Learn how to soothe fear, worry, and doubt with calm confidence and knowing.  Replace “Insanity” with awareness and choice!
  •  Master the “art of surrender” to start living through passion and purpose rather than through DRAMA.

Live each day from the center of your spirit and watch the miracles happen. When you experience this new kind of POWER and courage, you will be propelled into an infinitely beautiful and inspiring future

Imagine living your most vital, abundant, soul fulfilling life with the POWER of Courage and Grace to guide you……

Join us

Love and blessings :D



Uncertainty - A Pathway to Limitless Possibilities


“Uncertainty and mystery are energies of life. Don’t let them scare you unduly, for they keep boredom at bay and spark creativity.”- R.I. Fitzhenry

I’ve experienced three major life-changing periods in my life. One was in the late 1990′s (and I can definitely say I am in the throes of big transitions now).

At that time, everything in my life seemed to be in flux.  I felt at a crossroads filled with excitement and huge fear.  Where was I going?  What might happen next?  At times, I felt overwhelmed with so many questions and so much uncertainty.

One day, while at a low point, I flipped on the TV and caught one of the Public Broadcasting Station fundraising drives.  Deepak Chopra was the featured presenter.  He was introducing his view about uncertainty.  To illustrate his point, he recalled a story that involved his son during the Christmas holidays.  When asked  what he wished for in the New Year, his son replied, “I wish for another year of uncertainty.”

I felt my stomach churn with upset when I heard that! You gotta be kidding!

The essence of his message was this:

Open your mind to see uncertainty as a state of possibility. Limitless possibilities.  So often we view uncertainty with dread and anticipation of something negative happening to us.  Imagine seeing the potential of limitless possibilities that might result in wonderfull things happening.  In other words, expect the best instead of expect the worst.

What if you held the thought, “I wonder what new (and exciting) experiences might be coming my way?” and pondered upon the delightfull possibilities instead of fearing the unknown.

What if you approached life as learning experiences rather than problems or obstacles to overcome?

What if you stood strong in affirming that The Universe is a friendly place and that each moment of every day you walked with your best friend - your personal Divine who is madly in love with you and want your life to be FABULOUS?

And…what if you made the choice to serve God rather than your ego? And decided to turn repeatedly back to God when you felt the slippery grip of your mind pulling you down.

If everything always stayed the same, day in and day out, imagine what your life be like personally and professionally…

How would you grow and expand as a person?

What challenges would invite your best to emerge?

How would your passions be expressed in ways that inspired you and others?

What would delight and bring you joy?

“The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty; not knowing what comes next.” – Ursula K. LeGuin

So, now imagine stepping into new experiences with an explorer’s sense of adventure and curiosity! Imagine that everything is unfolding perfectly and guiding you to an extraordinary life even if your outer reality doesn’t look that way.

When you open your mind and heart to possibilities, amazing things can happen! When you invite your Personal Divine to be your partner in all areas of your life and make that your most precious relationship, MAGIC happens.

Your invitation:

1. Adopt a new attitude about uncertainty.  Create opportunities to playfully approach uncertainty with an open mind and heart.  Be the explorer every day! Unleash your adventurous nature as you live in the mystery. Be sure to stay in communion and conversation with God throughout your day!

2. Watch what happens when you are open to possibilities.  You might find people and opportunities coming to you that you might have missed when you approached uncertainty as a negative.

3. Notice your reaction to this exercise.  Learn more about yourself.  Tip: Journaling is a great tool to capture your thoughts and feelings!

All is well

Want to strengthen your faith and trust? Are you yearning to be liberated from pain, struggle, and fear? Does your faith and trust shake with all the changes happening?

My Pathways To Awakening program  is a series of 4-week mini courses designed as deepening journeys with energy activations to help you release the past and open to greater joy and prosperity while fulfilling you Divine destiny.

Join me for a four-week Journey into Faith and Trust beginning August 14 and take advantage of the early tuition through August 9.  Learn why past students rave about this program and reserve your seat here

Transform your inner foundation into strength, insecurity to confidence, and fear to courage. Learn how to overcome fear and unlock the courage that resides within. When you experience this new kind of POWER and courage, you will be propelled into an infinitely beautiful and inspiring future

Imagine living your most vital, abundant, soul fulfilling life with the POWER of Courage and Grace to guide you……

Join us

Love and blessings,



The Art of Surrender: Resistance Is Futile!

Surrender has definitely been one of my themes this year. I can speak quite a bit on the concept of surrender – “Let go and let God. The present is perfect. You are exactly where you are meant to be…trust, breathe, all is well….”

Embracing and embodying surrender is a whole different reality.

I’ve often used the metaphor of when you first learn how to swim it is not unusual to also be taught how to float. You lean back with your arms stretched and allow the water to hold you up – like a buoy.

The first few times you learn how to float can be scary; to trust the water to keep you from sinking and when you actually let go, it’s quite a pleasant experience of “going with the flow and feeling supported”.

Surrender does not come easily.  Surrender isn’t about giving up rather, it is about giving in. And what we are really asked to surrender is the struggle and resistance we create to push against life; to push against the people and situations we don’t like and want.

Surrender invites us to look at what we are giving energy to that either connects or separates us for Source.

The last three years have stretched me so far out of my comfort zones and taken me into deeper places within myself than I ever could have imagined.  I recall people I admire say, “You have to be willing to lose everything  to have everything.”

Ooooh…. gulp!

If I really let go of EVERYTHING, my home, my friends, my work, my challenges and pain… my whole life and surrender it all…then what?

I understand that in theory and in practice and I realize that I don’t know how to completely let go and TRUST God to take care of me.

In a conversation this morning with a dear friend I shared my dance with surrender. As some fear kicked in I said to her, “If I let go of everything, that doesn’t mean that I have to actually lose everything, right?”  She chuckled at how I was trying to negotiate my surrender. That’s what the mind does in order to maintain control.

Resistance is futile.

Struggle is a choice.

You either float or sink.

That’s what I am learning this year…how to surrender with Grace. I know how to surrender in struggle and it is exhausting. I still feel my mind trying to maintain control because it feels at risk and threatened by some of the challenges I am walking through.

In the same space, I feel an inner strength that comes through my connection with God that assures me that all is well.  That’s the duality we are all experiencing that is feeding the struggle between our mind and our soul.

With this historical shift of consciousness we are experiencing and witnessing on the planet, energy and time has accelerated. Our mind and body can’t keep up with the speed of how fast things are moving!

Fears are running high for so many people. It’s a habit to grab onto people and things in an effort to feel   some control when you are experiencing upheaval in your life.

We’re being pushed out of our comfort zones to “wake up” and remember who we are. And to live in ways that is natural for us as spiritual beings and feels unnatural as human beings.

If you feel like a stranger in a strange land learning a new language, you are…. in many ways. And you may also feel a sense of “coming home” as you shed some of the illusions and fears that have governed your life for so long

Do you feel it?

I believe that the most important relationship in life is the one we have with God, whoever that is for you, to powerfully weather the inner storms of waking up and surrendering all that is no longer serving us in becoming the next and highest version of who we are being called to be.

Daily spiritual practices, strong self-care regimes, the inner transformation work, and having a strong network of support all contribute to being a welcoming place inside to walk through those dark narrow places of surrender with grace and courage.

Communing with your wise SELF will help you navigate through the noise in your head. Take time to engage in conversation with your personal Divine as if you were speaking to your dearest friend who loves you and wants you to be happy. Committing to develop your relationship with God is critical in mastering surrender and living an Awakened life.

Surrender is a natural way of being in an Awakened state. Struggle is a natural way of being in an unconscious state.

How do you want to live?

Remember the Serenity prayer?

God, grant the serenity to accept the things I cannot change

The courage to change the things I can

And the wisdom to know the difference

Surrender is part of serenity and walking in Grace!

Your transformational steps:

1. Notice where you are experiencing struggle in your life. What are you holding onto that you know in your heart you need to let go of and surrender?

2. What beliefs, fears, behaviors keep you engaged in resisting surrender?

3. How much is really true?

4. What do you need to surrender to shift from struggle into grace?

5. What is one step you will commit to surrender and let go?

Here is one step you can take now! My life altering 4-week program, Pathways to Awakening: Journey into Courage and POWER will  guide you in learning the art of surrender and it begins July 10!

Money and fear are the two most powerfull motivators or deflators today. Are you yearning to be liberated from pain, struggle, and fear? Are you ready to live your most vital, abundant, soul fulfilling life with the POWER of Courage and Grace to guide you? Join me to learn how to transform your inner foundation into strength, insecurity to confidence, and fear to courage. Experience Divinely created healing meditations and energy activations to release the past and open your heart - two critical factors in creating a joyfull, abundant “awake” life.

When you experience this new kind of POWER and courage, you will be propelled into an infinitely beautiful and inspiring future.   Take advantage of the early tuition through July 5. If you are ready to turn fear into an ally and live from passion and purpose, reserve your seat NOW and let your spirit fly. Learn more

Love and blessings,



Forgiveness: Barrier or Breakthrough to Living a Soulfully Abundant and Vibrant Life

mirror, rumi1“Forgiveness is unlocking the door to set someone free and discovering you were the prisoner.”

As I was returning from running some errands and thinking about my upcoming four-week Forgiveness program beginning on May 29, I began thinking about my mother..

When I was in my late 20′s my mother told me she no longer loved my father and that she was unhappy with her life. In my parent’s generation talking about feelings and thoughts wasn’t the norm.

The fact she came to me was huge. At the age of 27, I had no words to guide or console her. I was as lost as she was.

So, feeling stuck in the “bed she made” and too terrified to make any changes, she sucked everything back in and never spoke about how she felt again.

Five years later, my mother who was a vibrant, healthy woman, was diagnosed with leukemia. And at the young age of 66 my mother died.  She found a way to leave her marriage and her life.

I believe my mother was filled with regrets, self-anger, and a deep need for forgiveness that eventually turned into dis-ease. When she died, she was finally free.

That conversation with my mother was a life defining moment.

Years later I realized that I had been harboring resentments towards myself for not being able to help my mother in her time of need. Even though I worked through a lot of healing around feeling that I had “abandoned” her because I lacked the words to comfort and guide her, my breast cancer diagnosis in May 2012 revealed some deep unforgiveness I had not yet healed.

The relationship between your beliefs and carrying pain from the past stresses the auto-immune system to be vulnerable to create dis-ease. For the body’s intelligence to return to optimal health is a multi-level approach rather than focusing solely on the symptoms. Forgiveness being closure through peace and love.

Without forgiveness there is no closure; to no ability to let go and move forward. As long as you feel emotional charges anchored in anger, blame, resentments, and judgments, there is more forgiveness work to do. Learning “how to forgive” in your heart …is a process not a technique.

That is why doing the inner transformational work, working with healing modalities that feel right for you is so critical as well as having a strong community of spiritual support and a bond with God.

My health experience was full of Grace and blessings that allowed me to lift many burdens from my heart and my body.

That’s why I am so deeply committed to the inner healing and transformation work. I repeatedly say how critical it is to have the guts to look in the shadows. And that’s why I go into those dark places myself. I don’t want my life to be filled with regrets, anger, and resentments or to be too afraid to really LIVE. And I don’t want to create illness so that my life is limited by health conditions that could have been prevented!

Do you?

I feel my mother speaking to me today and reminding me of how heavy a cost we pay when we are lost in fear and suffering. How much we give up when we allow our fears and subconscious beliefs to hold up captive from fully living the life we were born to.

And how much pain we experience when we are separated from ourselves and that Divine spark when we resist the truth of who we are and live in our illusions.

Wherever you go, you take your stuff with you. And the only path to true liberation for your Light to shine brightly is THROUGH those dark places.

Suffering is a choice. Love and grace is your birthright. Forgiveness is the pathway to living a rich and vibrant life.

On May 29, I am leading a four week Journey through Forgiveness.

Your life can begin to change in ways you cannot fully comprehend. That’s what happened for several people who came through the Forgiveness program a few months ago and in the other Pathways to Awakening journeys.

Read their victories

I’ll show you how to take the next steps to liberate yourself without having to do what my mother did.

Take a moment and listen to your wise self. If you are meant to be in this program with us, sign up now. Give yourself this gift and the world will also benefit from your act of self love.

Take advantage of the early tuition that expires this Friday, May 24 at midnight EST. Choose from two payment options to make your registration easy.

This may be one of the most important programs you attend this year.

Learn more and sign up here

Love and blessings,



Why Forgiveness Can Feel Difficult


Without forgiveness life is governed by an endless cycle of resentment and retaliation. - Roberto Assagioli

So often people think they have forgiven themselves and others but they really haven’t.

Without true forgiveness we can’t let go and move on. We end up dragging around unresolved hurts and disappointments in our heart,  on our bodies, and that haunt our thoughts.

There is no resolution because there is no peace. And because relationships are the cornerstone of our life experiences, we are continually given experiences that break our hearts open for deeper compassion and love.

Several reasons why you might be struggling with forgiveness

You have an attachment to what happened. You are still struggling with accepting what you did or didn’t do, what another did or what others continue to do. Your struggle and resistance creates your misery which is a choice and an opportunity to forgive yourself!

Whenever you have a strong negative reaction to another is an opportunity to look at what you are dis-owning within yourself that is showing up to be loved and accepted – a quality, a behavior, an action to be forgiven.

We are mirrors for each other and as long as we have someone or something to blame for our life circumstances, we never have to take responsibility for our role in what we create from our past and our present.

To allow Grace and love in, you must surrender your attachments, your resistance to accepting whatever is happening in each moment, your expectations, and your control; to be compassionate with your own humanness and be open to allow The Divine to guide your life experiences.

This is the shift we are experiencing on the planet today!

If you resonate with what I have written and want to feel more peace and love within yourself as well as experience greater abundance in your life, join me on May 22, for Pathways to Awakening, Journey Through Forgiveness. Register by May 17 at a special tuition that expires on May 18.

This four-week liberating journey through forgiveness is an advanced program designed to support you in healing the past, get free from beating yourself up and sabotaging your efforts, and deepening your connection with God.

In four weeks you will have multiple opportunities to unlock the doors to have more financial abundance, rewarding relationships, vibrant health, meaningful work, passion, more love, the freedom to be authentically you ….and so much more with the Divine guiding this journey.

The only thing you have to lose is your pain. What you have to gain is…well…limitless.

Sign up here

Love and blessings :D


Write A Thank You Letter To God

embrace miracles

Each year I write a Thank You Letter to God dated one year in advance and I share it with my spiritual mastermind group.

We typically write the letters in January, share them in the group, and discuss how close we came to actualizing what we prewrote at the end of the year.

We have found these letters to be powerfull practices to bring our our vision for the year into clarity.

The letter becomes a declaration to the Universe and a guide for desires, decisions, and intentions to manifest though inspired action during the year.

I’ve witnessed many transformations in the letters I have written over the years. Earlier ones have been focused on material gain and too ambitious; more aligned with my head and ego rather than my heart.

When looking more deeply at your desires, I have found that a dream needs to be realistic enough for the ego to believe it is possible and big enough to excitedly stretch you out of your comfort zone to step into your greater potential.

To prepare for writing your letter, take time to create sacred space to be still and quiet. Contemplate what you truly want and why, so what you are  thanking God comes from your heart truth.

Take your time in bringing your words together. No need to rush. Invite your ego, mind, and soul to express. what is deeply desired and feel into those desires so they reflect your heart and not what you think you should want or what others want for you.

Once written, print it out. Read it out loud. slowly, allowing your emotions to reflect your words. Feel gratitude to the Divine for responding to your prayers in ways that enrich your life. Rest in that gratitude, trusting that all you desire, need, and want will come to you in the highest and best way.

Share your letter with trusted friends to hold the vision for you.

Keep the letter visible. You might read it out loud each day to strengthen your decison and intention. Use it as a map to guide your choices and actions throughout the year and be open to flow with  your inner guidance to lead you forward.

Have fun creating it!




30 Faith and Trust Quotes

Enjoy this compilation of faith and trust quotes to lift you up!

1. Self-trust is the first secret of success. ~Ralph Waldo Emerson

2. A man who doesn’t trust himself can never really trust anyone else. ~ Cardinal De Retz

3. Without trust there is nothing. ~Anonymous

4. The best proof of love is trust. ~Joyce Brothers

5. Some of God’s greatest gifts are unanswered prayers. ~Garth Brooks quotes

6. Whatever is worrying you right now, forget about it…it might seem major today but eventually it won’t. Take a deep breath & trust in God. ~Author Unknown

7. Trust each other again and again. When the trust level gets high enough, people transcend apparent limits, discovering new and awesome abilities for which they were previously unaware. ~David Armistead

8. No God, No Peace. Know God, Know Peace. ~Anonymous (Love this one!)

9. The soul can split the sky in two and let the face of God shine through.  ~Edna St. Vincent Millay

10. There are only two ways to live . . . one is as though nothing is a miracle. . . the other is as if everything is. ~Albert Einstein

11. A little faith will bring your soul to heaven, but a lot of faith will bring heaven to your soul. ~Author Unknown

12. Faith is believing that the outcome will be what it should be, no matter what it is.  ~Colette Baron-Reid

13. Faith is believing in things when common sense tells you not to.  ~George Seaton

14. Faith is the light that guides you through the darkness.Fear ends where faith begins. ~Author Unknown

15. Feed your faith and your fears will starve to death. ~Author Unknown

16. Where hope grows, miracles blossom. ~Elna Rae

17. Faith is taking the first step even when you don’t see the whole staircase. ~Martin Luther King, Jr.

18. Are you wrinkled with burden?  Come to God for a faith lift.  ~Author Unknown

19. Every happening, great and small, is a parable whereby God speaks to us, and the art of life is to get the message.  ~Malcolm Muggeridge

20. As your faith is strengthened you will find that there is no longer the need to have a sense of control, that things will flow as they will, and that you will flow with them, to your great delight and benefit.  ~Emmanuel Teney

21. Be faithful in small things because it is in them that your strength lies. ~Mother Teresa

22. Every tomorrow has two handles. We can take hold of it with the handle of anxiety or the handle of faith.  ~Henry Ward Beecher

23. Faith and prayer are the vitamins of the soul; man cannot live in health without them. ~Mahalia Jackson

24. Peace on the outside comes from knowing God on the inside.  ~Author Unknown

25. Faith consists in believing when it is beyond the power of reason to believe. ~Voltaire

26. Faith can move mountains, but don’t be surprised if God hands you a shovel. ~Author Unknown

27. Faith is not something to grasp, it is a state to grow into. ~Mohandas Gandhi

28. I know God will not give me anything I can’t handle. I just wish that He didn’t trust me so much. ~Mother Theresa

29. As soon as you trust yourself, you will know how to live. ~Goethe

30. Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live with all your life.Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, inner sparks of possibility into flames of achievement. ~Foster C. McClellan

Does your faith shake?

Do you find it difficult to stand in full trust that all will be well when gripped by fear?

Does life feel unsafe?

Fear, doubt, confusion as well as excitement, passion, and wonder has made 2012 a wild emotional ride.

Do you long for inner stability and peace to know that, no matter what is happening, you will be ok?

Join me for a special FREE  teleseminar called,  ”Faith and Trust: Feeling Safe, Living In The Mystery of Change”. Tuesday, November 27, 2pm EST.

 Learn more and reserve your seat

Strengthen your faith and trust as you expand into the New Year and open to the blessings of greater prosperity, joy, and love that are coming your way!

 And I know there will be Divine guidance creating our experience together on this call! WOW.

May your faith and trust continue to blossom and guide you every day.

Love and blessings :D


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