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Three Questions That Keep People Stuck in Resentment and Pain

bad thoughts, Amanda Cass
I speak quite a bit about how unforgiveness affects EVERYTHING in your life.

Many people think  they have forgiven others and themselves, when they really haven’t.

Below are three questions I am continually asked that keep people from resolving past pain:

1. How can I forgive myself for making choices that has created  pain in my life? (financial hardship, abandoned dreams, loss of self…)

It’s easy to feel good about yourself when your life is going the way you want, isn’t it. We habitually assign labels of good and bad to life experiences and give power to those experiences to be the source of our inner happiness.

Consider this:

A person who loses their job may now have the opportunity to pursue a lifelong dream. Perhaps the work they were doing was joyless and they were too frightened to leave and follow a deeper passion.

Or a person who made decisions that created a financial hardship is provided the opportunity to resolve a ton of past pain, strengthen their relationship and trust with God and align with the deeper purpose of their life that is rich with prosperity and love (as I have).

On the FREE call I hosted last year, I mentioned two questions that I teach in my four week Forgiveness program, beginning May 29.

  • What if the decisions you made that created this situation (challenge, hardship) that you thought was Divinely inspired or right for you at the time, was really directed by your ego’s fear (or some other story created by the mind), Could you forgive yourself?
  • What if this experience was designed for the sole purpose of waking you up and bringing you closer to your Divine? Could you forgive yourself?

The answers to those questions can create a powerfull transformational shift!

2. How can I forgive someone who has been the source of so much pain for me and others?

Who among us has not behaved poorly, betrayed another, crossed boundaries, hurt another and done things that have brought out the most wounded parts of ourselves with another as well as against ourselves?

For centuries humanity has existed in intense darker energies of pain and fear. Now we are coming brilliantly into the Light and awakening to our true nature of Love.

Towards those who you feel wronged and violated by, take a moment to imagine what must have happened to that person as a child to have turned them into the deeply wounded person they have become. And be willing to ask that same question of yourself if you struggle with self-forgiveness?

Injustices, violations, betrayals can feel like personal attacks and the truth is, most times they are not personal while having a personal impact. As the receiver, you are experiencing the other person’s pain that is being projected onto you. The ability to see beyond the other person’s action, even those viewed as unforgivable, as the result of deep inner pain, open the heart to greater compassion and healing. This is a process…..

Forgiveness does not mean that what happened did not matter or have an impact on your life. Forgiveness allows you to come to peace within yourself by accepting what happened without resistance and “coming home” to who you really are – a brilliant Light and presence that nothing can ever extinguish. What you surrender is your reaction.

Life experiences, qualities, or behaviors can define you if you identify with them. The story you tell is the story you live. Or they can be pathways to expanding your potential and your liberation.

Our lives are shaped by our experiences - how we interpret and identify with them.

It is your choice to empower another person or event to become your life story or… to use past experiences upon which to rewrite your future.

3. How do I stop blaming and judging myself so forgiveness can happen?

Cultivating self-love and compassion allows for forgiveness to occur. The first step towards forgiveness is having the willingness to forgive. Embodying forgiveness is an internal transformational process that involves the mind, the heart and soul, and most importantly, The Divine.

Be gentle with yourself and continue to invite God to guide through this healing journey. Be open to face and embrace those parts of yourself that are in need of tenderness.

To allow Grace and love in, you must surrender your attachments, your resistance to accepting whatever is happening in each moment, your expectations, and your control; to be compassionate with your own humanness and be open to allow The Divine to guide your life experiences.

If you resonate with what I have written and want to feel more peace and love within yourself as well as experience greater abundance in your life, join me on May 29, for Pathways to Awakening, 4 week Journey Through Forgiveness.

I’ll share PROVEN keys and processes that WORK to help you end suffering.

I’ve been doing this work with thousands of people like you for more than 25 years.  You can’t fully live in the present when you are anchored in the past.

The early tuition expires at midnight EST, May 24! On May 25, the tuition goes up.

Reserve your seat here

In four weeks you will have multiple opportunities to unlock the doors to have more financial abundance, rewarding relationships, vibrant health, meaningful work, passion, more love, the freedom to be authentically you ….and so much more with the Divine guiding this journey. I’ll show you how!

The only thing you have to lose is your pain. What you have to gain is……well…limitless.

Reserve your seat here

Love and blessings,


(Image, Amanda Cass)

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