
Art created by Primal Painter©

Free Gifts from Lorraine Cohen!

  • MP3 “Love Letter From The Divine” healing meditation
  • MP3 “Connecting With Your Soul Self” guided meditation
  • 21 prayer mantras to live your brightest life



Plus receive life-changing tips, event invitations, and resources!
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website Transform fear programIn the Light - A Self-Study Program To Transform Fear Into Courage

Receive time —tested tools, inspired insights, and experience soul inspired meditative journeys to heal your heart and mind to make way for the reunion with the Divine.

This robust home study program will provide REAL transformational opportunities to help you break through and break free of the illusions of your mind, to loosen fear’s grip on your soul, and unleash your courageous heart.

The program includes seven powerfull products: two content rich audios, comprehensive notes for both audios, one power-packed companion workbook, and two soul created healing meditations that will change your life!

Are you ready to claim your destiny and truly live a magical life of prosperity, purpose, and joy with the Divine?

If you feel your heart saying yes, longing for more ease and Grace, or truly desire to live a soul directed life, this program will help you reunite with your Sacred Magnificent Self!

Learn more



soul connection1True Core Essence  - Building A Solid Internal Foundation Self-Study Program

As events in our world accelerate, and transformation occurs with more speed and gusto, it’s critical to have your solid internal foundation.

Just like a building that survives an earthquake due to the extra effort put into making it earthquake proof, this special ten session program called will guide you in creating a solid inner foundation in harmony with your True Self and provide a “structure” be more able to sustain the “earthquakes of life”; to turn trials in triumphs.

Plus receive two powerfull worksheets to help you identify your core values and create breakthroughs to flow with life in harmony with your humanity and your Divinity. Get the program here.