Attraction, Personal Development Strategies

3 Places To Manage Your Clutter and Free Up Your Energy!

Whether you realize it, clutter is a huge energy drainer. While most people think of clutter as being physical stuff, there are many more ways we become exhausted and drained.

My friend Vicky White, Feng Shui and Attraction Coach says, Clutter is anything unfinished, unused, unresolved, tolerated or disorganized. Clutter is energy constipation! It will bog you down and stop the energy flowing in your life and so affect your prosperity, relationships and well-being. It will stop you having the quality of life you REALLY want.

Ask yourself: “Do I love it, do I use it, and does it make my heart sing?” Get a “no”, out it goes!

Click here to download Vicky’s free resource, 40 Places To Look For Clutter Now

5 Examples of Physical Clutter:

Piles of papers
Clothes that no longer fit, are old, need repair
Garden is in need of weeding and trimming
Closets are disorganized
Need to see the dentist/doctor

5 Examples of Emotional Clutter:

Unresolved conflict with a friend, family member, or co-worker
Hanging on to a relationships that needs to end
Regretting a commitment
Avoiding response to phone message, emails…..
Beating yourself up for something you judge as bad or wrong

We create tons of emotional clutter with all of the stories we make up in our heads (worry, fear, anticipation…) that we tell ourselves is true!

5 Examples of Financial Clutter:Tax returns are not filed
Spending more than income earned
Overdue bills and credit card debts
Will needs to be drawn or updated
Lack of financial systems - retirement planning, automatic savings plan…..

And by the way, non-action is an energy drain. Whatever we have hanging that we feel needs to be handled takes a portion of our energy every day just to push it away. Over time, it becomes exhausting to make like things aren’t there when they tug at our energy as constant reminders. Imagine walking around with a pebble in your shoe and trying to ignore it. Well, you are if you’ve got clutter!

And, if you are consciously working to manifest things in your life, what do you think you might be attracting or not attracting with all of your clutter????? If your life is so full of stuff, where is there room for anything new to come in?

Many people view March and April as a great time to do some cleaning up and clearing out.

Ready to free up some energy at your end?

Here’s your invitation:

Identify and eliminate your energy drains – what are you putting up with/tolerating? Make a list of things that are undone, incomplete, unresolved, broken, hanging around, being avoided….get the picture?

Consider what your top 5 energy drains might be. Areas might include marketing your business, a specific relationship, a current project, your computer, email…..

Each week, schedule time to tackle your list. Include things that can be handled quickly and chunk down some of the bigger projects into smaller tasks so you can make steady headway. Delegate and get help where you need it. Eliminating and managing your clutter will free up tons of energy to use in those areas that matter most to you. You might be surprised how much more vital, inspired and alive you feel when you lighten up!

Have a terrific day :D



No Responses to “3 Places To Manage Your Clutter and Free Up Your Energy!”

  1. On March 31, 2020 at 4:18 am GreatManagement responded with... #

    Great post and a lovely reminder. I have just cleaned my car inside and out and feel great. It is amazing how the simple things can make you feel so much better.

    Thanks, I am now going to make a list of other things to complete.


  2. On March 31, 2020 at 8:23 am lorraine responded with... #

    Thanks Andrew

    It’s an ongoing process! So true how much energy gets freed up when we let things go.

    Amazing how quickly stuff can pile up even in small ways. I’m making my own list too! :D


  3. On April 1, 2020 at 8:29 am Lola Fayemi / Real World Spiritual and Personal Development responded with... #

    Hey Lorraine

    Sometimes I’m sure you can read my mind and this is one of those times!

    Losing clutter really speeds up your mainfestations no end, you are literally making room for things to come in. I see clutter as a “no room an the inn” sign for what you are attracting, not to mention what the clutter itself is drawing to you.

    I’m off to declutter….

    In love, light and abundance x x x

  4. On April 1, 2020 at 3:11 pm lorraine responded with... #

    Synchronicity Lola,

    Love how that happens.

    You are right on the mark with your comments. De-clutering is ongoing and keeps things flowing!

    Have fun

    xoxox Lo

  5. On April 1, 2020 at 9:45 pm Evelyn responded with... #

    Thanks, Lorraine, for the reminder. You’re right. It’s time to do spring cleaning! April seems an excellent month for it!


  6. On April 2, 2020 at 3:06 am Robert Greenshields responded with... #

    Many great points Lorraine - especially about the emotional clutter that is less easy to notice.



  7. On April 2, 2020 at 9:40 am lorraine responded with... #

    I agree Robert

    Emotional clutter can be so draining when we are avoiding and resiting things we know instinctively we need to clear and clean up. We also create emotional clutter with the stories and dramas we create and believe are true! (I just added that to the article).

    Here’s to a flowing day


  8. On April 2, 2020 at 9:46 am lorraine responded with... #

    I’m with you Evelyn

    I’m already pulling stuff out to recycle at Goodwill. It feels great to lighten things up and pass them along!

    Have fun



  1. Bootstrapper » Carnival of Business and Entrepreneurship #20 - May 10, 2020

    [...] Cohen presents 3 Places To Manage Your Clutter and Free Up Your Energy! posted at Powerfull Living. Whether you realize it, clutter is a huge energy drainer. While most [...]

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