Tag Archives: inner child healing

13 More Ways To Love Yourself


I awoke this morning with today’s article swirling around in my head. That’s how inspiration often comes to me from Divine inspiration.

I’ve had Self-Love on my mind and in my heart because I have been on a very deep journey of  “waking up” for the last few years. In fact what is true is that I have never felt more alive and aligned with my life path.

I am not the “me” I used to know or thought I was.  I am more aligned with my true nature and my prayers to have a deeper relationship with God have become a reality.  I believe one of the reasons I feel so much Grace and joy is because of my focus on self-love.

Love is our Divine nature and the Essence of the Divine. The absence of love separates us from who we are and God. Love is the bridge back “home.”

Below is a list of thirteen ways to love yourself which is really my list - the ways I love myself. This is a list that continues to expand as I do.

1. Commit to daily spiritual practices for stillness and communion with the God of your understanding. The relationship you have with your personal Divine is the most important relationship in your life. Prayer, meditations, journaling, inspirational reading, creating an altar, walks in nature, chanting, ceremonies and rituals…are all ways to deepen this most sacred relationship of love.

2. Ask for help when you need it. To be a great giver, you must also be a great receiver. Allow the people in your life to love you in return. And remember to invite the Universe to help – ask your angels, guides, Archangels, nature spirits… to be of service to you. Become helpless, which means acknowledging that you cannot do it all, all the time. Until you become helpless, God is helpless. “Let go and let God”.

3. Forgive yourself when you think, act, and do things in ways that are less than love. Each of us has done things that we regret, that have hurt another, or been unloving – resentments, jealousies, blaming, judgments…are expressions of inner pain. We cannot forgive absent of self-love and compassion.

4. Amend your inner self-talk. Become consciously aware of how you speak to yourself inside your head and what you repeat to others. Soften your language and choose words that treat YOU with love and respect. Look for ways to love your humanity rather than to condemn yourself.

5. Take responsibility for your thoughts, feeling and actions.  Be a great role model of integrity in the ways you choose to show up in the world. Make amends when you have messed up in your humanness, let go of the “blame game”, and look at life as a grand adventure for learning, creating, and evolving.

6. Make choices that allow your heart to be expressed. Giving permission for your creativity, passions, gifts, strengths, and talents to flourish opens pathways for greater happiness and prosperity. You might even feel your soul smiling with joy!  (I often do and it feels great!)

7. Set healthy boundaries and stick to them. Be willing to love yourself enough to say no and stop when you need to. Say yes when it feels right rather than from guilt or fear. Cultivate a courageous heart to teach people how to treat you by the ways in which you value yourself .

8. Surround yourself with emotionally safe people who positively support and love you.  Having a circle of friends who cheer you on, share your values, lovingly tell you the truth, kick you in the butt when you need it, celebrate your victories, compassionately listen (without fixing) when your heart is hurting can be a lifeline back to your true SELF on those days when LIFE feels hard.

9. Be willing to boldly go where you have never gone before. Dare to step out of your comfort zone to take those inspired leaps of faith that feel Divinely guided. Your soul would NEVER nudge you to do something that would put you in deliberate danger or cause you pain without purpose.

Doing the shadow work, inner child processes and walking through pain are pathways to liberation from the darkness of  past to the light of a brilliant future.

10. Do at least one thing every day that is personally pleasurable (I don’t mean something for another!).  Look for ways to nourish your mind, body and spirit. What makes you giggle with delight? What juices and excites you with joy?

11. Hydrate yourself with good, clean water.Invest in a high quality water system to nourish your body. Add a pinch of Celtic salt daily to strengthen water absorption in the cells of your body. You can be drinking plenty of water and still be severely dehydrated (I was!)

12. Eat healthy chocolate such as Xocai chocolate. If you are a chocolate lover, this particular raw chocolate is reported to have the highest antioxidant values on the planet. People regularly eating this chocolate have received miraculous benefits including ease with weight loss, reduction in joint pain, cardiac reversals, eliminating emotional overeating, heightened positive outlook….

13. Eliminate processed and fast foods. Choose organic, whole, and raw food options as often as possible. Consider the food sources you are putting into your body that can create future illness, aging, and affect overall well-being. Your body will thank you!

Exercise, getting regular dental and health checkups contribute to keeping your body at optimal health. How you physically feel affects every area of your life!

As you read this list, notice the ones you most relate to.

Which ones do you commit to regularly?

What would you add or change to be more self- loving?

The greatest wound that humanity suffers is a lack of self-worth.

The greatest gift you can share with others is love and it first begins with loving yourself! If you cannot truly love yourself, you really cannot love another with the full capacity of your heart.

It’s not your fault if you have difficulty being kind, compassionate, forgiving and loving with yourself. Your past experiences, your family dynamics, cultural conditioning has all shaped who you have become as a human being.

Withholding self-love is painful. It can feel like living in hell inside with no way out, because wherever you go, you take YOU with you.

What’s blocking your ability to be immersed in this love is within your grasp….

Ready to fall more deeply in love with yourself?

That is the opportunity I am offering you today.

On Wednesday, September 18, we begin a Journey into Self-Love for 4 consecutive weeks. This journey through Self-Love will provide opportunities to explore what love means to you, Divine Love, personal & inner integrity so that you can embrace your value and align with your true nature of love.

Register through Friday, September 13 midnight EST at a special tuition of $197. On September 14 the tuition goes up to $297.

What is unique about this program are the transformational meditations and deepening processes that are Divinely inspired and created right in the session. People report breakthroughs right on the calls!

Read about the program and the testimonials from past participants.

Imagine your testimonial there. What would you like it to say?

Learn more and register here

I believe it will be one the best investments of self- love you gift to yourself this year! And yes, you do desevre it!

Love and blessings,



Ways To Be More Self-Loving With Yourself And Others, Pt. 3

self love 7

One of my favorite CD’s is Marianne Williamson’s, “Meditations For A Miraculous Life” . In the evening prayer meditation she talks about being gratefull for the lessons received during the course of the day that invited compassion and love.

In this time of self-reflection she reminds us to ask for forgiveness for the ways we withheld love and that tomorrow we may do better at BEING LOVE.

As human beings we don’t always emulate the qualities of love. We are influenced by our past, cultural conditioning, and day to day experiences that either brings out our best or our worst.

Each of us at  has screwed up, made mistakes, betrayed another, broken promises, and fallen short of our ideals. Surrendering self-contempt is an act of self-love. Forgiveness invites love and compassion. It is through our humanness that our greatness emerges.

When we are willing to soften our heart towards ourselves we can be more authentically loving towards others.

What are some of the ways you are self-punishing?

Do you speak to yourself lovingly or with harshness?

And when you mess up, are you compassionate and forgiving?

The feelings and thoughts you are experience reveals what is asking to be healed. Being willing to separate the truth from the story or drama that is being activated within you allows you to choose to show up from the best of who you are.

And when you are not at your best, make amends with yourself so that you can create opportunities to restore harmony and connections with others.

During those times when you are being unloving towards yourself, imagine you could see yourself through the eyes of the Divine.

What would love see?

What would love say?

What would love do?

Grief and sadness lies beneath anger. As long as we remain judgmental and unforgiving, we are unable to release the pain and come to a place of resolution and inner peace. When we can view each experience as a healing and growth opportunity, we can release the pain.

Forgiveness, compassion, and love is the pathway to joy.

Joy connects us to love, which is our true nature and the essence of God. Approaching life with wonder, like we did as innocent children, invites us to see and attract options and possibilities that can resolve challenges and bring Grace. In wonder we delight in the blessings, gifts, and wonderfull surprises The Divine has for us.

Imagine looking through the eyes of love every day.

Imagine if we all did that.

Imagine the world we would create…..

Ready to fall in love with yourself?

Join me on September 18 in my Pathways to Awakening program. This  four week journey through Self-Love will provide opportunities to explore what love means to you, Divine Love, personal & inner integrity so that you can embrace your value and align with your true nature of love.

Guided by the Divine, the deepening processes and meditations will provide many opportunities to resolve past hurts, angers, resentments, and judgments towards others and especially towards your SELF; to open your heart to experience more peace, love, and Grace. Learn more here and take advantage of special pricing through September 13!

Imagine treating yourself with greater compassion, forgiveness and appreciation as the precious magnificent being you truly are.

Imagine feeling good about yourself so that you stop punishing yourself and allow the abundance and love you crave to pour into your life.…..

Love and blessings,



Divine Alchemy: Transforming The Past, Living An Awakened Destiny, May 31

Join me for a special Compelling Conversation called, “Divine Alchemy: Transforming The Past, Living An Awakened Destiny”.

This call is for you if you are struggling with:

Money worries, health and weight issues, forgiveness, fear/doubt, self sabotage & procrastination, blocking love, lack of self-love, self-confidence & self-worth, starting or growing a business….

All of these challenges have a genesis in the past that is rooted in pain and suffering.

On this FREE call you will hear:

  • What shadow and inner child healing is and how it is a pathway to living your dreams
  • Why this courageous work is critical to fulfilling your soul’s destiny
  • How you can partner with the Divine to transform your painfull past to live a powerfull present and a joyfull future
  • AND….Experience and receive “Deeksha” blessings from the Divine. “Deeksha” (also known as the Oneness Blessing). Deeksha is an ancient word derived from the Sanskrit language that refers to a “benediction” or a “gift”, or having to do with the notion of “transfer”—in short, the receipt of a gift from the Divine, from God, from the Higher Self, which fuels the awakening process.

    Deeksha is a Blessing from the Divine that works to activate the kundalini, balance the chakras, and serves to intelligently guide the recipient on an individual, unique journey into higher states of consciousness, and ultimately into the state of Oneness itself.

Tuesday, May 31, 2020

1:00-2:00 pm EST/10:00-11:00 am PST/6:00-7:00 pm UK

Call in or listen online to the webcast.

Don’t miss this call if you are ready and “wake up” and dance with the Universe to create an extraordinary future.

Register here even if you can’t make it live to receive the call details and access to the recording.



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