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Three Ways To Be More Self-Loving With Yourself And Others, Pt. 2

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Embracing self-love teaches others how to love and respect you and attract people who will value appreciate who you are.  We teach people how to treat and value us by how we treat ourselves, lovingly or unlovingly.

Whenever you make changes, the people in your life are affected and they may not always appreciate the shifts they see in you and respond negatively.

And also remember that by being true to who you are and modeling the courage to be real and authentic gives the people in your life permission to do the same.

The greatest gift you can share with others is love and it first begins with loving yourself!

The question is, “Do you have the courage to love yourself enough to be who you are meant to be and do what you are here to do?”

One of the ways I love myself is committing to my spiritual practices daily. Creating sacred time to be in communion with  the God of my understanding is one of my greatest passions that feeds my heart.

A second way I love myself enough  is having the willingness and courage to do the deeper shadow healing that liberates me from my past and frees me to co-create the future I want.

If you are a parent, what is the legacy you are teaching your kids about self-love and self-esteem?

What is the message you are communicating to others? Is it time to change your message?

Self-Love Exercise 1

Fill in the following statement with as many responses you can think of that would reflect your courageous heart. (we use this exercise in my Aligning With Destiny program)

I love myself enough to….

Self-Love Exercise 2

To begin, take several minutes to recall someone you deeply love or have loved. It could be a spouse, parent, child, teacher, animal, God…..Breathe into that feeling of love allowing that energy to fill you up inside your body. With this energy connection of love that can feel like Divine Love

1. Sit or stand in front of a mirror so you can gaze into your own eyes. Say loving things to yourself – be the recipient of that Divine love.

2. Breathe deeply and place both hands over your spiritual heart chakra in the center of your chest. Say loving things to yourself. such as saying your name and adding, “I am a wonderfull loving, incredible woman/man. I own my value and special gifts. I love my soul, I love my ego….” - lovingly embracing all parts of your Self.   You might continue to say “I love myself” over and over pausing to breathe in love and feel it in your heart.

3. As you continue to breathe in the love, have the thought of breathing out anything that is contrary to love. Release any resistance to receiving this love into your heart. Do this for several more minutes and then focus on breathing in love and breathing out love into the world.

Ready to fall in love with yourself?

Join me on September 18 in my Pathways to Awakening program. This  four week journey through Self-Love will provide opportunities to explore what love means to you, Divine Love, personal & inner integrity so that you can embrace your value and align with your true nature of love.

Guided by the Divine, the deepening processes and meditations will provide many opportunities to resolve past hurts, angers, resentments, and judgments towards others and especially towards your SELF; to open your heart to experience more peace, love, and Grace. Learn more here and take advantage of special pricing through September 13!

Imagine treating yourself with greater compassion, forgiveness and appreciation as the precious magnificent being you truly are.

Imagine feeling good about yourself so that you stop punishing yourself and allow the abundance and love you crave to pour into your life.…..

Love and blessings,


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2 Responses to “Three Ways To Be More Self-Loving With Yourself And Others, Pt. 2”

  1. On September 8, 2020 at 12:54 pm steve werner responded with... #

    Great Post.

    I’m a pro at punishing myself!!

    I know I need to love myself in order to be a great gift to the world and the people who need me most.

    Thanks for the insight!!


    • On September 8, 2020 at 1:46 pm Lorraine responded with... #

      Hey Steve! Congratulations on your mastery :D and the great news is that there has never been a better time to upgrade that mastery into self-love. I am invested in opening my heart to love and seeing how my life is blossoming. If that’s not a priority, I invite you to make it one. The world needs you! Blessings, Lorraine

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