Tag Archives: teleseminar

Intuition: Living From Higher Guidance Teleseminar, August 6. 1pm EST

Do you have difficulty knowing whether you are following inner guidance and living from your ego mind?

The experiences your mind creates are often filled with fear and struggle. The soul voice has a unique energy filled with wisdom and peace to guide you through life with Grace and ease.

Being able to distinguish your soul voice from your mind voice is a critical key to living from spirit and creating your best life!

Living from Higher guidance will create a life of grace and abundance.

Join me August 6 at 1pm EST for the next edition of my monthly heart healing calls:

The topic is Intuition: Living From Higher Guidance

As always there will be a brief guided meditation, some relevant content, an energy transformation process and end with a blessing of Divine Love and Grace.

Click on the link below to reserve your seat and access to the mp3 recording.

>> Living From Higher Guidance <<

I’m excited to see what the Divine creates for us!

And if you missed the last session to clear money blocks that folks raved about, you can still get that recording and prior ones!

Love and blessings,



Am I Willing?

I was asked the question, “Are you willing? on a coaching call many years ago. I was struggling with stepping up and out in a bigger way.

My fears and “not good enough” messages were swirling in my head. I knew I was sharing my gifts and talents in comfortable ways and the idea of being more visible felt daunting.

We were speaking about my doing interviews, leading online teleseminars and in –person workshops, creating products and programs….yikes.

What did I have to offer that anyone really wanted and would pay for?

And what if I failed?

I came up with excuses and reasons to resist expanding my work into new areas and yet, there was a part of me that felt excited at the opportunities.

So when she asked, Lorraine, are you willing? I knew she was also asking if I was open to new possibilities and opportunities to fulfill my deepest desires and dreams. The first step in saying YES to something new is to be willing AND open to experience life in a bigger way.

I explored:

Am I willing to fail?

Am I willing to succeed?

Am I willing to learn something new that might become something fabulous?

Am I willing to be uncomfortable in uncertainty?

Am I willing to let go of the need to know and take a leap of faith?

Am I willing to let my heart and soul guide me for the pure joy of the experience?

Am I willing to let go of what I think I have to do to allow what is ready to unfold?

Am I willing to have fun with creating what I want?

Am I willing to be open to possibilities?

I had a lot of resistance!

So I said Yes!

I was willing then and still ask myself that question whenever I am stretching out of my comfort zone.

And when I began working on surrender I realized that I didn’t know how to really let go without feeling resistance or trying to control, manage, or direct what I was feeling, thinking, and experiencing. I could talk about surrender conceptually but embodying the essence of letting go completely and embracing life in each moment felt elusive.

So, I started with a willingness to learn how and put out my prayer request to be shown how to let go with as much Grace and ease that I would allow. I am still learning how to let God and let go every day!

You don’t have to have everything figure out!

Just start with a willingness!

Is there something you have been struggling with? Perhaps it is something you have been resisting? Perhaps there is something you have been TRYING to change or create without a lot of success? Maybe you have convinced yourself that something you deeply want is out of your reach because you feel inadequate or not enough?

Asking yourself the question, “Am I willing?” is an invitation to freely play and explore the field of possibilities without the burden of shoulds and have tos or feeling pressured to make something happen by your own efforts.

Being willing and open, like you were as a child, invites magic and miracles; to flow with life and see each day as a grand adventure.

Here are five ways to deliberately play in the field of willingess:

1. Experiment. Be curious to play with an idea for the fun of it. Make “what if” a game that allows you stand in wonder and possibility! Meander with a sense of purpose by letting go of the need to see and understand where the path will lead. It begins with just one step that always leads to the next. You can use experiences to find out so much about yourself including what you really, really want.

2. Redirect your energy and imagination. Turn anger, fear, anxiety, and feelings of unworthiness into your passion for what you want to be, have or do. Becoming aware in the midst of an emotional and physical reaction can empower you to embrace the charge and then shift the energy towards what you most want to create. Flip the switch!

3. Question the messages you are telling yourself. You might be using past experiences as an excuse and reason to hold yourself back. What if what you are thinking, believing and telling yourself is a big fat lie. “What happened then is sure to repeat”. Take the gifts and learning from prior experiences to plant seeds for a blessed present and limitless tomorrow. Remember that when you align with the Divine, anything is possible!”

4. Stay consistent with your spiritual and self-care practices. These are critical pieces to staying centered and connected to the wellspring of wisdom within you. Your Higher Nature knows the quickest route to live your greatest life and guide you “home.” Take time to pause, integrate, and rest when you need to just BE!

5. Surround yourself with a strong, healthy, and like-hearted community of support including trusted friends, colleagues, and professionals. We all need help sometimes for accountability, an emotional boost, a kick in the pants, a mirror reflection, and for deeper healing processes we cannot do ourselves without getting in the way!

The next time you find yourself using excuses, struggling, empowering your fears, questioning your brilliance and competence, giving up, feeling frustrated, overwhelmed or stuck…

Stop and breathe deeply

Think and feel into something you really, really want.

Take another breath

Rest into your body and notice the sensations you are feeling.

Take another breath.

Ask yourself, “Am I willing for this (whatever you want) to manifest in my life?

Breathe deeply and stand in your willingness and openness to be taught, shown and guided to have what you really, really want. Make that verbal declaration to yourself and out loud  to the Universe. “Yes, I am willing and open to….” Be specific in what you are inviting into your life as a prayer.

Let go of the need to know how, what, or when your prayer will be answered. What you don’t know how to do, the Divine does and relishes the opportunity to teach you. Trust that you will be shown and intuitively guided through experiences that will serve you in the highest way.

And be open to the magic of possibilities!!


Self-Forgiveness: Heart Healing Telecall May 14, 2020, 3pm EST


How forgiving are you towards yourself?

Do you speak to yourself as you would with someone you love?

Do you treat yourself lovingly or harshly when you do things you don’t like?

Unforgiveness affects every area of life - self-love, money, relationships, health and well-being which is why the next heart healing monthly call will be the first in a series of sessions on Forgiveness beginning with Self-Forgiveness of May 14.

Self-forgiveness is a gift of Love.

Without self- forgiveness you cannot love yourself and allow goodness to flow abundantly into your life and move forward.

Without self-love, you cannot truly forgive and love others.

Without forgiveness there is no closure or inner peace to freely move forward. And as life is all about relationships, with yourself, others, and the Divine, there will be continual experiences to forgive so that you can love again.

Unforgiveness affects every area of life - self-love, money, relationships, health and well-being which is why the next heart healing monthly call will be the first in a series of sessions on Forgiveness beginning with Self-Forgiveness of May 14.

>> Self-Forgiveness Healing Healing TeleCall <<

If you feel an emotional charge thinking about anyone or anything that has happened in the past or is happening now, you probably have some forgiveness healing to do. When I hear people say they are stuck in patterns of self-sabotage, I always find unforgiveness and deep grief.

I continue to see and experience the healing power of Love when we offer the gift of forgiveness to ourselves and others. When you have truly forgiven, all emotional charges are gone. What you feel is peace, acceptance, and love….

Only you know what you are still holding onto….

Is this a call you are meant to attend?

If you heart says YES! Don’t miss this special call tomorrow, Wednesday May 14.

>> Self-Forgiveness Healing Healing TeleCall <<

Experience a special high vibration energy activation to release emotional pain you may be holding against yourself that is ready to be healed.

You’ll receive the call details and link to download the recording.

Expect a very powerfull heart liberating experience of Love.

Love and blessings,


PS: What a wonderfull Mother’s Day gift to give to someone you love, especially YOU!

Be sure to check out the archives if you missed any past sessions. All past recordings are available!

AND…If you missed reading my candid article, “How Forgiveness Helped Me Transform Cancer Twice“, click here


Forgiveness Helped Me Transform Breast Cancer TWICE

As many of you know, in 2012 I was diagnosed with breast cancer. Last year I shared my healing journey. If you missed hearing that special call, click here to sign up and access the recording.

I talked about how my cancer experience was a blessing without fear and worry; a shining Light rich with insights and invitations to do some deeper healing work to liberate me from decades of repressed feelings guilt, anger, grief, helplessness, abandonment…. especially towards myself.

I realized I had forgiveness and self-love heart healing work to do that related to my mother’s life and death from leukemia at age 66.

And, from my research I discovered that symptoms can come and go and that making deliberate lifestyle changes can dramatically fortify the body’s immune system and healing abilities to restore health.

So, I chose to have a lumpectomy and was guided by my body’s intelligence and my education about cancer to decline the recommended traditional aftercare protocols including chemo and radiation.

Using acupuncture, massage, exercise, nutritional changes, combined with deep emotional healing I facilitated and experienced with my team of gifted healers, coaches and health practitioners, support from friends and the Divine, I walked through the experience with Love and Grace in health.

From the many responses I received from folks, I know that my decisions seemed bold and unconventional, even risky. I refused to make choices from fear or to give my power away just because that’s the standard protocol.

Actually cancer treatment has progressed very far and unless you do your due diligence you can miss out on knowing the latest advances and options.

Last year I had my annual mammogram and a teeny amount of cancer cells showed up about an inch from the first lumpectomy incision. It was a surprise because I felt I had released so much pain initially and now another layer was surfacing.

This is why I coach people to let go of, “I thought I was done with this!” and stay open to embrace anything else that emerges on a deeper level.

Because I had refused the traditional cancer regime my surgeon asked me to keep an open mind in considering my next steps.

1. Mastectomy

2. Chemo and radiation

3. A second lumpectomy

4. Do nothing

So, taking a breath and stepping back into gratitude, I was shown that I was still holding onto guilt and anger towards myself.

I was guided to suspend taking any medical actions or further testing for three months while I focused on my inner healing with all of my gifts and resources.

Standing in faith and trust with a medical diagnosis like cancer and not doing what “you are supposed to do.” was very uncomfortable. I vacillated between peace and trust in what I was doing and feeling irresponsible for my health. The idea of getting cut again was upsetting.

So, I requested a follow-up mammogram to see if anything had changed and I was open to go through with a second surgery if needed.

Guess what happened?

The cancer cells they saw three months earlier were gone. A six month follow-up was recommended.

On April 18 2014 one week before my birthday, I received a clean mammogram report.  I recall anxiously sitting in the waiting room for the radiology result and the wave of joy and gratitude when she handed me the report and said,  “See you in a year”. I thanked and praised God all the way home after a quick stop at Trader Joe’s :D

Had I not followed my heart, I would have had an unnecessary surgery and maybe worse…..

For me it was proof that symptoms can come and go. When you remove stress and pain, the body can heal it itself.

This was NOT a negative experience for me and I don’t see myself as a cancer survivor because I never identified with the diagnosis. I created an experience that provided a blessed opportunity to reveal pain that was ready to be healed and released.

It is time to change the consciousness around cancer and dis-ease.

I celebrate this victory for my body and my heart without having to do battle. I KNOW that the inner healing I did with forgiveness, self-forgiveness and self-love played a pivotal role in my ability to heal.

I also feel that with the energy shifts happening on the planet affecting us body, mind and spirit, we must make thoughtful decisions that will support physical alignment and energetic harmony.

‘Dis-ease is a wake-up call to look at yourself; at changes you are being called to make including ones that you might be resisting, old repressed pain that needs to be seen, felt and released, or something deeply buried that is surfacing for healing.

In any situation, you must make choices that feel right for you and that resonate with your beliefs and Truth even when it goes against the norm. If you believe that you have the ability to heal, then you will. If you believe that you need medical intervention to heal, then that is true for you.

Cancer and it’s recovery process wreaks havoc on the body and emotionally. What courage it takes to go through this regime! My heart goes out to all who choose this route and the toll it takes emotionally, physically, and spiritually.

Every experience is uniquely individual and each person must make the choices that are right for them.

I have had rapid healings before and have always included alternative therapies in my life experiences. Miracles are a part of my life and I continue to be delighted by the many forms they take!

I’m gratefull for the doctors and hospital staff who are part of my team to support me at being my best. I believe there is a time and valid need for their professional expertise and healing environments.

As a society we have become dependent on using medication or scheduling surgeries to suppress and repress what we want to get rid of. We react in fear, give our power away to others we think are wiser than we are and often make decisions we regret

Quick fixes are band-aids. Looking for the next technique to get rid of something you don’t want to deal with or only working with symptoms instead of being willing and courageous to look deeper at the cause and message our heart and body is trying to communicate will bring temporary relief rather than a permanent release.

I believe that the inner healing work is a critical key to freedom from pain and suffering. Being fully alive means FEELING.

You are an energy being. Thought, words, and emotions carry energy that creates. If you are not allowing the energy to flow freely from you and through you, and stuffing feelings down in your body, the energy building up over time will create stress of the immune system and compromise health, well-being, and happiness…

What you do not release will create something within you and in your world. Dis-ease…..

Life is a reflection of what is happening within you. Whether facing a health, financial, relationship challenge or one with yourself, you must have the willingness and courage to dig deep and release whatever pain is locked within you that is ready to be healed.

And for goodness sake, do not do this work alone. You will likely get in your own way! Having a community of support can mean the different between struggling and suffering and walking in love and Grace.

Want some personal help? Private sessions are available. Learn more

I believe that heart healing is essential to living an awake, meaningfull, and abundant life with the Divine. My mission this year is creating healing processes and energy activations designed to release pain and raise consciousness through transformation.

My next heart healing monthly teleseminar will focus on Self-Forgiveness. Join me May 14.

>> Self-Forgiveness Healing Healing Call <<

And if you live near the Philly area, or in Maryland, Delaware or New Jersey, Join me for a Day of Forgiveness on May 17. It will be a life-changing heart-liberating event!

>> A Day of Forgiveness with Lorraine Cohen <<

You came into this life with everything you need to succeed and create heaven on earth. Lead with your guidance rather than your mind and ego and you will always be guided to what is right and best for you.

Trust that! :D

Love and blessings,



9 Ways Unforgiveness Blocks Wealth, Health, And Happiness

Forgiveness, freedomI’ve watched people suffering with health issues, money worries, and emotional suffering because they have been carrying around anger, blame, resentments, regrets and grudges for years.

How to tell when you haven’t fully forgiven?

  • Current health problems, money struggles, relationship challenges.
  • Debt and financial struggles caused by past decisions.
  • Relationships that feel unresolved.
  • Revisiting/reliving painful childhood memories and past events that still negatively impact your life.
  • How quickly and intensely you feel rage, anger, shame, and unworthy.
  • The ways you sabotage your efforts (procrastination, busyness,destructive/addictive behavior, creating distractions and overwhelm..)
  • How open your heart is to give and receive love.
  • Feelings of righteous indignation that keep you stuck in victim consciousness.

There is ALWAYS a negative emotional energy charge

Which ones do you relate to?

You may believe you are better at forgiving others than yourself but the truth is that without self-acceptance and love, we cannot fully forgive anyone let alone ourselves.

Just saying you forgive another or yourself doesn’t make it so unless you embody the true essence of forgiveness. You cannot “think” yourself into “feeling” something. It’s an inner energy shift that happens in the heart NOT the mind.

What I have found is that when people are struggling with forgiveness the one they are the most upset with is THEMSELVES.  Being unforgiving towards yourself breeds self-hatred; separating you from your natural state of love and abundance.

Unforgiveness affects EVERYTHING - relationships, health, finances, success, your connection with the Divine.. Carrying pain creates a ton of stress that can powerfully compromise your health, wealth and happiness.

Forgiveness bring closure, inner peace and opens your heart to love again.

Forgiveness liberates you from suffering and return you to your nature state of abundance!

Forgiveness is freedom!

Your life is meant to be prosperous, meaningfull and joyfull!

Join me for a 7-week journey in Forgiveness beginning Wednesday, April 9. If you are struggling with money, health, or with your relationships, this life-changing program will show you how to open  and heal your heart - two critical factors in creating a joyfull, abundant life. AND start thriving in ways you never have before. Early tuition ends Thursday, April 3, midnight EST. Learn more

Experience energy activations, special soul created processes combined with powerfull group dynamics to resolve past hurts, angers, resentments, and judgments towards others and especially towards your SELF.

Imagine feeling more peace within yourself …..and being able to resolve the past with compassion and self-love.

Imagine creating a more welcoming place within you to receive the blessings the Universe wants to bestow upon you.

Your life can begin to change in ways you cannot fully comprehend. That’s what happened for several people who came through the Forgiveness program several months ago and in the other Pathways to Awakening journeys.

Read their victories

I’ll show you how to take the next steps to liberate yourself!

Give yourself this gift and the world will also benefit from your act of self love.

Love and blessings,



Living from Spirit: Following the Voice of Your Heart

“In the stillness and quiet you will hear the wisdom of your soul. All of the answers you seek are within you. “~ Lorraine Cohen

A few years ago I made a commitment to live my life by inviting my soul/spirit/The Divine /my Higher Self to be the guiding force in my life rather than my mind or ego. I have always had a strong intuition and I felt weary from all the drama I was creating!

I believe the living from spirit is the new way of being in this time of profound change and spiritual Enlightenment.

Not so simple though. It’s like being a stranger in a strange land and learning a new language. And when you are used to relying on your ego and mind to navigate your day, making the switch to live from the inside out takes practice and awareness!

I am often asked how to distinguish the voice of the ego from the voice of the soul’s heart especially when making decisions.

Here are a few things to consider:

The voice of your ego creates tension and constriction in your body and focuses on problems and impossibilities. It usually focuses on the downside of life and cannot dream bigger than it’s ability to imagine.

When the voice of your soul speaks, there is a feeling of expansiveness and peace in the body.  You might have a sense excitement even if there is some fear. I find that voice is encouraging, uplifting and confident that all will be well. Your soul sees limitless possibilities.

Here are seven ways your heart guides you:

1. Resonance – when something feels right in your body and in your heart. Pay attention to your body’s intelligent communication. It never lies.

2. Reoccurring thoughts, symbols, messages, and dreams. This one I notice most often as a sign for me to take action.

3. Negative vibes – you feel something is “off” and is moving you to back away. Staying present and connected to your body is a key to receiving your soul’s guidance.

4. Inner knowing – you just know and trust without needing any further information or evidence.

5. Synchronicities, meaningfull  and delightfull coincidences. I call those God winks.

6. Longing - We experience both human and soul longings as a strong, persistent deep desire, yearning, hunger, thirst, aching or craving for something that feels missing from our life that can feel unattainable or distant.

7. Divine messengers - folks who deliver the messages at just the right time. You might hear, read, or see something that is exactly what you need. You might receive or experience something that is an answer to a prayer. That happens to me a lot!

You might find an answer comes to a question you have in your mind before you finish your thought because the Presence inside already knows your needs and wants.

Sometimes the guidance is so subtle you can miss it so don’t get attached to thinking that your soul voice is always the same. Use these as guidelines to discover how your wise self communicates with you and pay attention to those nudges and hunches.

And if you miss the guidance, take comfort in knowing that your soul will lovingly keep nudging you to get your attention. I’ve had a few two-by-fours!

We can get lost inside of the roles we play and lose sight of the truth that we are more than what we do; that we have a depth of heart and spirit that, once revealed, can be a powerfull creative force in our lives.

The Essence of who you are is NOT your body, your thoughts, your feelings, your actions or your life circumstances. Your soul expresses itself through your ego, mind, feelings, and actions – through your humanity. With practice you get better at knowing “who” is talking so that you begin leading with your soul and partnering your mind to make informed, grounded, and realistic choices that support your dreams.

All aspects of your personality and Spirit serve you to co-create heaven on earth.

No matter what choice and action you take, every person and circumstance is in service to your growth and evolution.

NOTHING is ever wasted!

Life is calling you to stretch beyond all of the can’ts, shoulds and shouldn’ts; to be willing to break the rules of who you were taught to be to become the person you dare to be. Life is a journey of courage and passion.

Living from spirit by allowing your soul and Divinity to lead rather than your ego is not always comfortable. It requires being ok with “I don’t know” and allowing things to unfold with faith and trust.  Not always so easy!  Fear and worries rise up and imagination runs wild.

Life is a journey of courage and passion. It’s normal for fear and worry to arise when stepping out of your comfort zone. The key is knowing how to use transform fear into courage when following your heart.

Some days you take life one minute at a time, an hour at a time and a day at a time so you can take one step at a time. That is why having a strong bond with the your “Essence” is critical to your inner foundation so that you can weather life’s storms with ease and Grace!

To strengthen your inner foundation with courage, join me for my next monthly heart healing call on March 12, “Transforming Fear into Courage”. Learn more about these life-changing calls here

It’s all perfect! All is well! :D

Love and blessings,




Healing The Victim Wound

Last week in preparation for 2014 I began working with my victim wound to do deeper heart healing work. I’ve been working on clearing blocks that was affecting my flow of abundance. The victim wound emerged as a neon flashing sign.

Feeling like a victim is uncomfortable and seeing that as an identity can feel icky because victims are not seen in a positive light. We grow up in a society where there are rules and consequences that create feelings of helplessness and powerless. Childhood experiences, family dynamics, relationships, school, religious teachings…. all contribute to teach us about power.

How often have you felt that someone or something (government, organizations…) was bigger and more powerfull than you?

Looking at experiences in my life when I felt manipulated, taken advantage of, helpless or scared/powerless to someone or a situation, a slew of emotions came up. I began cycling through waves of seething rage, fear, despair, helplessness, and grief towards others, myself, and God.

Working with my healing processes, I fell to my knees in tears as my heart broke open even more as I let go.  The Grace and peace came rushing in and there was no more pain.

I am gratefull for everything I felt and released.

Bring it on!

I welcome the next opportunity for my heart to heal.

Many people are dealing with some very deep heart pain and challenging experiences.

Perhaps you are….

Life is calling us all to heal the past so our hearts can blossom and experience life as we have only imagined and dreamed about. Creating heaven on earth is within our grasp as we come into greater harmony with our true self and the Presence within.

My friend Lisa Dorey wrote, “We should remember that the landscape around us is changing fast. What looks strong, permanent and impossible to change is actually able to shift in a minute. The new energies pouring into us and our planet are causing this. If you find yourself in a seemingly impossible situation, be aware that change can happen in an instant, and in unexpected ways!”

I see so many people trying to sidestep the inner emotional healing work. In this new energy and consciousness, heart healing is a must and actively FEELING is essential. There is value to verbally expressing your thoughts and feelings about experiences. The key is walking through the pain without getting stuck in the story.

When you stay focused on mental details and retelling what happened over and over, you shift from the heart to the head and there is no release- just a cycling round and round of endless suffering.

As you think about what you want to create in the New Year, consider what you may be avoiding that you must choose to face and feel in order to move forward.

If you resonate with what I have written you are invited to attend my new Heart Healing monthly calls beginning January 8. Click here to learn more and register for this powerfull session. The first call will focus on Self -Love and recorded for you to download.

My passion and mission is to guide folks to open and heal their heart and deepen their connection to the Divine. That’s the journey I’m personally walking. Join me?

Love and blessings,

PS. I’m scheduling private heart healing sessions. Contact me if you’d like some personal help. It would be my honor to assist you! Learn more here


Being Engaged And Getting What You Need On Interactive Virtual Events. Are you Missing Out?


Opportunities abound to attend a multitude of online calls and programs that invite interaction. It’s easy to sit back, take notes or just listen and experience the energy of the call. Many programs are pure teaching while others invite group participation that creates a very rich experience for everyone.

Those are the kinds of calls I enjoy the most. I love the group dynamics when folks are really engaged. The comments, contributions, and questions always enrich the conversations because we are walking our journeys together!

Even though virtual events offer a degree of anonymity, they can still feel daunting. Some folks listen to everyone else and stay in the background.

The idea of being vulnerable can feel foreign and threatening. Opportunities to have support can be uncomfortable and confusing especially if you don’t know what you need and what to ask for.

For example: I invited my subscribers to attend a Q & A FREE call on March 2 to ask me questions and share any challenges they were struggling with. As registrations came in, most people did not submit any questions.

I was puzzled. Why aren’t you asking me questions?????

Here was an invitation to pick my brain and people weren’t speaking up. I’m so used to jumping in with both feet and getting right into stuff, that I can forget that not everyone is at the same place of comfort in being transparent and my idea of engagement is not universal.

When opportunities to attend interactive virtual events arise, how do you engage?

  • You might have questions you don’t even know you have.
  • You might have ideas and thoughts you can’t articulate in words.
  • You might be afraid to express and disclose because you feel too vulnerable or fear sounding foolish/needy/rambling…
  • You might have all sorts of beliefs about being quiet and just listening (not seen or heard)
  • You might think you have nothing of value to contribute to the conversation.

Can you relate?

And if you are new to calls/teleseminars being open to questions and comments, you might wonder what kinds of comments or questions would be acceptable in that context?

Perhaps, you should use to the time to ask for more information or to clarify a point that is being covered?

Offer a challenge that you are currently having?

Comment of what was said that resonated or validated something for you?

Most hosts will suggest ways to engage or give you some guidelines to participate. I always invite folks to ask for clarity in any program I teach especially because language and words have different meanings for us all.

Another person’s question or comment might spark something in you that you wish to share to enrich the conversation. Your comment might be just what someone else needs to hear. Another point of view is added. Conversations become layered with rich comments that inspires the group. I see that happen on calls all the time.

In one of my programs, I had the pleasure of meeting a special woman who believed that she had no right to express her heart and that she should keep her voice silent.

Throughout the program, she was invited to speak whenever she felt she had something to offer or had a question. Everything she shared was rich and meaningfull for everyone.

She found her voice is small courageous steps, testing the group’s openness to receive what she wanted to express. Each step deepened her courage and confidence.

It was a joy to see her overcome the past conditioning to reclaim her voice and own her wisdom. Like watching the phoenix rising from the ashes to soar.

We all want to feel connected and fear being hurt, judged or rejected.

So how do we shift from feeling separate to becoming a part of greater whole?

We must be willing to s-t-r-e-t-c-h out of our comfort zones and take risks.

Whether the conversation is one-to one or virtual, engaging is critical to getting what you want and need. To engage in the fullness of life, you can’t be sitting on the sidelines.

You might not know what you want or need until the sincere longing of your heart is revealed through engagement.

Play with the idea of reaching out and connecting more with others by choosing your small steps where you feel the most safe and supported. Test people and situations that you resonate with and be open to be surprised.

Look for opportunities to be a part of communities with kindred spirits for more personal support. Engaging with others who feel like “family” can provide a safe haven where miracles can happen and breakthroughs become common. That’s the power of Love and Grace!

In fact, I have an invitation for you!

My new Soul Circle Group is forming Now

And….. I am launching my new Soul Café’ in 2015

I love working with groups.

Choose from this opportunity in my Soul Circle group to experience and engage with a powerfull, loving community of kindred spirits.

Take an action and get engaged in getting what you want and need.

Come play with me.

Let’s create magic together! :D




Compelling Conversation with Nick Ortner. October 15, 2020, noon EST

Join me for a fabulous conversation with Nick Ortner on Thursday, October 25th at noon EST!

Nick Ortner is the world’s leading advocate for EFT, otherwise known as “Tapping”, a breakthrough technique that combines Ancient Chinese Acupressure and Modern Psychology to overcome patterns of self-sabotage.

He is the producer of the best-selling documentary film, “The Tapping Solution.”  that features experts like Jack Canfield, Bruce Lipton, Joe Vitale, Bob Proctor, Cheryl Richardson and more. Ortner also produces the worldwide online event “The Tapping World Summit,” which has been attended by over 500,000 people in the past four years.

Topic: It’s Time: Use EFT to Clear Patterns of Self-Sabotage Forever

Time: noon EST/11am CT/9am PST

This FREE call may be just what you need to hear and you might even experience an energy shift right on the call.

Plus, experience a Oneness Blessing at the end of the call, an energy transmission from the Divine to accelerate your spiritual growth and Awakening!

I encourage you to attend live if possible.

Click here to register for the call and access to the replay

Blessings :D



Getting Rid of Fear And THRIVING In These New Energies

I continually hear people ask me, “How can I get RID of my fears?”

Did you know that when you approach fear from that perspective you cast judgment and condemnation towards yourself that separates you from your true Nature and God?

In this shift in consciousness, we must make a paradigm shift in how we think and feel about our fears or any thought and pattern we don’t like so we are moving into states of wholeness, peace, and love.

You will continue to be in conflict and inner struggle as long as you beat yourself up and judge yourself in any way including when you do or don’t do something out of fear!

Transformation is an internal energy shift that cannot be managed, controlled or directed by your mind and ego which is why learning new ways of living “with fear” in these new energies is critical .

You might be thinking, “I know this!!! I know I need to be more self-loving, more forgiving, more….!”  but you are still  getting hooked into old reactions. (Me too sometimes)

It’s not your fault if you are struggling with fears.

Fear has been controlling the world for centuries. It’s in your DNA. And there are many positives to fear you might not realize too.

That’s why 2012 and the years to follow are so exciting. This is your time to be liberated from the grip of your mind/ego  by the only one who can do that - God.

For this to happen, creating harmony with all parts of yourself is essential including your fears!

Living in the grip of fear and feeling powerless sucks.

You are not powerless.

If you are struggling with fear or any feeling or pattern you wish to change, the problem is HOW you are being WITH it - embracing ALL of you or bracing against yourself? Resistance to anything you don’t want only gives it more power to be alive in your life.

And if you are depending on your mind and ego to create the changes you want within yourself and your life, that is not where your true transformational power lies.

That’s like going to a mechanic to get your teeth cleaned.

The key is Love. It always comes back to love - the most powerfull transforming energy in Creation. That is your natural state and the essence of God.

You gotta line up your insides to attract what you want in your reality.

I can help. This is the work I do.

Take advantage of two resources designed to change your relationship with fear and thrive in these new energies. Experience leading edge approaches that can release years of pain and suffering, sometimes in a matter of minutes.


The deepening processes and soul-guided meditations are so potent that folks continually report feeling lighter, more peacefull, confident and empowered to roll with life. They tell me how much more fun and abundant  their lives have become.

Want that?

>> 1. Get the recording of my special teleseminar, “Divine Alchemy: Awakening and Sustaining A Courageous Heart” that I hosted on October 6. The program includes live coaching, a special breakthrough guided process with fear and ended with a Oneness Blessing. This life-changing call is $39 until Wednesday, October 17, midnight EST. Teleseminars I offer that include experiential processes usually start at $49, so you are already saving $10 by purchasing the recording now. Click here

>> 2. Give yourself the gift of time —tested transformational tools and soul guided  journeys to courageously transcend the past and liberate your heart. Become masterfull in manifesting your dreams in partnership with your Divine Essence. My new self-study program, Transform Fear into POWER and Courage will help you do that. Use coupon code FEARLESS (all caps) at checkout and save an instant $50. Coupon expires Wednesday, October 17, midnight EST. Get it here

To your liberation!

Love and blessings,

Lorraine :D

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