Courage Series, Featured, Personal Development Strategies, Spirituality & Inspiration

Are You A Yes Butter….? How To Neutralize Resistance And Live A Rich Life

“You must find the place inside yourself where nothing is impossible.” ― Deepak Chopra

Change. Some people hate it; some people love it; some people intentionally create it. No matter what you think or feel about change, it is a constant in life.

What do you want most in your life? More money, a loving relationship, health, to make a difference in the world, prosper doing what you love, have more fun…?

If you work with affirmations, vision boards, visualizing meditations, gratitude journals for small portions of time each day and put the rest of your attention on negative thinking, all the positive imagining you do will be negated by the negative charges you are sending out into the Universe.

Everything is energy and vibration. If you wish for the best and imagine the worst consistently, guess what you will manifest?

I’ve been guilty of sabotaging my dreams and efforts because of fears and old beliefs about unworthiness. Not only did my mind kick into all the reasons why what I wanted was impossible or too difficult, I also created overwhelm so I wouldn’t have to do anything! Or, I was saying I wanted something half-heartedly and without being fully committed. One foot foot out.

Sound familiar?

I realized I was sending mixed messages to the Universe by holding myself back and hiding out from fully showing up to Life.   I was creating drama and suffering by scaring myself out of Life.

Yes, I want this but….

No more

I chose to be done with “yes, but” and faced my resistance head on.

Guess what happened?

Doors opened.

Miracles happened.

Grace poured in with tons of love and abundance.

It’s been very cool…

Now I live more in wonder and curiosity.  I am not willing to allow my mind to keep me from the good stuff.

How about you?

When you want something do you really go for it?  Or do you use these reasons and excuses to rationalize why something is impossible before taking one step to find out whether it is true?

  • It’s too hard
  • I can’t afford it
  • I don’t have the time/it’s not the right time
  • I’m not smart enough/good enough
  • It’s too scary
  • It’s not possible because…
  • I don’t deserve it

Yeah, but….

Yeah, but….

It is important it is to be clear on what you really, really want. Too often we get caught up in what we think we should want or someone else’s dream.

Exercise: What Do You Really Want?

Take some time for contemplation and self-reflection and write your responses to:

1. What is one thing you really, really want?  Feel into your heart’s longing and passion.

2. What makes what you want so important? What will you get from having what you really want?

3. What will that add to your life that you don’t have now? (How will that change your life?)

4. Is this the right time? Do you have room in your life to receive what you want?

5. Do you have want you need ? (Systems, circle of support, space…?)

Now stop. Breathe. Feel into having what you really want. Notice your thoughts, emotions,  and body sensations.

Does your body feel expansive or constricted?

Play with Resistance

What resistance comes up when you begin to dream about what you want?

What favorite dramas, excuses and reasons do you use to tell yourself no to having what  you want?

What is one thing you will do to stretch out of your emotional “no” box?

It might be something that scares you that you know in your heart is a step you MUST take. You might need an accountability partner, coach, or group to help you move and keep moving.

As long as you keep using the same old blah, blah, blah  story and excuses, you will not move forward.

The truth is you don’t know for sure what is possible or what you might be capable of now if you don’t take that first step and the next. Your past does not dictate what your present and future will be. Neither does your current circumstances unless you believe that things will not improve. AND you do not know what God is creating for you to bring you higher.

You are either being led by fear and suffering or faith and trust.

When I want something badly enough and feel that intuitive guidance to take action, I can still get caught up in some resistance. That a signal for me to stop, take a few deep breaths, bring myself back into the present moment, and connect with God.

Within a short time, sometimes a few seconds or minutes, I can feel the heaviness lift, my mind clears, and I feel more connected inside.  Doing the inner work has shown me how to shift from inner chaos to a calm inner center.

When you want something badly enough you have to be willing to put consistent energy into following through. You must be willing to do whatever it takes to have what you are yearning for.

You must be willing to see life though a different lens; one that shows you that perceived obstacles are stepping stones and pathways to your dreams.

You have to be willing to ask for what you want, be vulnerable, look and feel silly, make mistakes, or feel scared to create the life of your dreams. It also takes commitment, passion, and tenacity to persevere.

And you must be willing to challenge and let go of the thought patterns and beliefs generated by your EGO that keep you separated from the deeper truth of who you really are.

Life is a journey of faith, trust, and courage to boldly go where you have never dared to go before when you know in your heart you must take that next step.

If you have a quick “impossibility’ response and you allow “no” beliefs to rule your life, you will continue to miss windows of opportunities that may end up as regrets.

The real question is, “How badly do you want something and what are you willing to do or be to have it?”

Life is meant to be lived not observed.

Don’t believe everything you think!

The story you tell is the story you live….

PS: My Soul Circle group is forming for April. Have the support of kindred spirits to neutralize “Yes, but”  to start living a rich and vital life. Learn more



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6 Responses to “Are You A Yes Butter….? How To Neutralize Resistance And Live A Rich Life”

  1. On March 21, 2020 at 10:53 am Carolyn Jeanne Mair responded with... #

    Thank you so much for the clarity and truth you provide! I am on an airplane meditating and praying for guidance. The I was drawn to read your article and I paid attention!
    In this moment I realized that I was Divinely guided.
    Each part of your message deeply resonates with me and I am setting an intention that feels sacred! Thank you, thank you!!!
    So Much Gratitude to you,
    Carolyn Jeanne Mair

    • On March 21, 2020 at 11:16 am Lorraine responded with... #

      Dear Carolyn,
      Your comment made me smile. Thank you for reading my article and posting! Yes, pay attention to your Divine guidance, now more than ever. This is the new way of living/being in this Golden Age. Soul leads, head follows. Love and blessings to you, Lorraine

  2. On March 21, 2020 at 2:02 pm Laura Turner Lynch responded with... #

    Thank you Lorraine for the many good points that you presented here.

    The Law of Attraction is not always easy. You gave your readers concrete ideas and steps on how to work with the timeless law.

    Peace, LTL

    • On March 21, 2020 at 3:44 pm Lorraine responded with... #

      Thank you for adding your thoughts Laura. LOA is one of many spiritual laws and all are influence our lives. We are learning how to flow with them rather than against them. Blessings, Lorraine

  3. On March 21, 2020 at 7:33 pm Mirra SB responded with... #

    I cannot bear to read a lot of wordy stuff, same ol’ same ol’. You on the other hand write so simply and concisely. I don’t feel my head is reading it but my heart. Thank you for your efforts. I am sure your efforts are blessing you.

    • On March 21, 2020 at 7:42 pm Lorraine responded with... #

      Thank you for sharing your thoughts Mirra! I know my articles tend to run long and that’s how the words flow when I feel inspired. I’m so glad you felt a heart connection while reading. That’s my desire. May your life be filled with love and Grace. :D

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